Dear Readers, I still have a few rolls of Ektar 25 in 120 size in my freezer. My rolls expired in 1995, but fortunately they seem to be responding correctly without obvious color shifts. Of course, now I wish I had bought much more 25 (or Royal Gold 25, which was the same thing) before it was discontinued around 2000. Winter in Mississippi has some days with drizzle or soft light with overcast skies, which are perfect for the Ektar’s unique palette.
A Hasselblad 501CM is not exactly a compact camera as per the 35MMC theme, but it is reasonably small for a 6×6 reflex camera, and I can operate it with gloves. All the examples below are tripod-mounted with the mirror pre-released, exposures 1 to 1/8 sec, light measured with a Gossen Luna-Pro Digital meter in incident mode at EI 25.
The lenses were the Planar 80mm f/2.8 CB and the Distagon 50mm f/4. I mounted the camera on an early 1900s wood Crown No. 4 tripod via a Linhof Profi II ball head. Wood is good material for tripods because it dampens vibrations quickly. I scan my negatives with an early-2000s Minolta Scan Multi medium format film scanner, operated with SilverFast software, all controlled by an old 32-bit Windows 7 computer.

Thank you for reading. For more film examples from Mississippi and elsewhere, please go to:
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Karl Valentin on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
and the impressing Agfa APX25 they were the best films
ever made.....
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Terry B on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
I must confess that the story they portray is the opposite end of the so-called "American Dream". I thought at first you were shooting scenes of urban decay but then the cars in one shot revealed people actually live in them, and I then became somewhat shocked. And from your comment, the BBQ is still going. I noticed they serve bourdin and kielbasa (my favourite sausage after Toulouse) so you should get a tasty snack! Add a comment how you got on. :D)
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Dan Castelli on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
The photos are pure FSA style. I'm an 'east coaster', but I understand your comments about encountering & viewing rural poverty. Even here in 'wealthy' Connecticut, I can find pockets of similar poor/depressed areas that go back generations. We become blind to them, so when work like yours is published, it helps to remind us not all share the American Dream.
Don't you just love the small, family run BBQ joints? Good food, better people and much warmth.
JF Bonnin on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Unfortunately, I cannot afford Hasselblad cameras and their superb lenses.
Greetings from : JF Bonnin
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Karl Valentin on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 15/03/2018
The old silver C version is a pleasure to use and a example for finest
Terry B on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 16/03/2018
Touching upon the "American Dream", quite coincidentally a book that I'd ordered arrived this morning. I have to confess it turned out to be something entirely different to that which I'd anticipated. It is entitled "A History of Photography from 1839 to the Present", and is based on the George Eastman House Collection. The "Present" is 1999. although I have the 2011 reprint.
I was expecting a technical tome, but the book is a collection of photographic images, not a picture of a camera in sight. Approximately 690 of its 766 pages are devoted to the images, nearly all taken by well known photographers of their era, mostly one image per page, with running text.
On page 592 is an image by Margaret Bourke-White taken in 1937 at the time of the Louisville flood, and shows a line of hungry and displaced black individuals queuing for food in front of a billboard showing a smiling mum and dad with their daughter in a car and which is proclaiming "World's Highest Standard of Living", emblazoned across the top, and "There's no way like the American Dream" at the bottom right. Seems like nothing has changed in the intervening 80 years or so.
I got the book via They are not a bookshop, per se, but a facility for book shops to list their books. It is not solely for the UK, they list international sellers and I've purchased some books from US sellers. Buyers don't deal directly with the bookshops, orders are placed via AbeBooks who then deal with the sellers. Books do come direct from the sellers, so postage rates can vary. I've absolutely no connection with AbeBooks other than a satisfied client. But I'd certainly recommend book lovers checking them out.
Urban Decay in Vicksburg, Mississippi, with the Texas Leica (Fuji GW690II) - By Andrew Morang - 35mmc on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 25/10/2018
Kodak Ektar 25 - Urban/Rural Decay in the Texas Panhandle - by Andrew Morang - 35mmc on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 14/05/2020
Fuji GW690II - Urban Decay in Vicksburg, Mississippi, with the Texas Leica - By Andrew Morang - 35mmc on 5 (6) frames with a Hasselblad in Mississippi – by Andrew Morang
Comment posted: 19/05/2020