One does always wonder about its decision of buying a new camera. Three years ago, I made a lucky step forward and grabbed a new Olympus E-M10, along with Zuiko 17mm f/1.8. I must say, even today, the camera grows with me! After all these years, people still tend to underestimate the m4/3 format – nonsense. The Zuiko lens I bought with the camera gives me 34mm equivalent, which I take as a perfect focal length fot my style of photography.
This series of 5 photos were taken in a remote place in central Slovakia, capturing everyday struggles of an old shepherd. Since social documentary is the kind of photography I tend to admire, it was a memorable experience shooting this particular person.

Postprocess was done in Lightroom, using my custom modified RNI presets.
Thank you for reading!
Vlado Ondrejovic
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Adam Laws on 5 Frames with an Olympus E-M10 by Vlado Ondrejovic
Comment posted: 07/02/2018
Comment posted: 07/02/2018
Vlado Ondrejovic on 5 Frames with an Olympus E-M10 by Vlado Ondrejovic
Comment posted: 08/02/2018
Neil on 5 Frames with an Olympus E-M10 by Vlado Ondrejovic
Comment posted: 08/02/2018