There are families and families. Some can be kind of normal, others can be kind of ¨interesting¨. This is the case with my wife’s family. For sure they are not extraordinary, but they certainly have something that makes them more photogenic, or at least, potentially photogenic.

Might be their Italian personality, even though they are not Italian. Might be that most of the times there is some kind of suspense hanging on the air, as if a terrible something is about to happen.
At the end what matters is that whenever there is a celebration and we are attending it, I bring with me a camera. There is always a fair chance of graphically capturing the celebration´s allure. This was the case with this Christmas Eve. I got with me the fairly inconspicuous Contax G1 and a flash.As family is pretty used to seeing me holding a camera all the time I dare to say they do not pose when they see me, but just keep doing whatever they are doing. By the way this Christmas Eve celebration was pretty normal, there were no screams, no tears, no dramas. Everybody just enjoying food and company, as it should be. I hope you enjoyed them and got a taste of my family.
I used Kodak TriX 400 with a Contax TLA 140 flash.
Thank you!
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David Hill on 5 Frames with a Contax G1 – by Carlos Albisu
Comment posted: 11/04/2018
I dunno, but a flash always knocks the 'in' right off of 'inconspicuous' for me. :) But hey, any family with nudes on the wall is ok by me. Looks like a fun crowd. They seem to think you're ok. Exposure is right on. Nice work, Carlos.
cole turner on 5 Frames with a Contax G1 – by Carlos Albisu
Comment posted: 13/04/2018
Comment posted: 13/04/2018
Comment posted: 13/04/2018
Comment posted: 13/04/2018
Comment posted: 13/04/2018