I have had my Canon AT-1 for 30 years this year, my first ‘proper’ camera when I first started to study photography in the 6th Form. I took it to Iceland with a 28mm f2.8 lens, alongside my D810 and IR converted D90 a couple of years ago. I chose to shoot Redscale as I had a camera that would take ‘normal’, albeit digital, pics.
Having had this camera for so long, I find that I can shoot in a very instinctive way. The basic controls offer all I need – or want – shutter and f/stop I can find with my eyes shut, I can load and unload it with my eyes shut as well. The Canon AT-1 is not a camera I come across very much, I see more AE-1’s in circulation, and often feel this long owned piece of my early adulthood can be a little forgotten in camera circles.
As a photographer, Iceland in August was an amazing experience. Obviously the scenery, but also the light. This was the purest light I have ever shot in – as an aside, the files I got from my D90 were some of the best I have shot in IR.
The visible light was very attractive as well, so I messed it up in Redscale, just because I like the unexpected results this way of shooting delivers. I always respool my own as well. I love to count how many stops I am overexposing and try to visualise in my mind’s eye how the scene will be recorded. Heavy red saturation at +8 and then burning through into those lovely muted yellows and oranges as you hit 12 or 15 stops over.
These five images I chose because they illustrate a fleeting glimpse of the varied scenery I discovered whilst exploring the country.

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Victor Bezrukov on 5 Frames with a Canon AT-1 and a Roll of Redscale – by Toby Van de Velde
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
and now i really would like to try it !
thank you
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Terry B on 5 Frames with a Canon AT-1 and a Roll of Redscale – by Toby Van de Velde
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Toby Vandevelde Photography | 5 Frames With – An Icelandic Memory on 5 Frames with a Canon AT-1 and a Roll of Redscale – by Toby Van de Velde
Comment posted: 21/03/2018
Alex Hakimi on 5 Frames with a Canon AT-1 and a Roll of Redscale – by Toby Van de Velde
Comment posted: 24/03/2018
Comment posted: 24/03/2018