5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

By collardphotography

My wife and I recently had the opportunity to sail around the Polynesian Islands also known as the Society Islands. Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora are the most famous islands among the French Polynesian archipelago. However there are thousands of these islands and atolls in the South Pacific Ocean.

The first settlers of Tahiti were most likely from Fiji and Samoa, who made the voyage in their outrigger canoes around 200BC. These islands became known by the Europeans in the sixteen century, but it was Captain Cook in 1768 that made them famous.

Deciding on the gear to take was a dilemma as always. I settled on my Leica MP and my FujiGF670W. Introduced in 2009 the FujiGF670W is a medium format rangefinder camera that allows you to shoot 6×6 or 6×7 on a 120 or 220 roll of film.

It’s a robust and simple camera and has everything one needs. The ergonomics are superb and the shutter is the quietest I have ever heard. Actually you can hardly hear the shutter at all, the only way to tell you took a shot is by a red LED light flashing letting you know.

The GF670W has an Aperture priority mode, ISO dial  (25-3200 ), shutter speed  (B-500 ) dial, 2 stop +- compensation and shutter release all in one neat dial. The lens is a fixed 50mm (28mm equivalant) lens with a leaf shutter built in. It’s a beautiful camera to use and easy to carry as it fits in my Billingham Hadley Pro bag with ease.

I got myself the FujiGF670W after my last trip to the Arctic Circle when I used the Hasselblad 500cm. By the end of the trip I just did not want to carry it around, it was just too burdensome, nonetheless it is a great camera. The film of choice on this trip was Kodak Portra 400.

It’s definitely a bucket list type of destination but I highly recommend you try and see it before the oceans rise!

Dominique Pierre-Nina
Film Photography and Dark Room Printing
Website: www.pierreninaphotography.com
Email: [email protected]
IG: @pierreninaphotography (www.instagram.com/pierreninaphotography)

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Terry B on 5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

Comment posted: 20/02/2020

What a lovely set of images. And timed well, with most of the UK suffering the effects of two storms on the trot. The Fuji appears to be an excellent travel companion. A pity that 220 film was killed off as I found double the number of exposures without a doubling of the number of 120 rolls I'd need was a boon.

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collardphotography replied:

Comment posted: 20/02/2020

HI Terry, Thanks for liking the article and photographs.


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Lich on 5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

Comment posted: 20/02/2020

Just saying the GF670W was released in 2011, 2 years after the GF670. So it has a couple of improvements over the folder like the little exposure lamp beneath the viewfinder!

The 55/4.5 lens, when shot with 6x7, is equivalent to 26mm on 35mm, a curious specification preceded by the Makina W67 back in 1985.

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collardphotography replied:

Comment posted: 20/02/2020

Hi Rich, Yes your right, back in 2012 I had the folded version but eventually sold it.


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Peter on 5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

Comment posted: 21/02/2020

Looks to be a wonderful camera to use for landscapes and wide image photography. Great photos! I love the Pacific Islands from Hawaii's out of the way places on the islands to the French-Polynesians. Sadly my photos never quite manage to capture the feeling of being there with digital so I always shoot film on those journeys.

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Bill Thoo on 5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

Comment posted: 21/02/2020

Lovely article! It's awful that it leaves me with an attack of GAS! Fuji produced such great really light weight medium format shooters.

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Oliver Thomas Lison on 5 Frames with the Fuji GF670W from the Polynesian Islands – By Dominique Pierre-Nina

Comment posted: 10/03/2020

Beautiul Images. It is a dream to go there one day. However, for most Europeans this destination is out of reach.

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