This is the first of the last three posts containing the Leica competition entries. As many people keep reminding me, I have one hell of a task ahead of me picking the final ten. I’d really like to hear from anyone who has any thoughts on their favourites!
Penkova Valentina
The photo was taken on a Yashica j-mini, one which I have now learnt was given to my brother by my grandma back in Moscow. I found it in a drawer in our old apartment around 10 yrs later and it’s been by my side ever since. People have told me it’s a pretty crap camera (I think they go for about $5), but I like its limitations. The photo I am submitting is entitled “Twisted Tokyo” and was taken on Ilford Super 400 in Tokyo (in one of the tall observation buildings). It was my first time visiting Tokyo, and I was quite overwhelmed by the size, noise and energy of the city. I had heard about it, and had experienced and lived in cities of similar size and population, but Tokyo just blew my mind. The photo reflects how I was thrown off and overwhelmed by the city, and also highlights it’s size and density when juxtaposed against the clear vast sky and the smooth coldness of the building.
Photo above
Amanda Raney
This photo was taken with a Canon Sure Shot Supreme, which was purchased from a yard sale for $1.50 in 2011. My mom actually saw it and picked it up for me in case it was a camera I might be interested in, along with a Polaroid SX-70 for an additional $1.50. The film I used for this photo was some cheap Fujicolor 200 that I bought from a super market on clearance, so I imagine I only paid $2 for it.
I call this photo of my niece: “Anna Marie and the Coon Skin Hat of Infinite Lives.” We were playing a game where the person wearing this fake raccoon skin hat would be invincible. The hat’s magical powers were her idea, of course. I love the photo because it very much captures my niece’s essence. I also love it because the Sure Shot Supreme’s lens produced such a creamy bokeh. Not bad for $1.50, eh?

my photo was taken with a Yashica J-Mini given to me by my father, who bought it new several decades ago. Not a great investment, as they seem to go for about a dollar or two on ebay. Nonetheless, it’s surprisingly decent, and with fresh batteries it worked just fine.
I was happy with how the camera handled the difficult shooting conditions; with no control over exposure, snow is hard to get right, but the J-Mini did a decent job, and the vignetting actually helped a bit. I shot the picture on HP5+ and developed it in Caffenol, a homemade developer based on instant coffee and a few other household ingredients.

Łukasz Furczyk
This photo was taken on Canon Prima Mini II. It’s my journey camera, I have it always in my pocket. I bought it in online auction for 4 euro. For this photography I use Kodak Color Plus 200 (2,5euro) Developed and scanned in my local lab for 3 euro.

William Vink
Getting too close to the end of the moth so thought I better send through an entry!
I think I might be close to the cheapest camera – a Canon AF35ML – 100¥ from Japan
I’ve chosen a photo from a roll of expired Ektachrome from 1986. I picked up 30 rolls for $50 at the end of last year! It has a purple colour cast to it which comes out in the shadows.
Not sure how this lady gets her keyboard out on her walker, she is an amazing pianist though!

Laurent Bichaud
Taken last Saturday in Paris, with a Konica Z-up 115 E (bought 5 euros on ebay 2 weeks ago), on a TMAX 400 (I first loaded an expired Portra 160 but the result was too bad), this is a picture of the 2015 Chinese New Year Parade. Scanned with a V700 Epson.

Roel Olay
This was a fun and quite challenging competition. The family just celebrated Tết, the Vietnamese New Year. This photo is of the family shrine along with my sons’ áo dài, their Vietnamese national costume, folded beside the offering.
The photo was taken on an Olympus Stylus Zoom 140 DLX 35mm Camera, which I picked up for $10CAD at the local Goodwill store. I used Kodak GC 400 film and it was C41 processed. I have also included pictures of the camera itself as well as one showing both the photo and the camera.

Ashlin Wang
So I spent a good two weeks looking fora point and shoot, bought one from the the flea market and it didn’t work (The AAA batteries costed more than the camera) So I asked around at school and finally got hold of a fuji DL-120 a fixed lens point and shoot. I double checked ebay sold prices to make sure it would qualify, popped in a roll of Ilford HP5 two days ago and shot, *hoping* that it would work. I just processed and scanned today. Hopefully my emotions have not influenced my shot choice… it was a tough choice and wouldn’t mind showing the ones my decision was competing against after the competition.
Fuji dl-120 retail between 3-10 dollars
Ilford hp-5 4.50
Self processing 2.50?
Scan free

Aaron Apsey
I took this photo with a 35mm, FujiFilm disposable that I bought at a drugstore. My girlfriend and I were on a train trip to Reno, NV from Michigan. This was somewhere around Colorado, though I don’t remember exactly where. it was developed and scanned at a Meijer in my area, they have since done away with their one-hour processing service. I’ve always been a sucker for the blue tones that I get with disposables, so I didn’t touch the color at all. I fooled with exposure and contrast for a while, then jumped back to the original image and realized I liked it best that way. This photo is unmanipulated except for a little straightening. I call it Big Blue.

Jason Wilder
It was shot on my XA2 using the A11 flash, which I bought for a cool $20 USD. The film, expired Kodak Gold 400, was given to me by someone I played poker with along with a bunch of other junk Kodak made (I live in Rochester, NY under the shadow of Kodak).
I got it processed by Target when they still processed film locally. I believe it cost me no more than $3 to get a roll of film processed. I scanned it home using a well used V500 scanner.
Anyways, the photo is of a local band named the Televisionaires.
The XA2 is perfect for dark bars. Zone focus and flash … rarely is anything out of focus.

