Cover of Ektramax manual

Kodak Ektramax Fireworks and a Cool 110 Tip

By Dave Powell

The above image is the cover of my Kodak Ektramax 110 camera’s substantial 34-page user manual. It’s more interesting than a straight pic of the camera itself, which Kodak made commonly black. But its boring exterior belies some photographic chops.

My earlier article about 110 film scanning with a C-mount lens, included some fireworks shots from this f/1.9-lensed beast. To recap, Kate and I had been invited to an Independence Day event on the roof of a building near Boston’s Charles River. And the pyrotechnic launching barge was in the water across the street from us. This allowed me to shoot images with fireworks that filled the 110 frame. An unusual opportunity for 110.

In that article, I promised to scan a few more negs and describe the “C-clamp camera mount” I used during the shoot. So here goes!

More Fireworks

I did these scans with the simple, effective, DIY equipment described in that article. It did a great job expanding 110 frames to APS-C dimensions without overly degrading the negatives’ analog data.

NOTE: My only post processing below was to restore each image’s R-G-B channels to their full range of tones using  Levels sliders. I did not need to brighten or extensively crop. And while these negs were as low-res as one might expect, they didn’t break up as much as I feared they might.

Here, the barge launchings silhouetted buildings (and other roof people) between us and the river:

Ektramax fireworks beyond a buildingThen fuzzy “pipe-cleaner” flowers opened:

Ektramax fireworksThe night was so humid that my breath actually fogged the lens before these next flowers bloomed. Despite that, it may be the sharpest shot of the lot (and I like the effect):

Fireworks flowers through a breath-steamed lensHere’s part of the grand finale (it had been a very “white” event):

Ektramax fireworks finaleAnd here’s an earlier shot of fellow roof-revelers during the humidity-hazed “Blue Hour” before the show:

Blue-Hour Hancock Tower, BostonIt demonstrates that even with Kodak Gold 400 film and the camera’s industry-fastest lens, anything that moved produced interesting effects (like the guy’s Picasso-esque face at lower-right). And I couldn’t prevent handheld softness. But the John Hancock tower in the distance was still somewhat sharp, there isn’t a lot of obnoxious grain in the sky, and the people and flag added some nice party energy.

And the Tip

The fireworks images also show the effectiveness of the novel “C-clamp camera mount” I used:

C-clamp camera mountIt’s obviously vintage and was manufactured by ROWI, Germany. I found it at a yard sale years ago and have even used it to mount a Bessa folder to the edge of a rolled-down car window. For all but one of my event shots in this and the previous article, I clamped it and the Ektramax to the roof’s metal rails. (The only exception was the above people shot, where no convenient rail was available.)

Also note the clamp’s very effective ball joint. And to improve the device’s holding power, I glued red rubber pads to its gripping arms.

To find this device online, search for “ROWI C-clamp camera mount.” It’s a marvelously compact way to steady small cameras on table edges, fences, barricades, street signs, and even car windows when tripods or monopods would be unwise.

–Dave Powell is a Westford, Mass., writer and avid amateur photographer.

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About The Author

By Dave Powell
Trained in mathematics, physics, cosmology, computer programming and science journalism. Retired mathematician, award-winning technical and journalistic writer. Past winner of an international business-journalism equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. And past author and editorial advisor for Sesame Street... where I regularly worked with Jim Henson and Kermit!
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John F. on Kodak Ektramax Fireworks and a Cool 110 Tip

Comment posted: 10/09/2024

Thank you for sharing! I too liked the fireworks with the partially fogged lens... It makes me think of halation present on some films, but in a pleasant way. I also had to buy one of those mounts, slightly less than $20 later, and one is on its way.

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Dave Powell replied:

Comment posted: 10/09/2024

You are very welcome, John... and I'm glad you agree about the fogged shot. And I think your new mount will prove very useful... especially for any street shooting that you may want to do in the dark!


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Tony Warren on Kodak Ektramax Fireworks and a Cool 110 Tip

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

Just as with your Pompidou painting, the atmosphere created is what works here. I am sure your Ektramax can produce more detail if you want it to. And the Frankensteine-like face is great.

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Dave Powell replied:

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

Thanks Tony! There was certainly a bit more detail in the camera's photos in the film-scanning article linked above. Of course, it contained my two best fireworks shots. But today... with better emulsions... the Ektramax could be dynamite!


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Tony Warren replied:

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

As you may know I am a little fixated on 110 at present and I can definitely confirm that modern emulsions bring out the very best these cameras can produce.


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Bob Janes replied:

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

I think care during processing helps too. Most 110 stuff 'back-in-the-day' used to get processed en-bulk and I suspect that it didn't always bring out the best in the emulsions that were available...


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Dave Powell replied:

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

Thanks Tony!


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Dave Powell replied:

Comment posted: 11/09/2024

You are absolutely right Bob. In preparing my linked article on 110 neg scanning with a C-mount lens, I discovered that drugstore labs often returned negatives and prints with highly boosted contrast and color saturation... compared with my mostly unprocessed scans. My only post-processing was to invert the images and restore their colors to a full range of tones with Levels histograms. I didn't even need to adjust brightness or contrast! Thanks Bob!


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