When I first got back into shooting film around 2013, the first film SLR I acquired after a brief flirtation with lomography cameras was the Minolta X-700. I got it and a couple lenses for free from a local Facebook group for my town. It was caked in dust and didn’t look like much, so my expectations were pretty low.
After I got it cleaned up and played around with it a bit, I marveled at how intuitive all the controls were. Although I was unfamiliar with this specific camera, I practically grew up with a camera in my hand and shot film extensively as a teen, so I definitely knew where the controls SHOULD be. I really enjoyed the simplicity of the X-700 and the way it felt in my hand, but I still didn’t expect this previously dust-covered camera to produce good images.
These 5 photos are from one of the first rolls I shot with it back in 2016. I took it to a wooded area near my office called Ward Reservation in Andover, MA on my lunch break. This area boasts a hill with the highest point in Essex County and provides a beautiful view of the Boston skyline over 20 miles away on a clear day. However, I was more fascinated by the view looking up the hill toward an old unused fire tower. I also loved spotting out-of-place numbers, leading lines from stairs and trees, as well as some closeup textures of tree bark which I often find to be a fascinating subject, especially in black and white.
Enjoy these 5 photos on Kodak Tri-X 400 from the start of my rediscovery of film photography, expertly processed and scanned by one of my favorite photos labs, Old School Photo Lab (aka Photosmith) in Dover, NH.

Side note: I love my X-700 so much that I bought a second one just in case the first one ever breaks. Since I dove back into film, I have acquired some of the best film cameras ever made including a Leica M2, Pentax 645Nii, Nikon F5, etc, but the Minolta X-700 holds its own and is still one of my absolute favorite cameras due to its simplicity and reliability.
– Dave Shrewsbury
Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/daveshrewsphoto
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Sam Forrest on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Natalie B. on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Jukka Reimola on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Gary Smith on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Dan Emerson on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Fabulous tonal gradations on the numbers and peeling bark shots. Making the most of monochrome!
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
Comment posted: 14/03/2024
gustav on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 15/03/2024
I also shoot and love the X700. Can also recommend the SR7 if you want an all manual/mechanic body.
Comment posted: 15/03/2024
Khürt Williams on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 18/03/2024
Comment posted: 18/03/2024
Pete on 5 Frames with a Minolta X-700 and Tri-X
Comment posted: 18/03/2024
I too had the X-700 which I bought new in the 80's, then sold late 90's but bought again a few years back in really good condition. Before usage, I replaced the foam seals and bought some of that nice Minolta glass that also works great with my Sony a7 camera. Some of Minolta's great manual lenses that I acquired are the 24 & 28 f2.8, 50 f1.4, 100mm f2.5, 200mm f4, 200mm f2.8, 135mm f2.0 (collectors dream), the 35-70 macro and 75-150mm f4. I also bought a couple XD11 bodies and they are a dream to use as well!
Great post, love to see those black and white shots and immediately feel an urge to go out and shoot some photos! :)