Jeffrey Hewitt
My photo is of the retired battleship USS Wisconsin. BB64 – moored in Norfolk, Va as a museum.
Photo was taken with a 35mm plastic Ansco Pix Panorama that I bought for $4.00 at the Hope House thrift store down the street from my house. It’s a fake “panoramic camera” that achieves a panorama effect through the use of a removable mask housed between the film and the plastic 28mm lens. I pulled the mash to take this shot.
While it’s branded “Ansco” this was in effect a cheap Chinese manufactured camera from a company that bought the corpse of Ansco in the 80s and turned out junk cameras like this one.
To get this shot I went to the top floor of a building on a grey, windy, cold day and talked a security guard into letting me get up through the rooftop access to snap a few shots. I’m pretty pleased with how well this turned out given what it was shot with.
Film is Fujicolor 200. (cost: $4 for the roll) Developed and scanned at Walgreens and then desaturated in Photoshop.

Tristan Aitchison
I attach a photo which I call ‘Refugee Smile’ It was taken on an Olympus Superzoom 800S on Boots Slide Film either 200 or 400 ( I can’t remember) and was developed at Boots in Inverness. The photo was taken in 1999 during my GAP year in Republic of Georgia. This little girl was an Abkhazian refugee who lived with her family in a former Soviet government hotel. The hotel dominated the centre of Tblisi.

Christos Markou
Here’s my submission for your contest. It’s a portrait shot in Athens about a year ago, maybe a bit more.
I used a disposable Kodak camera bought in Athens and I think I spent even less than 7.82 pounds!

Sarah Wee
I took the above photograph on a hand-me-down Minolta AF-E with a roll of Lomography XPro 200 ISO that I received as a birthday present. Development and scanning was done at a local store for 8 SGD (approximately £3.28). I really like this shot of my apartment because there will always be something drying on our window grills. (And also because the rest of the photographs were crap lol.) My grandma believes in hand washing everyone’s clothes (there’s five of us in the family), every single day. Each of the shirts you see is a uniform of sorts. From the left: my sports attire from high school which says “athlete” on the back, my grandma’s standard attire for her daily qigong practice, and my mom’s uniform for her work at a student care centre. Even though the camera died miserably under my clumsy care, it got me hooked on film photography.

Daniel Wirgård
I saw it was OK to use an image from Minox GT so here is one I like a lot of my kids and their maternal grandparents having an outside dinner at their summer house.
The camera was given to me, the film is expired Fuji Superia 200 – also a gift from someones fridge, my parent’s fridge if I remember correctly

Jakkapat Kosoltrakul
It was taken with Vivitar T201LX with Ilford PAN 400 at Angkaew reservoir in Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
I got this camera for free when I subscribed to Thai language version of Reader’s Digest (which is no longer exist) many years ago. I think I got it even before I started doing serious photography. After getting the camera, I took a couple of rolls with it, but then I bought a DSLR, so I just left it in my car glove box, and completely forgot about it. Until last year when I decided to take a break from digital photography, so I gave it a try, which then led me into film photography.

Tom Fennah
I took this using Fuji Superia 400 and an Olympus AF-10 that I got for $10 AUD at my local charity shop. I’ve just started developing and scanning film at home and this photo was from my first attempt. The bubbles at the top of the image ran through the whole film but wiped off easily with a damp cloth. I scanned a couple of negatives before fixing them and liked this shot better with the bubbles.

Leyton Cleveley
I have this compact 35mm camera, it is the ultimate point and shoot. I bought the camera several years ago down in the back streets of Akihabara, the ‘electronics city’ section of Tokyo. I cannot exactly remember when, but it was sitting in a tiny little shop for 150 Yen. It was covered in dust and had probably been sitting there for a while, proudly displaying ‘Focus Free’ and ’28mm Lens’ . Once I loaded it with some 35mm I was pleased to find it could actually shoot most of the frame in focus! The camera is tremendous fun to shot with and really forces you to focus on the shot and not on the gear. (I include a photo of it, just to show how down to earth it is, and because its not a branded camera, and I have no idea where it came from.)
The subject I have chosen for the competition is a commemorative bench celebrating the path that winds around the banks of loch Leven in the kingdom of Fife where it sits, very close to where I now live. The camera gives an almost magical feel to the bench, but still picks out the detail in the wood and the foreground.
The film is Illford Pan 100, which was bulk loaded (17 meter roll, roll my own), and the camera, as stated was Y150, or about £1 – so I should be well under budget! The film was Stand developed in Rodinal at 20 C, and was fully stand developed – it was not touched after a couple of inversions at the start.

Valentin Ilioi
One day i saw a pic of a Belomo VILIA, and instantly i remembered all the childhood time i spent learning about aperture and F stops and trying to range focus with it. And i called my parents and they found it … but it’s not working anymore. So i bout a “new” used one, for 25 ron which in our currency is about 5 USD. Put a Kodakcolor 200 film in it, and took my wife to the park. When i brought the film to a local lab, they actually asked me what camera was it, and what lens… because of the beautiful swirly bokeh.

John Weed
As promised (threatened), here’s my shot from the Kellogg’s Cereal camera. The camera cost $5.00 and the film was $4.00
This camera is Focus Free (if it focused at all). The lens seemed to grab what ever was closest.
Composition was tough with this little beast as the building on the left wasn’t even in my field of view when I took the shot. A wider lens than expected. Taken at the High Level Bridge in Edmonton, Alberta on Feb 23, 2015
The film is Easy Pix 400 (a rebrand for a Canadian Drug Store Chain). It might be Agfa but i’m not really sure. I developed the film at home using a Unicolor C41 kit.
It was fun to walk around with the camera though because it is completely ridiculous. I’m actually rather surprised with the results.

At least one of my favourites so far above. I’ not going to give anything away just yet though. The final two sets will be coming soon!
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