NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

By Josh Foster

Barcelona based dubblefilm have been making specialist films with effects for those looking for some creative fun within analogue photography. Now they’ve taken things a step further by releasing their very own point & shoot camera: ‘SHOW’. I must say, it’s a perfect time too.

“Ready to replace the insanity of disposable cameras”  SHOW is simple in its construction, but not in a bad way – it’s all it needs to be. With the added pizzaz of its design, it’s a perfect modern response to disposable users who spend a lot on single-use cameras. They will be able to achieve the same look whilst saving by only buying rolls of film. It’s a great alternative to second-hand cameras which have been consistently rising in cost and scarcity. Simply load up any roll of film you like and get shooting.

The pack includes a cotton neck strap, a custom Nähe case by Hightide Japan and Riso printed instructions illustrated by Jose A. Roda!

For me, SHOW harks to an innate desire to take pictures, something I’d happily have as a daily carry without having to worry about bells and whistles. The appeal may not be so great for professionals or those who aren’t a fan of anything but the top specification gear. but I would certainly enjoy having a camera I could use without too much thought for just enjoying the moment.

It’s a significant time for the industry whilst we experience such an analogue resurgence and I think it’s just as important we support companies like dubblefilm bringing fresh cameras to the market.

Camera specifications:

► 32mm Lens f=8

► Shutter speed 1/125s

► Focus = 1m to ∞

► Electric flash powered by one AAA battery (not included)

► Size: 114mm(W) x 63mm(H) x 35mm(D)

► Weight: 100g

► Cotton neck strap

Finally, just a quick note about news on 35mmc. I’m Josh, I’m the new guy on the 35mmc team. Hamish has recently employed me to help out with pixl-latr primarily, but I will also be reporting some of the latest analogue news for 35mmc too. If you have some photography news that you would like to get out to the world, similar to that above, then please drop us a email.

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loris on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

e io faccio parte di quella schiera di non professionisti che prediligono l'attrezzatura un po' più sostanziosa, vedi ammennicoli vari tipo autofocus!
ebbene sì, mi piace sta macchinetta, anche solo per il fatto di poter dare una mano ad un fabbricante del settore.
un Saluto a Tutti..

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Brian nicholls on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

Hi Josh, I've rather enjoyed the 'insanity' of disposables since Fuji and Kodak let rip with them in the mid eighties. I tend to rattle one off most holidays as a break from the posh stuff but, I'm grateful for this heads up post and will certainly be putting a dubblefilm jobby through its paces.

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Josh Foster replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

Hi Brian, I'm not opposed to disposables I will use one from time to time too! That was merely a quote from dubblefilm, I'm just happy to see new cameras being put to market.


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Terry B on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

€55. Jeez. And surely, everyone should be interested in better images than this, no doubt cheap Chinese made, rubbish produces? And with today's cost of film and processing, why should anyone put up with this? If my comments seem harsh, then I can't help it, as the product deserves it.

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Josh Foster replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

My initial reaction was that it was a little steep, but hey for someone that uses disposables regularly it wouldn't take long to make their money back. "better images" is wholly subjective, and whilst it wouldn't be something I'd use for very "serious" photography, I stick to my guns that it's good to be supporting businesses like dubblefilm in the time we are in. It may not be for you and that's okay too..


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gorpalm replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

That is rather steep - No wonder they've "belled & whistled" the carry bag and instructions etc. For that kind of money there's a goodly range of 2nd hand P&S's with a better lens, better build, etc,... My personal belief is these "reusable" cameras need a USP to really make sense - A "me too" P&S is just a duplication of something that already exists...Reuse! But that is why I've got one of those really cheaply made Lomo fisheye jobs , Because of it's unique lens. Even a total film novice would understand soon enough that the plastic box in their hands isn't worth E55, which is a shame if they feel shortchanged - Especially if their mates have a groovy Canon from the 90s that takes sharper, more vibrant pics and costs 40% less.


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Jimhbc replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

I don't get it either. Go to the thrift/charity store and get a fully auto point and shoot with a zoom lens for 1/3 the price. Infinitely better camera, environmentally responsible re-use (no new plastic from oil destined for the landfill, sale benefits the needy, and great pictures.


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Jędrzej on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

For that price you can easily get any popular 80s compact camera like Canon AF35M and have miles better photos. And they still will be working for years, and for the most part are quite repairable. That crap is not an alternative. Film photography enthusiasts need NEW and CAPABLE compacts - simple, reliable with better electronics than 40 years ago, maybe with slightly updated optics and definitely better AF. And that's all within reach of major camera companies, maybe that's a thing which could've saved Olympus and Nikon is next to fall out.

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Sacha Cloutier on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

I have to agree with Josh. The money would be made back rather quickly. Is it steep, sure, but it does show a new player in the game. If we look back on the Holgas and Dianas, it's well within range. It looks nicer than a disposable camera. For those that don't want someone's used camera off of a site like eBay or FB Marketplace, this is ideal. If you're on a quick day trip or hike, this could be fun.

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Huss on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

Hi Josh!

Any new film camera is a good thing. Fuji Instaxes cost much more than this.

But... Ilford already offers the Harman reusable camera that includes 2 rolls of film - all for $30.

Can you compare the two in a review? Could be fun!

Kind regards

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Josh Foster replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

I'll bug Hamish to give me some time to do this. Good idea!


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Phil Snaps on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

On Dubblefilm's site they wrote "an alternative to overpriced 2nd hand cameras", which is an interesting statement. Of course it is affordable compared to famous Yashica or Contax, but at 55 € this camera is close to Lomography territory (Fisheye No. 2 also costs 55 €).
To me it feels more like an alternative to consumer vintage cameras. One could argue that many autofocus cameras from the 80s with better lenses cost the same or even less —and possibly offer better image quality— like the very decent Oly AF-10 Super, but that may miss the point. This SHOW camera has that Lomo vibe and fun that a Pentax or Canon black brick will never have. It is also much smaller and lighter. Who knows, if the lens is good enough it could be a 32mm VUWS alternative?

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Scott Gitlin on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 10/09/2020

$66 USD? I'd say they are doing Lomography one better.

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BG on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 11/09/2020

One more plastic everything, no electronics, single shutter speed, Holga-Diana-Lomo-wave camera? Sure, why not! Though one could buy 3-5 of these types of cameras (with shipping) off of Ebay or wherever. And with disposables, you pay for development with purchase. If that's what Dubblefilm wants to do with their money, who am I to judge?! ;)

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Phil Snaps on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 11/09/2020

Oh wait. Could this be rebranded stuff?

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John Robison on NEWS: dubblefilm launch ‘SHOW’ – A 35mm analogue camera

Comment posted: 11/09/2020

You can buy 2 of the same type of camera from B&H for the same price and each comes with 2 rolls of 36 exposure B&W film. Really, this is a bit (like 2x overpriced).

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