One of the big things that concerned me about the Zeiss 50mm ZM Sonnar before I bought it, at least in terms of its handling, was its focusing nubbin.
After a few days of using the Sonnar and not being entirely satisfied with the handling I thought I’d try my Taab on it. Unfortunately because of the nubbin, it wasn’t entirely successful. Whilst the Taab fits over said nubbin, it slips off it quite readily, as such it needs almost constant adjustment.
So I thought it cut a chunk out of the Taab to acomodate the nubbin

As you can see in the picture at the top of the post, it worked a treat.
If you fancy doing similar yourself just make sure you cut out of the thicker side of the Taab. I found gradually cutting little bits away with a very sharp blade works best. Don’t blame me if you balls it up though yeah, I can’t imagine this sort of thing is covered by any warranty…
Alternatively, join me in asking Nate from Taab to make one designed for the Zeiss range of lenses… Nate, thoughts?
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Nate on Hacking a Taab to fit a Zeiss 50mm ZM Sonnar
Comment posted: 04/10/2015
Comment posted: 04/10/2015
Ilmar on Hacking a Taab to fit a Zeiss 50mm ZM Sonnar
Comment posted: 24/04/2020