How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

By Stereoscopy Blog

Today, June 21st 2024, is the 3rd International Stereoscopy Day, 186 years since inventor Sir Charles Wheatstone first presented his mirror stereoscope and theory of binocular vision to the world. To celebrate, I’d thought I’d invite everyone to try and take their own stereoscopic 3-D photos with almost any camera by giving a brief overview tutorial.

Fig. 1: June 21st every year is International Stereoscopy Day.

What is a Stereoscopic 3-D Photo?

With binocular vision, each eye sees the world from a slightly different perspective due to the distance between them. If you hold your hand in front you, and close each eye separately, you’ll see the shift in perspective of your hand, and the difference in the visible background behind it. The brain analyses the subtle differences from each eye’s input, interprets them in terms of depth, and combines them into one 3-D image. Stereoscopic 3-D photos are based on this same principle, recreating what your eyes are doing. I’ve previously written an introduction to stereoscopy and several of its applications here.

Fig. 2: A stereoscopic photograph, captured with a smartphone. If you compare the left and right halves, you can see the differences in perspectives, especially with the cathedral in relation to the statue (parallel-view).
Fig. 3: The View-Master was how many people were introduced to stereoscopic photography, often without even realising. They were manufactured from the late 1930s, and for many decades afterwards. In 2015, there was even with an attempt at the VR market.

There are different techniques available to capture stereoscopic 3-D photos, relying on a left-hand image and a right-hand image taken from two slightly different perspectives, so you can present each photo to each eye separately and see the 3-D image. If you cannot see in 3-D, which is not uncommon, you can also present the two images by quickly switching between them, almost like a flipbook, as a way of perceiving the differences in depth between them.

Single-Lens Camera 3-D Photos

If you have a single-lens camera, such as your phone, a DSLR, or a 120 camera, you can take a left-hand image, move the camera to the right, and take a right-hand image. You can find a full tutorial here.

There are a few tips to help take good quality 3-D photos from sequential images:
• Check your subject: Make sure the scene has different layers of depth, try to keep it in the centre, and check for anything that is in front of it which may disturb the 3-D effect.
• Try to make the 3-D depth comfortable: A general guide is to slide the camera from left to right 1/30th of the distance it is from the subject. Move it too little, and there won’t be much depth, move it too much, and the depth can be too much, exaggerating and distorting the subject, or the brain not being able to fuse the images. (I personally tend to exaggerate though!)
• Try and use a large depth of field, so all the different layers of depth are in focus.
• Keep the camera level for both shots.
• Try to make sure there isn’t movement between photos: if you’re taking a portrait, ask the model to hold still. If you’re on a busy street, the movement behind might be distracting and affect the fusing of the photos.
• Keep the camera settings the same for both shots.

Explanations with examples for each tip can be found here. You can also read about Sroyon’s own first experiences with taking sequential 3-D photos here.

Fig. 4: A micro four thirds camera attached to a macro rail, which keeps the camera level when taking the left and right images for a stereoscopic 3-D photograph. The rail also has a ruler, which helps to precisely move the camera a certain distance between photos. This method also works well with phone tripod mounts.

Mirror attachments are available for single-lens cameras, often called beam-splitters, which will allow you to take the left and right photos simultaneously. They were usually made for specific film and digital cameras, so it’s worth checking which they fit before purchasing. You can also still find some being made for mobile phones. They work by splitting a single photo frame into two halves using mirrors. I personally have had mixed results, including from the quality of the images, the depth, and the tendency of the mirrors to cause distracting reflections.

Fig. 5: Various mirror attachments, or beam-splitters, including a clip-on one for a smartphone. These enable a single-lens camera to take an instantaneous stereo-photo.

I’m going to cheat a little and mention a very recent development, which is the ability of the iPhone 15 Pros to be used as stereoscopic video and still cameras via their Spatial Video capture. A step-by-step guide can be found here.

Fig. 6: An iPhone 15 Pro, displaying a stereoscopic image taken using its Spatial Video capture. The images can be viewed immediately on the phone, shown here using a London Stereoscopic Company’s OWL VR Kit.

Twin-Lens Camera 3-D Photos

Whilst you don’t need to purchase a special camera to make 3-D photos, twin-lens, or binocular, stereoscopic cameras are available in both digital and analogue forms. Some are also still being manufactured today, albeit not with a great amount of choice. These binocular cameras have a fixed distance between their two lenses, which fire simultaneously, allowing for instantaneous stereoscopic photography.

