Loved to be hated almost as much as the M5, the Leica M4-2 might still be considered the redheaded stepchild of Leica. It was a departure from the “perfect” design and operation of the M3 *cough, cough… stupid take up spool.
I don’t have the experience with Leica that many others do, but I do have some pretty killer friends that leant me a few different setups. The first Leica I tried was an M2 with the Voigtlander Nokton f/1.5. I used it for a couple shoots, and really liked the feel of the camera. I had only used a handful of rangefinders prior to this. I didn’t however, enjoy that stupid little take-up spool. I could see trying to swap film out in a hurry for certain things and having that little spool fuck-off down the sidewalk or table as it slips out of my hands. That being said, I loved the experience, but at the time I just couldn’t justify the costs.
I went back to just shooting my RZ and my Nikon F. I loved the look of the F and had wanted one forever. The only real problem was that I didn’t actually enjoy shooting it… Enter my second Leica experience. This time it was a sweet M3 double stroke and 50mm 3.5 collapsible lens. I had this camera for probably 2 weeks. I brought it everywhere. Shot rolls all over the place. This camera was a total joy to shoot. Of course, having never shot with a collapsible lens before, I sure as shit had 3-4 frames from my first roll where I didn’t extend the lens. But hey, everyone loves a blurry toned vignette frame, right? I gave that body back to my buddy and went on the hunt.
My problem was that I wasn’t willing to spend the $$$$ that an M3DS in good working order goes for in Canada. Piles of garbage that needed work were still selling for $1200+. I let the dream slide for a while and went about shooting with my other setups. I chatted with some Leica enthusiast friends and came to the realization that there were a couple models I could afford and they just happened to be Canadian! So, I spent the next month or so looking on various sites for a mint Leica M4-2, until I found the one that ultimately became my everyday carry.

The Leica M4-2 was made in Midland, Ontario, Canada between 1978-1980. People seem to love hating on this Canadian Leica… I actually love it. I bought it because it was affordable and Canadian. I even hunted for a mint body that was manufactured in 1979, so I could shoot with a camera manufactured in the same year I was born. Being a Canadian, it was pretty rad to have a Leica made on home ice.
All-in-all, it is a just a bare bones M4. Absent from the top plate was that wonderful Leica script engraving. Replaced by a much larger “Leitz” stamp. Vulcanite grip/wrap? Hell no… plastic. Black enamel? Nope, black chrome. There was a really ostentatious all gold Oskar Barnack anniversary edition of the Leica M4-2, but that was as fancy as it got. Even these limited edition gold bodies with a lens can be had for a little more than just an M6 TTL body. Leica didn’t even issue any black paint versions for the Leica M4-2.

People complained that with the change of the internal mechanisms materials, the Leica M4-2 was inferior, right out of the gate. All this meant was that the almost unlimited finite adjustments and tolerances of the M3/M2 couldn’t be made within the Leica M4-2 mechanisms. They were designed to be replaced upon failure. Not maintained. Leitz had said that the new material in the cameras would allow for them to stay accurate for longer periods of time, requiring less CLA appointments that the M4-2’s predecessors.

Leitz tried a new rangefinder system in the Leica M4-2 as well. I had heard complaints of the flare and ghosting in this type of setup, but not from anyone I knew personally. The camera didn’t seem to flare for me… until I got into some heavier backlight bright situations. I can’t actually see the rangefinder well enough in that situation to focus AT ALL… I was pretty frustrated the first time this happened in the field. I can honestly say I’ve definitely missed shots because of that fucking flare.
This is where I planned on inserting a shot of that flare… but for the life of me, I couldn’t get it to flare when I was shooting the details for this post… but trust me, it does happen, and it does suck.
The Leica M4-2 has 35/50/90/135 frame lines, so wider lenses need an external viewer. This drives me nuts, as I shoot a lot with strobes and would kill to be able to mount a 28mm and the trigger at the same time. Luckily, you can have the M4-P/M6 frame lines swapped into the M4-2 if it matters that much. (Once I need a real CLA, I’ll consider this option). Although, if you’re gonna go deep into the pocket book modifying an M4-2, you might as well get an M6. I’d modify mine, because the manufacturing and age of the camera mean something to me.
It also doesn’t have a self timer switch on it… another way for Leitz to cut manufacturing costs on this body. Funny enough, with all these “shortcomings” some could argue that this is the body that actually helped SAVE Leica. (We can open that can of worms down the road).

