My dear Paris, when I came to see you on my birthday, you gave me a wonderful gift: you made me feel free to photograph.
I could look through the viewfinder absolutely where, when and as I wanted to. Then, only if I enjoyed it, I pressed the shutter release button. But it did not always happen: I admit that sometimes I just love to look inside a little bit. I looked inside you, my dear Paris, and you gave me once more a memory that I could keep with me forever.
A small not so small part of my heart still lives there, where I spent fourteen months of my life. At that time, I did not shoot on film and, sincerely, I don’t know why. Anyway, my digital camera was with me. When I came back to Italy, my photographic path led me to a Nikon fm2 and my personal point of view changed in a multitude of aspects.
Now, I like waiting and then shoot, only once, as if my breath stops. I enjoy going into the store and being able to choose by myself the softness of the black and white film. I love the rewind’s noise: I do it slowly so I can feel if every single step is going fine.
I think this is a camera that can (hopefully) last a lifetime, thanks to its strength and versatility. I add to the fm2 body the AF Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4D (which I can also use on my digital one) and a very old Zenith strap that smells like vintage. The technical results are brilliant and I’m really happy with the street views and more intimate portraits I had shot.
But, sometimes I incredibly miss that part of my heart and so I return to my Paris to look for it.
The photos are taken with the Nikon fm2 and Agfa APX 400 iso black and white film. They were developed in a small lab in Torino, I then scanned the film by myself with the Epson Perfection V600 Photo scanner.

You can enjoy the full black and white film series on my blog:
And add me on instagram here:
Thank you!
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Danny on 5 frames with the Nikon FM2 & Agfa APX 400 in my Paris – By Martina Rigotti
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Zep on 5 frames with the Nikon FM2 & Agfa APX 400 in my Paris – By Martina Rigotti
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Nick Clark on 5 frames with the Nikon FM2 & Agfa APX 400 in my Paris – By Martina Rigotti
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I had a look throuh your website (fantastic work by the way!) and you clearly know how to exposure a good frame, so I am a bit puzzled...
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martinarigotti on 5 frames with the Nikon FM2 & Agfa APX 400 in my Paris – By Martina Rigotti
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