Sunset Silvermax Rodinal

5 Frames of Sunsets in Black and White

By Geoff Chaplin

Aren’t sunsets about colour? Black and white is pattern and texture of course but more than that, for me at least, it captures the soul or atmosphere of the scene. I find black and white images are abstractions of reality needing mental interpretation; a monochrome sunset is calmer and a better reflection of the time to reset my mind at the end of the day. Colour is just reality – loud but ordinary. Black is the colour of the coming night, while the setting sun is taking the raucousness of the day behind us with it.

I used my Leica M3 with a Zeiss Planar 50mm lens, red filter, and three years past the expiry date Silvermax. Film was semi-stand developed in Rodinal 100:1 at 15 degrees C and scanned using a Sony A7Rii and Sigma Macro lens. The Silvermax was what happened to be in the camera when we had 5 or 6 days of interesting sunsets – partially clear sky but lots of interesting and different clouds. There is a special developer for Silvermax (which I don’t have but should try sometime); the cold development was part of an experiment trying to reduce grain (results coming later).

All the images shown have a straight line contrast curve – the only adjustment made was nudging the black point close to the start of the histogram. In the featured image the sun is setting behind trees on the horizon.

Sunset Silvermax Rodinal
15 minutes before sunset
Sunset Silvermax Rodinal
and sunset
Sunset Silvermax Rodinal
Sunset with reflections from high clouds giving the impression of a light pillar
Sunset Silvermax Rodinal
Clouds of light

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About The Author

By Geoff Chaplin
Primarily a user of Leica film cameras and 8x10 for the past 30 years, recently a mix of film and digital. Interests are concept and series based art work. Professionally trained in astronomical photography, a scientist and mathematician.
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Miguel mendez on 5 Frames of Sunsets in Black and White

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Hermosas !

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Geoff Chaplin replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Muchas gracias Miguel. La calle donde vivo se llama "Hermosa"!


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Ibraar Hussain on 5 Frames of Sunsets in Black and White

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

These are beautiful especially the first two - remind me of wonderful old movie still from B&W movies. Such elegance and a nostalgic romantic yet mysterious look.

Shot beautifully and with very nice prose

How’re you getting on with John Garrett’s book?

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Geoff Chaplin replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Thanks again Ibraar. Post from the UK took over three weeks. Mostly revision of course. I was pleased to see his comment in the introduction in answer to a newbies "what should I photograph?". There's no point photographing objects which are of no interest, there will be no feeling, and interest in photography will die.


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Thanks !! Yes mostly revision and insight. His other two are also worth a shot


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Gary Smith on 5 Frames of Sunsets in Black and White

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Very cool Geoff! I still have 10 exposures of Tri-X in my M3 and I might actually be someplace where a sunset image is possible. Thanks for the idea!

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Geoff Chaplin replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Thanks Gary, it's worth a try, interesting clouds help.


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Tony Warren on 5 Frames of Sunsets in Black and White

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Great images Ibraar and full of the emotion a sunset stirs, helped by the imaginative composition. Definitely in the character of Alfred Stieglitz's 'equivalents' - i.e. our own rendering in monochrome that the camera can never exactly match.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

You mean Geoff !!!! :)


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Tony Warren replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

Ooh sorry - a senior's moment I'm afraid - doesn't change the sentiment however - I still love this sort of image.


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Geoff Chaplin replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024

And I was thinking "how does he know my middle name is Ibraar"! Thanks Tony, appreciated.


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 16/07/2024



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