Now for a little more personal angle on the review… The Leica M4-2 is a joy to shoot. I prefer the tulip style “quick load” spool over the M3/M2, but it’s not without its faults. Of all the rolls I’ve put through the camera, I’ve only had trouble a couple times. Once right at the start of the process. This was just frustrating and not devastating like the second time… This time, I had shot almost half the roll and hadn’t noticed that the winder wasn’t spinning, which meant my film wasn’t advancing. SHIT. I was 15 frames in and was sure I had some gems on that roll. Maybe that little removable spool of the M3/M2 wasn’t the devil after all?
I utilize a lot of strobe in my work… so, this system may not have been the best choice, but it is fun to shoot everyday. I can deal with the slower shutter speeds, just to have that brass brick in my hands. I’ve shot more 35mm film since owning the Leica M4-2 than I have in the previous 5 years. It may not be an epic M3 or minty fresh M6 TTL, but all in all, if you’re looking for a price-point full size Leica M body to wet your beak… The Leica M4-2 may just be for you.
Instagram: @ryanhk_
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Ashley Carr on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
I'm in the minority in that I actually prefer the removable spool in my M2 than the quick load in the models that came after. Never once in my years of using the M2 have I ever had to rapidly change rolls quicker than what the take up spool allows, but I'm not a street photographer (I'm in the minority there too). I also like the security of the take up spool, when the film leader is in, you know its in and theres no need to waste frames winding unnecessarily to make certain the film has taken up. Just insert the leader, pop on the baseplate, 1 shot and wind, Done!
With the 0.72 viewfinder you can use the whole of the viewfinder window to approximately frame for a 28mm lens, this is where the 28mm frame lines on later 0.72 cameras reside anyway. It won't be as accurate (if a rangefinder framing can ever be truly accurate) as a dedicated viewfinder like Hamish is working on but it does the trick.
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Terry B on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Jolly Rogers Bite on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
jim on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
graham line on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Mine is a -P, not a -2, but they are pretty close cousins. Mine replaced an M2 at a time when that particular collector market was really hot -- sold the collapsible lens with it and avoided both the CLA and the downtime that would have caused.
The Canadian M models are very solid, well-finished, and work day in and day out. The M4-P does have the 28mm framelines. I don't notice flaring in the viewfinder.
Can't shoot with cameras made in my birth year because I don't want to coat my own plates.
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Mark Kronqust on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Robert C on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Mark Kronquist on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Daniel Castelli on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Nice review on the M4-2. Jill Krementz shot many of the portraits in her book "The Writer's Image" using a Leica M4-2. I received a small, unexpected inheritance last year - enough to get a Leica M4-2. I contacted Ken Hansen in NYC. He had an M4-P that I got instead. Very happy w/the M4-P. They are also getting $$$.
My M4-P suffered an odd incident. My wife & I flew to Ireland last October. We landed in Dublin in time for breakfast. I finally had a chance to pull out my camera. A huge hunk of vulcanite fell off the camera in my hand. I had a mini-roll of gorilla tape and I taped over the bare metal. There was no indication that the covering was loose before we left Boston. I can only make an uneducated guess that the high-frequency vibrations from the A/C loosened up the covering. I had a new, black leather cover installed (removing the red dot) when we returned. Problem solved
The odd, oversize "Leica" logo on the top of the camera is a throwback to LTM cameras.
I've got an M2 with the pop-out spool. I got a tip from a retired press photographer: get a couple of extra take-up spools and attach your film to them. Switching to a fresh roll is fast & fool proof. When you've run through a couple of rolls, you're ready to reload. At that point, you stop for a coffee or a Negroni, jot your notes and plan the rest of the day.
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Comment posted: 15/02/2019
Greg Maslak on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
“Leitz Wetzlar” on the top plate and “Made in Canada” beside the hot shoe with nothing on the back. These early cameras share the viewfinder of the M4 with condenser. The change came midway through production and continued through the M6s. So not all M4-2s flare.
In my experience, the rapid load works best when fussed with least. Just follow the instructions in the old manuals. Hold the camera with the back plate closed, gently lower the film with the leader in the tulip into the camera and let the base plate seat the film. Don’t open the back plate and fiddle around. Cock the shutter and release. Gently wind the film back to resistance. Cock again while watching the rewind for a half turn. The base plate will have put the film in the correct place on the sprockets. It’s meant to be quick and easy and you’ll get an extra frame to boot.
PS I followed the link to your website and look forward to reading your blog. Winter in Calgary takes a brave soul. Hope for a Shinook.
