5 Frames with a Nikon N90s and Cinestill BWXX – By Floyd K. Takeuchi

By Floyd K. Takeuchi

When the novel Coronavirus pandemic began to spread like wildfire, state and municipal authorities in Hawaii were quick to act. A broad-based lockdown was ordered, and while it knocked out Hawaii’s tourism-reliant economy in about three weeks – unemployment skyrocketed from under 2 percent to nearly 40 percent in a month – deaths and COVID-19 cases were kept under control.

For photographers, shelter-in-place posed challenges when you live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Particularly when you want to be supportive of public health, and when police were ticketing anyone not deemed an essential worker who was found roaming parks and beaches.

So when, after six weeks, limited access to parks and beaches was finally allowed, I loaded a roll of Cinestill BWXX into a Nikon N90s, mounted my trusty Nikkor 50mm F1.4D, and headed to an urban gem in Honolulu, Foster Botanical Garden. Ansel Adams photographed at the gardens in the 1950s when one of our banks commissioned him to make photographs of Hawaii.

For my first photo shoot since the lockdown, I had thought about using a recently acquired Graflex Crown Graphic 4×5, but decided I just wanted to make photos, not fuss with dark slides, film holders and using loupes on a ground glass.

I’m a long-time Nikon shooter, having started with a Nikkormat and Nikkor 50mm F2 in the early 1970s (my first serious SLR was a Topcon Unirex, but that’s another story). In more recent years, I’ve gone from using an F100 to a D700 then back to a F100 when I had to move to a lighter kit for paid work because of health reasons.

While I consider the F100 a near perfect camera – film or digital – the N90s is a solid second body in my camera bag. Unlike the more light-weight and modern Nikon N80 (which I also used to own), the N90s like the F100 feels ready for an all day workout.  The viewfinder is pro-spec like the F100, D700, etc. (One of the few niggles I have with the F100 and N90s is the need to purchase the right diopter for your vision, a pain for photographers who wear glasses (like me). For my outing to Foster Botanical Gardens, I attached a Cokin A series filter mount with a yellow filter.

While I appreciate legacy, lore and Leica as much as the next photographer, I’d rather use a camera that doesn’t require me to be constantly fiddling with it. I want to concentrate on composition and the ability to shoot quickly if need be. That means Autofocus and Auto Exposure, which I consider a photographer’s best friends. Simply put, I don’t want a camera to demand too much attention and get in the way of shooting. The N90s (and F100) do that well for me.

I’m less familiar with Cinestill BWXX, a movie stock that’s been repurposed for stills photography. I’d only shot two rolls of the film before this, and those rolls were sent to my go-to pro processing house, Richard Photo Lab in California. For this roll, and the two I have left from my original order, I am using Cinestill’s relatively recent black and white developer, Cinestill DF96 monobath.

I like DF96 a lot. I was never very comfortable in a darkroom, and the last time I souped black and white film before taking it up again earlier this year was the Fall of 1971 when I was in college. Muscle memory wasn’t an issue; I didn’t have any for processing film.

Most of the scenes I photographed on this first get-out-of-the-condo outing were high contrast. The light was hard, mid-afternoon semi-tropical sunshine. I used the N90s’ matrix metering mode, and shot at the emulsion’s recommended box speed of ISO 250 for daylight.

Cinestill BWXX Cinestill BWXX Cinestill BWXX Cinestill BWXX

Of particular interest is the photo of the statue of the Buddha. The sun was right behind the statue’s head, I focused on the closest eye, and didn’t expect to have any details in the face. I was pleasantly surprised by what I did capture.

Cinestill BWXX

Regarding the film, I’m inclined to stick with Kodak Tri-X, but I also think there’s more work to do with Cinestill BWXX for portraits. As for a camera kit, I know I’ll be using the Nikon N90s and Nikon F100 for some time to come.

Floyd K. Takeuchi is a documentary and fine arts photographer based in Honolulu, Hawaii.

IG: @fktakeuchi

Web: www.floydtakeuchi.com

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About The Author

By Floyd K. Takeuchi
Floyd K. Takeuchi is a documentary and fine arts photographer who is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Most of his work is done in Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and Japan.
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Matt on 5 Frames with a Nikon N90s and Cinestill BWXX – By Floyd K. Takeuchi

Comment posted: 14/06/2020

Lovely article and the Buddha photograph is beautiful.

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Floyd replied:

Comment posted: 14/06/2020

Thank you, Matt.


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Roger on 5 Frames with a Nikon N90s and Cinestill BWXX – By Floyd K. Takeuchi

Comment posted: 14/06/2020

The F100 has built-in diopter correction. Do you need a different strength?

I stand developed a roll of BWXX in 1:100 Rodinal. Big mistake unless you’re into boulder-sized grain...

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Floyd replied:

Comment posted: 14/06/2020

Yes, Roger, you're right about the diopter control on the F100. I should have explained that mine doesn't work so changing the eyepiece, as is required on the N90s, is a workaround. As for developing, I've been pleased with DF96 with Cinestill BWXX and Tri-X. But I'm just returning to souping my own black and white film after a very long time.


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Stephen McCullough on 5 Frames with a Nikon N90s and Cinestill BWXX – By Floyd K. Takeuchi

Comment posted: 16/06/2020

Thank you for sharing. I really enjoy the Buddha photograph. I’m betting it would make a beautiful print.

I have two F100s and find them to be one of the finest cameras I’ve used. I’ve been considering another body as a lighter backup and fun camera - which is another way of saying I enjoy new bodies. So thanks for the review.

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Floyd replied:

Comment posted: 16/06/2020

Stephen: thank you. The N90s is about the same weight as a F100. But it is a different shooting experience -- solid, confidence building, but definitely older technology. What is does have is a fantastic meter - I just ran some new Kodak Ektachrome 100 through the N90s, and it nailed all but 3 exposures on a 36-shot roll. If weight is an issue, you should check out the Nikon N80. It punches way above its weight class, and has one of the quietest SLR shutters I've ever used. I owned one and regret selling it. Both the N80 and N90s (body only) in good condition should be available for about $70-$90 at the high end.


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Stephen McCullough on 5 Frames with a Nikon N90s and Cinestill BWXX – By Floyd K. Takeuchi

Comment posted: 16/06/2020

Thanks Floyd. I purchased an N80 for my daughter, along with a 50/1.8D. She is a makeup artist and finds the look of film and the lens rendering very effective for marketing her work. It's a lovely camera, and yes, that shutter - it is very quiet and very slick.

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