10 months on from buying my M6, I’m now at the stage that I’m beginning to get used to it. The lens choice for me was simple, either 35mm or 50mm. Both suit my style but after a little thought I went for the Zeiss 50mm f1.5 C Sonnar. Price was a key factor in the choice I made, the closest Leica equivalent was simply far too expensive for me.
Researching a little further, despite the difference in price, the Zeiss seemed to have just as many advocates when it comes to image qualities. Both are often spoke about as outstanding lenses, with lovely classic rendering from the Zeiss, and the Leica giving more modern looking pin sharp results.
The first few rolls I shot, the Zeiss didn’t seem right to me from a focussing point of view. I initially struggled with the use of the rangefinder, possibly due to my lack of experience. With some practice, soon the results started to come good – though I don’t think wearing glasses has helped, if Im honest. I still make mistakes but I am improving – isn’t that photography is all about…?
The images below were shot indoors in low light. The Leica/Zeiss combo works really well in these environments.

Rick Davy – www.rickdavy.co.uk
Twitter – @rickdavy
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Karl Valentin on 5 frames with my Leica M6 & Zeiss 50mm f1.5 C Sonnar – By Rick Davy
Comment posted: 18/05/2018
that if I would ever go back to Leica again this lens would be my
first pick !
Comment posted: 18/05/2018
Matt on 5 frames with my Leica M6 & Zeiss 50mm f1.5 C Sonnar – By Rick Davy
Comment posted: 23/05/2018
Comment posted: 23/05/2018