5 Frames with a Hasselblad 501 C – ZEISS 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Gold 200 – By Eric L. Woods

By Eric

Quite a few years ago a kind co-worker basically gave me this Hasselblad 501c at the price I paid. And from the first roll I was hooked.

From my first roll of film through the 501c. Photo of my dearly departed Father (taken) taken at the family homestead in rural NC while he and other men in the family discussed current events.

I heard someone say in a video recently that the process of taking the photo was his favorite part of photography. This is a camera well suited to that way of thinking. Of course it is not alone in this. The same can be said for other, more affordable options like my Yashica MAT LM. But the Hasselblad is a nice way to go. Everything is intentional. For me some concentration is required. To load the film. The metering. The focusing and framing, especially when I need to reorient myself to the reversed image where left is right and right is left. I did score an eye level finder to address this but I never use it. Framing through the waist level finder is a key part of the process for me. And I always enjoy the resulting images as well.

What got me out this day was an Instagram post by Hamish.

In the comments he asked if I had tried a Makina 67. I have not. Would love to, but I have yet to cross paths with one in the wild and they are a bit too precious for me to buy currently. Largely because I swore off of my Pokemon got to catch them all antics of the past. There was a point where I had a herd of medium format and 35mm film cameras. Then I had the great culling where I kept my favorites to use and those worth more to me than I would get for them. Still too many. As evidenced by a camera used in a 35mmc post. But a little more manageable too many. Back to the task at hand. After the exchange I was inspired to take the 501c for a walk to kill off a roll of film. Developed at home that night with Cinestill CS41. All 12 came out but here are 5 of my favorites.

That about wraps things up. A bit of analog therapy inspired by Hamish.

Eric L. Woods

I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me. If you are so inclined my blog address is ewoodsphoto.com and I can be found on Threads and Instagram. All the best to you.

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About The Author

By Eric
I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me.
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Gary Smith on 5 Frames with a Hasselblad 501 C – ZEISS 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Gold 200 – By Eric L. Woods

Comment posted: 01/09/2024

Hi Eric! You're certainly correct about the going price for one of those. Possibly (like Hamish) nobody really wants to sell one. Nice images, I like the one you took of your father and his buddies. A Hassy was always on my "lusts for" list however I suspect it would be as heavy as the Mamiya 645 that I have and so far I'm not set up to develop/scan 120 color (and since setting up to develop/scan b&w 135, I'm not sending film out these days). Thanks for your article!

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 01/09/2024

Hello Gary. Mamiya 645 cameras are awesome. The Hasselblad fell into my lap. I started developing color and B&W fir fun, but have since been hooked by the savings on processing. Thank you for your kind words.


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Geoff Chaplin on 5 Frames with a Hasselblad 501 C – ZEISS 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Gold 200 – By Eric L. Woods

Comment posted: 02/09/2024

"Lucky Strike" is a great photo - and would work just as well in B&W I think. Colour images have that Zeiss feel and work very well too. Let's see more!

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 02/09/2024

Thank you Geoff. Here is a full gallery of images taken with the camera: https://www.flickr.com/gp/ericlwoods/37i9nz0vGn


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RD on 5 Frames with a Hasselblad 501 C – ZEISS 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Gold 200 – By Eric L. Woods

Comment posted: 02/09/2024

sweet shot - especially the 2002 BMW

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 02/09/2024

Thank you RD.


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