5 Frames with Flic Film Aurora 800, Konica Hexar RF, and Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.2.

By Eric

I was looking for color film stocks I had not tried before at my local camera shop and purchased a couple of rolls of Flic Film Aurora 800. I had never heard of the company. I usually look up sample images before purchasing a new film, but this time I decided not to. Decided on letting myself be surprised.

The camera

Konica Hexar RF. A solid exposure camera. Key for the intended use case. Low light pics. Wanted to give the film the best chance to shine. The lens.

Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.2. Chosen for it bright aperture and sharpness. Again, to give the film the best chance to shine. As usual, developed at home with Cinestill CS41. These 5 images (Posted all test images on my blog.) were taken one recent evening before my rehearsal where I stopped through a local downtown area. Here are my favorites from the roll below with some thoughts after.


I like this film. A lot. Nice colors. Muted and not outlandish. Sharp and the shadows do not fall apart. It will be added to my 800 speed color film rotation. The only “issue” is that it is a bit spendy at its current price. It is a fair price for an 800 speed film, but I will likely look to more affordable slower options like Fujilm 400 first.

As far as the camera and film go I could not be happier with them both. As I have blathered on about in my blog space I am first and foremost a fan of the rangefinder experience. With full frame digital there in only one game in town, Leicaok two with the new Pixii full frame camera… but once I reach a certain price threshold I am leaning towards a used digital Leica M instead. And that is exactly what I did. Personal preference. But with film I wanted something in the neighborhood of an M6 but given their entry price new or used decided to try this Konica Hexar RF first. And I am glad I did. A couple of years on now and it has been fantastic. I do not entertain this is better than that rabbot holes, so kudos to those who chose the M6 route. A fantastic camera. But I am good.

Same goes for the lens. I could not ask fro a better performing piece of glass. I traded three distinct lenses to acquire this lens and I do not miss any of the three I traded at all.

But back to the primary topic of this post. Flic Film Aurora 800. A great film and I will be using it again. Well done Flic Film.

I appreciate having this opportunity to share my experiences with this film. Eric L. Woods I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me. If you are so inclined my blog address is ewoodsphoto.com and I can be found on threads and Instagram. All the best to you.

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About The Author

By Eric
I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me.
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Gary Smith on 5 Frames with Flic Film Aurora 800, Konica Hexar RF, and Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.2.

Comment posted: 01/03/2025

Thanks for your review of a film I've never heard of. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to my use of film - I don't shoot that much and I like to be within my comfort range. I only recently began developing, scanning and inverting color negatives and while I've gotten some good results, I may need to shoot some alternative film as the Fuji didn't float my boat.

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 01/03/2025

Thank you Gary. Your kind words are appreciated. I do rather like this film. I ran through another roll of it just yesterday. https://ewoodsphoto.com/2025/03/01/this-old-camera-lens-again-minolta-x-700-50mm-rokkor-f-1-7/ I hope you have fun with it as well.


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