5 frames with a Leica M-A – By Björn Berings

By Björn Berings

Six years ago, me and a couple of friends got together for a whisky tasting session. We’d all been interested in that distilled goodness or some time and thought it would be a good idea to try a whisky from each others collection. “Whisky and poker with the guys” has become a yearly tradition by now.

From the start I’ve brought a film camera with me loaded with Tri-X pushing it two stops to 1600. Grainy, contrasty results match perfectly with the night’s atmosphere! I’ve used several camera’s but last year I bought a Leica M-A. And that’s the one I expect to stay for the next couple of decades. I had purchased a Zeiss Ikon ZM before, which costs a fraction of a Leica, to make sure a rangefinder would suit me. A fantastic camera, but the Leica G.A.S kept bugging me.
The desire of owning a fully manual, tank-like built, beautiful and exclusive camera eventually pushed me over the edge and I couldn’t be happier with it.
It barely depreciates and it is something I will hand down to my kids in 50 years or so. Much like what some fathers do with an exclusive mechanical watch.

It is so fun to use and feels rewarding when you nail the focus and exposure. And with my ever present light meter (an app on my phone) the lack of a built-in light meter is never a problem. I shot all photos with a Zeiss Biogon ZM 35mm f/2 wide open and at either 1/15 or 1/8. The weight of the camera an lack of a mirror flapping makes it easier to use relatively slow shutter speeds hand-held. Even when under influence of that fine amber fluid!

A website is in the making, but you can find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bjorn.berings/

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About The Author

By Björn Berings
My name is Björn Berings. I'm a 33 year old photography enthusiast, based in the Netherlands. I mainly use Fuji X-series cameras, but also work with film on the side. A website is in the making, but you can find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bjorn.berings/
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neil on 5 frames with a Leica M-A – By Björn Berings

Comment posted: 08/12/2017

The shots are wonderful. I also think the M-A is the best camera you can buy now, these things are made to last and outlive the owner, that's something great and a rarity it seems. I'm saving up for an M-A myself, it will take me years to do so but I know it's the right thing to do.

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Björn Berings replied:

Comment posted: 08/12/2017

I feel the same. It will most likely outlive you and even IF you would regret your purchase it would still remain a sound investment. As opposed to the digital toys, this will not lose it’s value as much over time. It might even appreciate


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Alex Bacon on 5 frames with a Leica M-A – By Björn Berings

Comment posted: 09/12/2017

Love the images!

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Björn Berings replied:

Comment posted: 09/12/2017



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