I desided to write an “Whole Roll” Post. Why? Because my wife allowed it. She’s almost on every roll of film I shoot so I of course need her permission to publish those photos. I often load my camera (this time the x-700) at the breakfast table and I reserve the first few frames for my daughter and wife, although I often struggle with their resistance.
So, in the Summer of 21 I bought my first SLR. A Minolta x-300 with a MD 50mm f/1.7. Despite being not a Rokkor Version it is awesome. Finding focus is easy with this lens. Somewhat later I added a Minolta x-700 to the collection. I found it on ebay for 30€ aaaaand I couldn’t resist. The camera was in pretty neat condition and was basically ready to go. Even the light seals looked fairly nice. A Tokina 28mm – 70mm Zoom lens was included… all in all it was quite a steal.
The Camera – Minolta x-700
I will just tell you some key facts about this camera. The Minolta x-700 is an aperture priority, lightweight camera made of plastic. Nevertheless, it feels of high quality. The camera fits comfortably in your hand. Reasons for that are the “leather” or “leatherette” which feels quite nice. There’s a grip on the front and a grip on the backdoor where your thump will automatically find its place. Shutter speeds go from Bulb and 1/1 up to 1/1000 of a second. You can set the ISO up to 1600 and may choose -2 to +2 stops exposure compensation. For example set the ISO to 1600 and set exposure compensation to -1 to reach an effective ISO of 3200.
Though you have a on/off switch the light metering will only start if you place your finger on the shutter release button. You don’t have to half press it. Just lay down your trigger finger gently on the button. Alternatively you can press the exposure lock button to see the recommended shutter speed.
Another great thing with the x-700 and also the x-300 is the AE-Lock Button. It’s perfectly placed on the front of the camera as a “vertical” switch/button combination. If you pull it up (switch), you activate the self timer. If you push it down (button), you activate AE-Lock. You intuitively use your middle finger to do that.
Short Detour
What i don’t understand is why Minolta did the following: On the x-300, in auto mode, the suggested shutter speed is indicated by a continuously glowing LED in the viewfinder. If you now switch to Manual Mode by turning the wheel to let’s say 125th of a second, this shutter speed is indicated with a blinking LED in the viewfinder. So the suggested speed is glowing and your chosen speed is blinking. Nice thing this is! The x-700 does not have this feature. if you look thru your viewfinder you will see the suggested Shutter speed. No matter what manual shutter speed you choose. At least there is a glowing “M”, telling you, you’re in Manual Mode. So you always have to take the camera from your eyes and check the shutter speed. That’s a bit silly, but not a problem… I think?
The Lens
I’m using MD-III Version of the lens. I’m totally satisfied with the results. I have two fifty-ish Minolta Lenses. The MC 58mm f/1.4, which I’m more likely to use when I need a super nice and dreamy bokeh and soft colors (See some Photos on 35mmc here) and the MD 50mm f/1.7 which gives me some more saturated colors and more contrast. This is just my opinion.
If you want some detailed information of the lens and more of a experts view, you are welcome to visit: http://www.artaphot.ch/minolta-sr/objektive/156-minolta-50mm-f17 (note: this is an ‘not secure’ website, so your browser might not like it)
The Subject
We went to our favourite shoe store for kids because my daughter needed some new kicks. In the neighbourhood, theres the ecumenical church “Maria Magdalena” build in the “brutalist architecture style”. In this style of architecture there are a lot of sharp edges, geometric shapes and non painted concrete. Together with a lot of glass this church got a clean and modern look which I absolutely adore.
The Photos
This Roll does not feature any photos of the church itself but of some details. But I will add some older shots that I made, so you can make up your own mind about the look of the building.

For me one of the better shots of the roll. I love the tones, the drops on the steel and the motive.

Additional Shots
Another Roll of HP5 shot in last summer.

I have to say that buying a 24 exposure roll was an oversight, but the number of images was quite enough, in fact it was pleasantly sufficient.
Thanks for reading guys! If you want to see more of my pictures, please visit my instagram at finding_the_view
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Marco Debiasi on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
The reason it does not have the double indication of suggested (steady led light) and selected (blinking led light) in manual mode is that the X-700 is an older camera preceding the X-300 by a few years. The circuitry of the X-700 is still semi-digital and includes some analog components (e.g. potentiometers). With the successive X-500 and the following cameras (the X-300 is a simplified version of the X-500) Minolta went fully digital which I think made simpler to implement some more complex functions. In fact a limited number of X-600 were made which are essentially a derivative of the X-500/X-300 with focus assist confirmation in the viewfinder via arrows that indicated the direction to turn the manually focused lens and a green light that indicated the reaching of the sharpest focus. For this task the X-600 was equipped with a Honeywell (if I correctly remember) phase-detect focus system essentially similar to the one later used in the groundbreaking Minolta 7000 AF camera. So, under their hood, the X-500 and X-300 pioneered some of the digital circuitry technology required for the development of AF SRLs.
Have a nice light. Marco
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Justin Midwest on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Kurt Ingham on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Kurt Ingham on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
DeeDee Yelverton on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Comment posted: 02/09/2022
Jens Knappe on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 03/09/2022
So auch die X-700.
Diese Touch - Down - Auslöser hatte kein anderer Hersteller. Der Strom fließt nur dann, wenn man den Auslöser berührt und schaltet sich nach einigen Sekunden wieder von alleine ab.
Vom Design her war die X-700 viel moderner und chicer als die XD-Kameras. Jedenfalls für meinen Geschmack.
Wenn ich mal statt der SR-T eine schnelle Kamera brauche oder eine Blitzautomatik, dann nehme ich die X-500 oder die X-700.
Das Rokkor 50mm f1.7 nehme ich auch gerne auf der X-700. Sehr zuverlässiges Objektiv. Liefert immer gute Ergebnisse, sogar bei offener Blende
Comment posted: 03/09/2022
Khürt L Williams on The Whole Roll – 24 exp. HP5+, Minolta x-700, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 – By Robert Kapp
Comment posted: 05/09/2022
Comment posted: 05/09/2022