The fixed separation between the lenses means you need to be a certain distance away from the subject for a good 3-D effect; if you’re strict with the 1/30th rule, which is a general rule of thumb for good 3-D depth, a lens separation of 7cm, for example, would work best with a distance of 2.1m from the subject. However, this is down to personal preference for the end result, and also how you intend to share the images. If you’re enlarging them through projection, then exaggerated depth may cause a headache as your brain finds it difficult to fuse them, and the 1/30th rule is a useful guide to help. If you’re sharing them as ‘standard format’ stereocards (see below for more details), then you don’t need to be so strict as they’re easier for your brain to fuse.

There was a real boom of stereoscopic film cameras in the 1950s, and you can still easily find them second-hand today, with differing prices. The most popular was the 35mm Stereo Realist camera, and one of my personal favourite 35mms is the Iloca Stereograms (also called the Stereo Rapid), which is so much easier to wind on, and produces great results.

Fig. 7: Stereoscopic 35mm film cameras, including a Stereo Realist, a Loreo Photokit 3D, an Iloca Stereograms and a FED Stereo.

One of the most readily available second-hand 120 stereo cameras is the Sputnik, which, whilst being quite primitive, can produce great results, but can suffer from light-leaks due to its Bakelite casing. Currently still being manufactured is the Minuta Stereo Pinhole camera (which can also be adapted to 35mm), which is on-trend as stereoscopic pinhole photography has recently been covered by Sroyon at 35mmc and Nick at Pinholica.

Fig. 8: Stereoscopic 120 film cameras, including a Minuta Stereo Pinhole, an ISO Duplex, a Sputnik, and a Holga Stereo Pinhole.

Around 2009, there was a surge in popularity of stereoscopic photography with the release of the 3-D Avatar film, which brought with it some great digital stereo cameras. The FujiFilm FinePix Real 3D W1 and W3s had twin lenses and lenticular screens, allowing you to see the images in 3-D immediately without glasses. You can still find these second-hand, and they hold their value well, reflecting their continued popularity. Currently available is the Kandao QooCam EGO digital stereo camera, which has a clip-on viewer, similar to the View-Master, which also allows images and videos to be seen immediately in 3-D. Acer are releasing a new stereoscopic camera later this year, the SpatialLabs Eyes.

Fig. 9: Digital stereoscopic cameras, including a Kandao QooCam EGO, a DXG-018, a FujiFilm FinePix Real 3D W3 and not exactly a binocular camera, but two GoPros with a stereoscopic attachment and housing.

I’ve shared quite a few examples of different stereoscopic/single lens cameras and the resulting photos from them here.

How to See, Present and Share 3-D Photos

Taking 3-D photos, perhaps surprisingly, is often the quick and easy part; it can, however, be a faff sharing your images in 3-D and is unfortunately the bit which puts most people off. First, let’s look at how to view the images in 3-D.

I mentioned before, you present each image to each eye separately, and the brain fuses them into a single 3-D image. How you present them to each eye can be down to personal preference, as well as how and if you want to share them more widely.

Fig. 10: A standard-format parallel-view Victorian stereoview. The cardboard mount is 7 x 3.5 inches (17.78 x 8.89cm), and each photographic print half on this card is 2.75 x 2.95 inches (7 x 7.5cm), which can vary slightly.

The most common format for 3-D photographs, especially ones from the 19th Century, is as parallel-view side-by-side images. In plain terms, the left eye image is on the left, and the right eye image is on the right. You can try to learn to free-view the images, similar to how ‘Magic Eye’ images were viewed in the 1990s, which this guide might help with. You can also use a viewer to help, such as the London Stereoscopic Company’s OWL viewers, or second-hand 19th Century stereoscopes. These viewers work with standard-format stereocards, which are 7 inches (17.78cm) wide and 3.5 inches (8.89cm) high, whilst the LSC’s OWL viewers can also be used with smartphones.

Fig. 11: A London Stereoscopic Company OWL Viewer, and a 19th Century Holmes-Bates-style stereoscope, both with standard-format stereoviews.

One of the most important considerations with standard-format parallel-view stereoscopic images is the average distance between the human eyes (pupillary distance), which is around 6.3cm, but this varies from person to person. Whilst the printed images can be slightly smaller than the distance between the eyes and still be viewable in 3-D, if you print them much larger, it becomes impossible for the eyes to diverge out to see them, let alone for the brain to fuse them. Keeping this in mind, each stereo half wants to be around 2.5 inches (6.5cm) wide, with a small gap in the middle, but even that is debatable and down to personal preference.

