You can read about the Travelling Canonet project here. We have over 50 photographers on 4 continents waiting to take part. Two Canonets are involved, each travelling in a different direction. The idea is to take 5 or more shots and then send the camera on to the next person on the list.
Canonet 28 – Roll #1
The Canonet 28 was an additional camera which is working through the list of participants in the opposite direction. This posting covers the first 4 participants (including myself).
I took my Canonet 28 shots at the same time as I took the ones from the original Canonet.
Frames 5 and 6 were totally blank.
After I took my shots, I sent the Canonet 28 off to start its journey in north America…
At some point it appears the camera was opened (possibly by customs officials), this is just part of the journey. Frames 9 and 10 were blank (effectively new wind-on frames).
Randy writes:
“The hardest part for me was to find something that was worth while, we were blanketed with snow in a major storm although not a lot but was falling in a very short time. The Canonet certainly was a lot lighter than my Konica. When I got my Konica lllA back from CLA there was a learning curve for it as well.”
Dan writes:
“My shots from Kenai, Alaska.
Loved the opportunity to play with an unfamiliar, vintage camera and share pictures from my small part of the world. I was definitely self-conscious using a camera that wasn’t mine and not wanting to screw up my pictures but the “community” aspect of this project was indeed compelling. I hope to participate in a project like this again.”
Damion writes:
“This was a fun project to participate in! I have been wondering about the Canonet and this was a great way to try it out. The framing was a little off in a few of the shots compared to what I thought I had framed up to take the shot.
By profession I am a Psychiatric Registered Nurse and I work at the Oregon State Hospital. The shots I took are all on the Hospital grounds.”
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Johan on The Travelling Canonet – Canonet 28 Roll #1
Comment posted: 18/04/2022
4 continents... curious if the camera made its way to Africa? It would be too shocking to still see this kind of thinking in the modern era... as if Africa doesn't exist... almost Colonial.
I’m afraid we had no-one come forward from either Africa or Oceania. Most resopondants were from Europe and North America – I think that probably reflects where the bulk of 35mmc readership lives.
It would be nice to reach out to Africa more and get more input from people all over the world – I’d be very interested to hear any ideas about stuff we could do to cater for those who live and work in Africa/Asia/South America and Oceania to get more participation in future.
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Johan on The Travelling Canonet – Canonet 28 Roll #1
Comment posted: 18/04/2022
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Comment posted: 18/04/2022