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Aurélien on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 18/02/2019
Bonus: mine is a 78’ made model, I can say the same of me.
Most of it are black chrome, with no red dot leica on the front. So it was made stealth from the beginning.
I bought mine from a journalist that used it in Africa and other places around the world. So it shows signs of heavy wear, but nevertheless it is still working properly. Despite of its age, its usage, the comments about being a cost effective leica, it a very good and reliable camera!
Like Robert C, I use it with a Voigtlander 35mm f2.5. It is a very compact set up that perform very well. Because mine was a heavily used camera, I am not coveting it like a piece of art. It is my go around camera. Now it enjoy a simpler life of holiday trip and family reunion.
Don’t tell everyone it’s a good camera, it keeps the price low.
Francois on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 23/02/2019
All this story relayed by rumors with no ground are false.
The first batch has the condenser and don't flare. It is in fact the best M viewfinder with the MA ( the MP is less bright).
The top plate leitz is super nice. Full brass. The mechanism is far more stronger than the M2/M3
The black chrome is the stronger of all the is chrome then blacked.
Let say : the M2 is pain to load and not exist in black chrome. No automatic counter....The M4 is too expensive. The M6 IS IN ZINC....the M6j has the worst viewfinder...
Even the MA has not the recess window wich is
The M4-2 is the pinnacle of the M serie.
And beleive me price will go up when people will realized it...
Made in Canada,?
Some M4 too and believe me most of the actual M and M6/7 are and were made in portugal...
It does not matter.
Comment posted: 23/02/2019
Voigtlander 35mm Nokton f/1.2 Mini-Review - One of the fastest 35's around - By Ryan HK - 35mmc on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 22/03/2019
Henning on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/03/2020
With regard to the frame lines: until the 28 Elmarit came out and became popular, 28 frame lines weren't a big requirement, but it took Leica a couple of camera models to incorporate the lines in the viewfinder of the M4-P. Frame lines did not become 'less accurate' or 'more accurate'; they changed size depending on priority and lens usage. Frame lines were adjusted so that the frames never showed less than the lens delivered. That meant that the frames in early cameras were adjusted for a 1m minimum focussing distance for lenses from 35mm to 90mm and 1.5m for 135mm lenses. When the M4-P came out and the 75 Summilux was introduced, the frame lines were adjusted so that for lenses from 28-50mm they were correct for 0.7m, for the 75 for 0.8m, for 90mm still for 1m and 1.5m for 135mm lenses. So for 'normal distances', ie, 5m or infinity, the frames now showed significantly less than before for the shorter lenses. They were just as accurate, just for a different distance. Only in the last 10 years or so has this been changed again, so that frame lines are adjusted for 2m, showing a larger field of view for any given lens than at any time before. Now, of course, you have to make some adjustments when shooting at minimum focussing distance as the frame lines will show more than you will get, potentially cutting off some of your subject.
If you run out of accessory shoes, there are a couple of options, but they're out of production. There are three different double shoe adapters that Cosina made, of various heights. They're not hot shoes. They were intended to be used with things like their 12mm and 15mm finders at the same time as their bubble level. Works very well. Yashica made a double hot shoe, but it's fairly rare. I have one that also has a couple of extra contacts for their dedicated flashes.
Henning on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/03/2020
New York on a Leica M4-2 and Rolleicord IV - Kosmo Foto on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 12/06/2020
David Hays on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 15/02/2021
Comment posted: 15/02/2021
Christopher A. Junker on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 08/03/2021
Bob Beamesderfer on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 02/02/2023
I miss my M2 in particular because back in the early ‘70s, Leica made a neat little kit with a slotted spool that didn’t need to be removed and a plastic bit that attached to the baseplate to ensure the film was pushed completely into place. This not quite the same as the M2-R, a limited edition model.
The snooty M3 crowd will always look down their DR Summicron goggles at the M2 and M4-2, and probably the M4-P. I also owned an M4-P, which apart from the frame lines was pretty much the same camera.
Some M2s came without a self-timer. The lack of one on the M4-2 and M4-P never bothered me nor made me think these were lesser models because of it.
One final note, I’m guessing some people think Leitz sent the B Team engineers to Midland and Rockleigh to design, build and repair cameras. Sure, that makes complete sense.
Jonathan Slack tries the new Leica M6 and adds a touch of history on Leica M4-2 Review – Leica’s Redheaded Stepchild – by Ryan HK
Comment posted: 24/02/2023