The Olympus XA1 is probably the simplest camera I own. Part of the iconic XA series, it has a fixed focus 35mm f4 lens and automatic battery-free exposure. There is only one setting to worry about – selecting with 100 or 400ISO for the film speed.
This pared-down approach results in a camera that “gets out of the way” when it comes to taking a photo. Look through the viewfinder to compose your shot, then press the shutter button. Nothing else to distract you or think about. And the results – well as long as you don’t get too close, the XA1’s lens produces crisp and contrasty results.
Shot with AgfaVista200 at 100ISO.

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Eric Manten on 5 frames with an Olympus XA1 – By Howard Hurd
Comment posted: 16/08/2018
I have the XA: love the fact it is a rangefinder and that I can choose the aperture. But the XA1 is so much easier, and therefore possibly more used?
Do I need to consider to add the XA1???? ;-)
Comment posted: 16/08/2018
Louis A. Sousa on 5 frames with an Olympus XA1 – By Howard Hurd
Comment posted: 21/08/2018
Comment posted: 21/08/2018