Concurrently to the first roll I put through the Contax T3, I also shot my first shots with the Leitz Elmar 50mm f/3.5. The iiic being the camera I am giving away in this competition – I thought “id better test it make sure it works ok. As it goes, it turns out it could do with the rangefinder having a little bit of a clean, or maybe a re-silver, or whatever they would do to make it a bit brighter. Good news for the winner I suppose, as I have decided that before it goes to it’s new owner, it is going for a CLA.
As for the Leitz Elmar 50mm f/3.5… It is a coated one from 1948, though I’m not sure there is a great deal left of the coating, and it is a little on the hazy side. This first set of results is pretty much as I expected they would be, they look like they were taken on a 70 year slightly hazy lens. Still, they are not without charm, and it will be interesting to see the difference once the lens has has a bit of a clean.
As usual, the photos are uploaded to flickr big enough for close inspection should you wish to closely inspect them. One thing you will find is a good chunk of resolving power in that lens – and that is despite the haze!

Cheers for reading
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