Quite a personal post this one, even by my standards. Yesterday, me and the wife spent a day in the hospital. Nothing too serious fortunately, but serious enough for us to have to spend 11 hours there. As you can probably see, she is pregnant, I won’t go into details – it isn’t necessary – but suffice to say it was to do with the pregnancy we were there. Thankfully, all is good now, nothing to worry about, she is home and all is happy.
To be honest, neither of us were too worried whilst we were in the hospital really, not after she had clearly started to feel better. In fact after a point the main emotion was probably boredom more than it was anything else. We sat in the same room for somewhere around 10 hours I think. During our time there we chatted, we watched a film (Rain Man), tinkered on our phones etc… and of course, I took photos!
Having spent quite a bit of time with the Konica AiBORG recently my feelings toward compact cameras has been mixed. Its been nice shooting a point & shoot, but as you will find out in the forthcoming review, shooting the Konica is anything but a bed of roses. So when it came to picking up a camera as I left the house yesterday morning the first thing that came to hand was the Olympus mju-iii wide 100.
I shall be reviewing this camera as some stage in the future, but for now I shall just say that it’s rebuilt my faith in the humble point & shoot… Here’s the results – shot on ilford XP2 and developed and scanned by Max Speilman in town. After all the faff with colour film recently, it was lovely going back to just thinking about light and shade and not worrying about things like the colour of artificial light etc.

Thanks for looking
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Carl on A day in hospital – First roll with the Olympus mju-iii Wide 100
Comment posted: 04/08/2015
Hospitals can be pretty shitty places to be but surprisingly good for photo's. We have 4 young boys so i feel qualified to comment on your hospital photography! :-)
Comment posted: 04/08/2015
Amanda Raney on A day in hospital – First roll with the Olympus mju-iii Wide 100
Comment posted: 04/08/2015
Comment posted: 04/08/2015
Urban Hafner on A day in hospital – First roll with the Olympus mju-iii Wide 100
Comment posted: 06/08/2015
Comment posted: 06/08/2015
jeremy north on A day in hospital – First roll with the Olympus mju-iii Wide 100
Comment posted: 12/08/2015
Other than that, the photos are really good. They tell the story. With photographs like these, the camera is unimportant when it comes to viewing the results. However, as you say, it does build confidence in the point and shoot camera when it can produce such excellent images. Wonderful set Hamish.
Best of all wishes to you both.
Comment posted: 12/08/2015
The first 24hrs of Norah Dali Gill - 35mmc on A day in hospital – First roll with the Olympus mju-iii Wide 100
Comment posted: 27/09/2015