Ok, ok, I’m sure you’ve heard already. I am definitely behind the curve on this particular news release! It is an exciting chunk of news though, so just in case any of you out there only read my website and don’t go on social media (or maybe you just dwell with the cheeselogs?) I thought I would post a little post to vent a bit of excitement…
It was just yesterday announced that Ektachrome E100 in 120 & 4×5 is imminently available! Previously only available in 35mm, I spent a chunk of the summer only shooting this film, and really got to grips with just how wonderful it can be. I posted a bit of a roundup post of those experiences here. The short version is that this film, especially given a little bit of evening sunshine is absolutely stunning! In 35mm it is practically free of grain, so in 120 and 4×5 with the relative grain size being even smaller, my expectations are very high indeed. I for one, can’t wait to give it a go!
Here are some of my favourite images from my experiences with it in 35mm:

You can preorder from my favourite supplier Analogue Wonderland here: 120 & 5×4
A more newsy post from Em about this can be found here, one from Kosmo Foto here, and DPR here
Bellamy, shared his thoughts with relation to the recent price hike news here
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Manu on Ektachrome E100 in 120 & 4×5 imminently available!
Comment posted: 11/12/2019
Stefan on Ektachrome E100 in 120 & 4×5 imminently available!
Comment posted: 11/12/2019
Lukaswalter on Ektachrome E100 in 120 & 4×5 imminently available!
Comment posted: 11/12/2019
bwf on Ektachrome E100 in 120 & 4×5 imminently available!
Comment posted: 12/12/2019