My oldest kid got married on September 6. He had a wedding photographer to take the official photos, the digital ones. You know the kind. It was the perfect occasion for me to give use to my beloved Nikon F4, with the nifty 50mm 1.8D. No pressure. Just for the absolute pleasure of it. So, I grabbed a pair of rolls of Portra 800 and a roll of Ilford Delta 3200 and to the party I went.
Let me say it wasn’t easy. First I had to deal with my tears. Yes, I cry easily. Very easily. And seeing my sweet baby tying the knot with the most beautiful princess… well, an ocean of tears flooded the F4 viewfinder. Not good. Not good at all. The Nikon was literally drowning, the poor thing.
Then… the booze. Lots of booze. Lots and lots of booze, from dry Martinis and several glasses of gin, to a crazy amount of red and white wine, to the impossible to resist Jameson. Damn. It was like having to deal with two viewfinders and four set of eyes at 4am.
But in the end, I guess it turned out alright. Much better than I expected.

It really was the most amazing day and night drawn on film. For me. For my wife. For my expanding family.
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Aristo Ioannidis on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Maria Antónia Peças on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Ashokchand. Hurry on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Dan Castelli on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
The 'Runaway Bride' pic is priceless. Well done.
It's nice not to be under pressure and you can snap those unplanned moments. These will become the most precious of pictures.
A couple of days ago, I took part in a panel discussion on the how and why a photographer decides to snap at a certain moment. They needed an ancient film dinosaur, & I was available. After the event was over, I wandered about the art/photography facility at the university where we presented. I just snapped a few shots with my (film) Leica CL of students, building arch., work on display, etc. No pressure, no direction, just reaction to the moment. Maybe 5-6 pics. It was freedom.
Comment posted: 20/10/2019
Gergana on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Charles Higham on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Brian Nicholls on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
This is a well thought out and hence, wonderful body of work. Professional wedding photographers please take note. Well done!
Brian Nicholls.
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Adam McAteer on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Comment posted: 21/10/2019
Eric Angerer on 5 Frames with a Nikon F4 (and lots of tears and too much booze) – By Luis Barros
Comment posted: 28/11/2019
Comment posted: 28/11/2019