If you’re using slide film, special mounts and viewers can be purchased, depending on the size of the frames. You can find a guide in this post about getting started in stereoscopic film photography.

Fig. 12: Cutting, aligning, and mounting stereo photographs, which were taken on slide film using a 35mm stereoscopic camera.

One of my favourite discoveries was using an Instax mini camera to take the left and right images for stereo photos, and finding the size of the prints is great to be able to put them side-by-side and see them in 3-D. I don’t own an Instax Square camera, but the prints look to be a good size to work with too.

Fig. 13: A stereoscopic 3-D photograph taken using an Instax Mini camera by carefully sliding it across a shelf to take the left and right images. A drawback is not being able to align the images afterwards as you can easily do with digital files.

I’ve also made contact prints from 120 and full-frame 35mm negatives, which can be nice formats to view in 3-D. If it’s from a binocular camera, however, you just need to swap the images over if you’re using them in parallel-view. I’ve also made enlargements from negatives and trimmed them afterwards to the right format for viewing.

Fig. 14: Contact print from 120 negatives from a Sputnik stereo camera. Note the images haven’t been transposed and is therefore cross-view.
Fig. 15: Enlarged prints from 120 negatives from a Sputnik stereo camera, using a Victorian mount. The images have been transposed and is therefore parallel-view.
Fig. 16: Contact cyanotype print made from 35mm negatives from a Nikon AF L25. Photos were taken sequentially and is a parallel-view.

There are also special stereoscopes which make it possible to see larger-format parallel-view 3-D images, and they usually use prisms or mirrors. You can find some examples listed here.

Another method, which will allow for much larger images, is to make the 3-D photos into cross-view images. This is where the left-eye image is on the right, and the right-eye image is on the left, and the person viewing them goes cross-eyed to see them in 3-D. Some people find this easier than trying to free-view parallel 3-D images and it doesn’t require special glasses.

Fig. 17: A stereoscopic photograph in the cross-view format, where the left eye image is on the right and the right-eye image is on the left. If you compare it to the parallel-view version in Fig. 2, you should be able to see the background receding in this one when viewed cross-eyed, and the background coming unnaturally out in Fig. 2 when cross-viewed.

A different method to see 3-D images, which many people are familiar with thanks to comic books, Harry Potter and Dr. Who, is the anaglyph format. The images are filtered through red and cyan glasses, enabling them to be seen in 3-D. I’ve written a step-by-step tutorial for how to do this with Photoshop, and apps are available which can do this automatically, which I will mention below. This method also allows the images to be shared in any size, but a big drawback is the colour filtering distorts the original colours of the images; the glasses, however, look cool.

Fig. 18: A red and cyan anaglyph format stereo image taken sequentially. Due to the movement of the camera being more than 1/30th of the distance from the statue, the depth is exaggerated, and in this format, it may hurt the eyes a little. Tip: With anaglyph glasses, the red lens should be on the left eye.

To create an animation, which will allow the images to be viewed with a 3-D-effect without relying on two eyes or glasses, a ‘wiggle GIF’ can be made. I’ve written a tutorial for Photoshop here, and I’ll also mention some apps which can do this automatically below.

Fig. 19: A gif animation, quickly flipping between the two photos to create the illusion of depth like a flip-book.

On smartphones, whether the images were taken by the phone itself, or you’ve scanned and/or imported them into it, I highly recommend the inexpensive apps i3DSteroid for iPhones and 3DSteroid Pro for Android. They can automatically align the images, as well as offering manual adjustments. You can also choose the output format, such as parallel-view, cross-view, anaglyph or wiggle, allowing them to be viewed directly on your phone, with or without glasses, shared on social media, or exported for use elsewhere. I’ve written step-by-step guides for each of these apps, which can be found here for iPhones, and here for Android.

Specifically for the iPhone 15 Pros and their Spatial Video capture, I recommend the Spatialify app, which also offers different output formats.

For photos imported into Macs and PCs, I recommend the free software StereoPhoto Maker, which offers everything the smartphone apps do, and more. I’ve written a step-by-step guide to using it here.

Fig. 20: Kitty enjoying Stereoscopy Day with her own View-Master. Sequential parallel-view stereo photo.

I hope you’ve found this overview useful and feel capable of being able to take and view your own 3-D photos, regardless of which camera you have. I’d also love to see your results, which you’re encouraged to share on social media on Stereoscopy Day using the hashtag #stereoscopyday and please feel free to stop by the Stereoscopy Blog to say hello, give feedback or if you have any questions.

