Tsukiji is one of the few remaining neighborhoods in Tokyo where you can get a sense of what the city was like in the 1950s and 1960s, and a favorite street photography stomping ground of mine. Tsukiji had been to be home to Tokyo’s famous tuna auction for seventy years, which has only recently been moved to Toyosu a few kilometers away in a modern but clinicalesque facility. Fortunately, Tsukiji’s outer market remains with its myriad shops and food stalls, and is still popular with not just tourists but also local Japanese. Without the early morning tuna auction, Tsukiji is less frenetic until about 10:00 AM or so when throngs still pack its narrow streets and alleyways.
On a recent cloudy morning, I packed my Leica M6J mounted with a Summicron 50mm f/2 lens and a few rolls of Kodak TMAX-100 and set off toward Tsukiji. By the time I arrived, the place was teaming with people. It was difficult to move without bumping into someone. Being pressed in close with the crowd, I decided to see if I could take candid portraits of the people there.
I kept the camera to my eye as I walked so I could frame with precision rather than attempting to shoot from the hip. I set the focus to infinity and as I approached my subject and/or my subject walked toward me, I brought him or her into focus, gently pushing the focus tab on the lens. I find that it is easier to nail the focus in this way while moving rather than trying to chase my subject around with the focus patch.
Given the light, I was shooting at f/5.6 at 250. The film is TMAX 100, but I set the ISO of the M6J’s meter to about 650. I push-processed the film with TMAX Developer at 800 as per Kodak recommendations.
The best photos in my opinion are the ones in which the subject is making direct eye contact with me. A few examples are posted below.

You can see more of my work at www.bleisteinphoto.com and on Instagram at @sbleistein
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Yul Vazquez on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 09/01/2019
You shot the film at box speed then pushed it later?
Comment posted: 09/01/2019
Charles Higham on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 09/01/2019
Comment posted: 09/01/2019
Patrick on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
Daniel Castelli on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
If I used your technique of walking about w/the camera to my eye, I'd be the unlucky SOB that would fall into a manhole :-), but then you'd be ready and capture my inglorious end!
I love the shots, your description of the district and your treatment of pushing & processing the film.
My favorite pic is of the gentleman with the bandana. What a face. He experienced life.
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
Nick on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 15/01/2019
I'm curious why you chose to push Tmax100, rather than just using a natively faster film like Tmax400?
Comment posted: 15/01/2019
Mike Hinkleman on 5 Candid Portraits in Tsukiji Pushing T-Max 100 with a Leica M6J and Summicron 50mm f/2- By Steven Bleistein
Comment posted: 02/02/2019
Nice candid shots. I was at Tsukiji today at lunch. There was actually more to see at the Tower. Market area very crowded.
Personally my preference is with slow films. Pan F, polypan f etc.
Cheers Mike
Comment posted: 02/02/2019