As everyone knows, France won the 2018 football world cup. As a number one fan of our football team, of course I followed this world cup with a lot of madness and zero objectivity. We are the best! On the day of the final, I had a small Olympus mju-i loaded with Kodak Tmax 100 film.
At the final whistle, we went down the streets of Paris to celebrate the victory. Going to the Champs Elysées, the streets were crowded. All the French people were out singing, dancing, drinking, celebrating … It was a crazy night.
The small Olympus mju-i was the ideal camera to take pictures in the heat of the moment. I am not a specialist of technics. What I expect from a camera is first of all that it allows me to do what I want. Shoot fast, quick focusing, not too big and discreet to take pictures on the streets.
The only problem I find is that the auto-focus could be faster, but guess that’s why the Olympus mju-ii is so expensive nowadays! Otherwise everything was perfect for the job – most importantly, it’s robust, which was quite important that night because the crowd was very crazy.
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Terry B on 5 Frames with an Olympus mju-i – By Gregoire Huret
Comment posted: 21/08/2018
Peut-être que l'Angleterre fera mieux la prochaine fois et contre l'opposition Française!
Tobias Eriksson on 5 Frames with an Olympus mju-i – By Gregoire Huret
Comment posted: 21/08/2018
Charles on 5 Frames with an Olympus mju-i – By Gregoire Huret
Comment posted: 04/01/2020