Negative Supply ‘Film Carrier 120’ Launches on Kickstarter
After thier successful previous campaign, Negative Supply has just launched their new ‘Film Carrier 120’ on Kickstarter. As you might gather by the name, this new film carrier takes the original concept for transporting and holding 35mm film flat for digitisation with a digital camera, and expands it to hold 120 film.
As I said in my previous news item about the 35mm version, as the person behind the – still yet to be finished (though now very close) – pixl-latr, I’m really interested in what Negative Supply is up to. pixl-latr is very much designed as an entry-level product when it comes to digitising film with a digital camera. The Negative Supply products as an alternative are much more high-end products.
The principle is similar though. Negative Supply film carriers aim to hold your negative flat, but where thier products differ from pixl-latr is that they provide a film transport mechanism. The benefit of this is, of course, speed. When I was chatting to AJ from Negative Supply the othe day, he told me that one of thier beta testers had managed to digitise an entire roll of 120 film using the new carrier in about 70 seconds!

Alongside this Kickstarter launch, Negative supply is also launching their “learning tools” – available here – this will be an ever-growing resource to help educate people in the best practises when it comes to digitisation with a digital camera. I’m all for this too – the more information like this online the better!
The guys from Negative Supply go on to add that:
This Kickstarter will not only fund the production of the Film Carrier 120, but also allow us to continue expanding our abilities as a small company. We aim to use this campaign as a jumping off point. With huge plans for 2020 and beyond, the strong success of this campaign will empower us to pursue many more exciting projects related to film digitization (and other film projects).
Exciting times in the world of film digitisation! I’m really pleased to see this product coming to market – its a sure sign that this area of our craft is growing, and I’m really excited to be a part of it!

You can find the Kickstarter here
Develop and Fix announces public preview of FilmLab for Mac and Windows
In more exciting news in the world of digitisation with digital cameras, ‘Develop and Fix’, the company behind ‘FlimLab App‘ have announced a preview version of FilmLab™ for macOS and Windows operating systems.
FilmLab is software for colour converting digitized negatives to positives. To date, Film Lab App has been an app that’s confined solely to mobile phone use. The ever increasingly popular ap enables users to photograph – with the smartphone – a negative and have the software convert said negative to a positive image for sharing on social media etc.
The next logical step for Abe – the brains behind the app – was to create a platform that would work on macOS and Windows. The benefit of this is of course that much higher quality cameras can be used in the digital capture part of the process. The software will also accept RAW and DNG formats.
The apparent key difference between FilmLab App and other software is that the software has been designed to emulate the various steps within the darkroom.

The preview version is immediately available as a time-limited free trial and will be released for sale in early March. Abe is encouraging as many people as possible to download this pre-release preview version in the hope that users will be able to provide useful feedback. If that sounds like the sort of thing you would like to do, you can download here
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Roger B. on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 10/02/2020
Comment posted: 10/02/2020
Dave Walker on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 10/02/2020
Comment posted: 10/02/2020
Eric on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 11/02/2020
Eric on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 11/02/2020
Comment posted: 11/02/2020
Comment posted: 11/02/2020
NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows – 35mmc – The Click on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 11/02/2020
Luke on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 12/02/2020
Negative Supply presenta su nuevo “Film Carrier 120” en Kickstarter – on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 13/02/2020
Huey on NEWS: ‘Negative Supply’ for 120 hits Kickstarter & ‘FilmLab App’ Preview Version for Mac and Windows
Comment posted: 13/02/2020
Speaking of... im supposed to be getting a pixl-latr...but still haven't figured out the best setup for scanning, camera wise. I've got a Fuji XT20, but unsure what lens is best for scanning (mostly 120)
Comment posted: 13/02/2020