Happy #StereoscopyDay


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By Stereoscopy Blog
Stereoscopic 3-D nerd.
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Gaetano Aiello on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Very interesting and complete exploration.

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Stereoscopy Blog replied:

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Thank you so much for the kind feedback Gaetano. Rebecca


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Neal A Wellons on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

I am blown away by the stereo cameras and viewers you have presented and the whole article was fascinating. I have shot some with a TDC Stereo Camera and just got a Holga 3D Stereo camera. It is so much fun, especially since I learned to free-view. That made viewing of of your parallel images easy. Free view makes them jump into stereo without even thinking about it.

Thanks to this article, there likely will be many more stereo shooters. Great work.

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Stereoscopy Blog replied:

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Thank you so much for the kind feedback Nael, it's always great to connect with other enthusiasts. More stereo shooters capturing the world around them so they and others can step into it would be amazing. Is your TDC a Stereo Vivid? I bought a very well used one, and the winding-on sound it makes is bliss! It seems to work best with lots of light (not so great in Britain!) but it took some fantastic photos in Lisbon. I know they made Colorists too, but I've not had the chance to try one. Rebecca


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Michael Zwicky-Ross on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Thank you for the very detailed tutorial. I must look out my Fuji 3D camera again. I always wanted to get hold of one of their lenticular photo frames to display my attempts on but never got around to it.

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Stereoscopy Blog replied:

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Thank you so much Michael for taking the time to leave a nice comment. I also would love one of those V3 frames and I did see one for sale about two years ago, but the price was so incredible that I couldn't afford it. I've never actually seen one in use, so I'd be really interested to hear from anyone who has tried them. Rebecca


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Nathan on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Incredible! What a thorough guide and history. Definitely bookmarking this for the future when I need something fun and new to try.

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Stereoscopy Blog replied:

Comment posted: 21/06/2024

Thank you Nathan for the kind feedback. It's most definitely fun and is totally immersive (massive pun intended). Rebecca


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Tony Warren on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 22/06/2024

Hi there. Gosh you are into it aren't you. It is an engrossing branch of photography and once experienced it becomes clear how popular it became in late Victorian times and on. I made myself a viewer and mounted side-by-side images on cards, Victorian style, which works well. I also played with .gifs which also work quite well. I will add a one shot post of one. My own technique with a single lens camera and which your tutorials may cover of course is to take one shot with my weight on my left foot and a secend after shifting my weight to my right. It seems to give just enough deflection to be effective.

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Stereoscopy Blog replied:

Comment posted: 22/06/2024

Hello Tony, thank you for taking the time to leave such lovely feedback. Yes, I am a little bit into it and it sounds like you are too. I'd use the 'it's so immersive' pun, but I've overused it. I look forward to seeing your post. It really must have blown the Victorians' minds when they could travel the world in 3-D, and now stepping back into their moments with the element of time travel blows my tiny mind. The technique you mention really works very well. It's affectionately called the 'Cha-cha' technique, and it does get you some funny looks when you're in a public place taking 3-D photos. It's all part of the fun though! Rebecca


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Tony Warren replied:

Comment posted: 22/06/2024

Not heard it called the cha-cha but very apt. Afraid I get caught up in different things and then they get occasional use when the mood takes me. I have been totally hooked on photography of all and any sort for 70 years at present count so I think I have tried most things with my feet on dry land, plus a little aerial. currently pre-occupied with sub-miniature. Really enjoyed this piece though and I may well do some more. Regards, Tony.


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Jeffery Luhn on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 23/06/2024

Wow, you wrote a great article!!! My grandfather shot with a Realist on a trip to Europe in the early 60s and I spent endless happy hours viewing those images as a kid. In college we did free viewing in class, and despite the headaches, I was fascinated. A few years ago I bought a Loreo, but was not happy with it. I'll re-read your article and see if I can find a product I like. THANK YOU FOR A GREAT ARTICLE!!!

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Ben on How to Take a 3-D Photo with Almost Any Camera

Comment posted: 23/06/2024

Fascinating article, looks like I need to grab an OWL viewer or two for some 19th century images displayed in a (very) small museum where I volunteer.

As as modern yet obsolete way of making stereo images, have you seen the defunct Red Hydrogen One? ( It was a commercial flop and was on the market only a short time. They're still available at some auction sites. While vertical images are stored in a proprietary format, horizontals are simply two JPEGs mashed into one file. Except for anaglyphs, I haven't found a handy way to share stereoscopic images on-line.

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