The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

By Ibraar Hussain

Michifu is our friend and member of the family.

He’s a Tom Cat of about 20 months of age so not fully grown yet. He comes and goes as he pleases, spending a lot of time out hunting for feline females and is usually to be found about 1 to 1 and a half miles from home in some haunts where I’ve tracked him using his Apple Airtag collar.

He hadn’t appeared for a while and the Airtag location hadn’t moved for a couple of days.

So, my son and I drove over to the location and found the collar discarded by some tree trunks in a copse by the side of a road.
We started to worry when 5 days went on to 7 days and no sign of him and no knowing where he was.

Gloom and doom descended on the house, it seemed as if someone had switched out the lights and we were in darkness, everything seemed to have lost it’s lustre, even food and things we had hitherto enjoyed were bland and lifeless and the Boy was filled with a lot of sadness.

Then one late afternoon/early evening we were shaken out of our numbness by repeated meowing “meow” “meow” “meow” “meowww” outside, we all jumped up and our son laughing and crying out ran to the door, still in his pyjamas he joyfully, picked the cat up crying “Michifu! Michi oh Michi”; hugging and kissing him, it was so lovely and I felt so happy I quickly grabbed my newly arrived Olympus E1 with the Zuiko 14-54mm f2.8 to 3.5 lens (which I hadn’t used as wasn’t in the mood to try) and took the first photo with it.

It’s slightly soft, the lowish light and ISO 100 meant there may have been a little shake, or I must’ve focussed on the cat, but Nevertheless, it’s one of my most memorable photos and the camera is the best Digital camera of any type I’ve ever used.

So a story of The Cat and His Boy, reunited.

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About The Author

By Ibraar Hussain
Enjoy photography and snapping stuff From East London
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Huss on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

What a purfect ending!

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

It was! Thanks Huss!


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Peter Roberts on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

A really heart warming story, Ibraar. I'm so glad it ended well although, as a cat lover myself, I doubt that Michifu realises the stress and anxiety he caused you and The Boy. Even if he does I don't suppose he would lose any sleep over it.
These sort of personal memories mean so much and are sometimes difficult to share. I'm pleased that you did.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Thanks Peter, yes, he can be a selfish bastard! hehe! But I guess that's one of the risks I have to accept having him 'intact' so all he thinks about are girls. And really appreciate your comment my friend.


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Sharon Levine on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Great photo and great story!

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Thank you Sharon!


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Hamish Gill on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

I love this. We lost our dog (in the more permanent sense of the word) last week. They are such a big part of any family with a collective heart. I’m glad you guys were reunited!

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Thanks Hamish. I'm so sorry about losing your dog - so much so. People who don't have animals don't really understand that these creatures are a part of the family and they're loved almost as children. Thanks again my friend


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Steven Cremer on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Ibraar -- This essay and photo tell a lovely story about our relationships with animals and family. A photo is much more than a technical exercise. Thank you for sharing something so personal.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 21/05/2024

Thank you Steven. What you said is true. There’s an intimacy found in every meaningful photograph.


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Geoff Chaplin on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Lovely story! I hope you gave the cat a good talking to afterwards. Any theories? Catnappers? Revenge of the feminist cats?

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thanks Geoff Ah! I’ve used the Apple AirTag to work out his haunts and routes - though he’s very elusive I’ve since found his loitering around and taken him Home a few times. He’s an intact Tom so has been sniffing around some chicks - he spends a lot of time in a place called Mistley Hall which is a large estate a mile from home - there he has a girlfriend - A Siamese called Lilly. The staff there know me now and know him. His route leads him out of the house and through the woods for a mile


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Kary Schumpert on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

This was a beautiful story and a wonderful photo. I hope the cat comes around more. Animals as part of our families make them more complete. Thanks for sharing this!!!

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thanks again Kary for your lovely comment !! After submitting this I regretted it as thought I’d as usual shared a bit too much But you’re right - they are part of our families and lives and approaching photography with some meaning and purpose can be an intimate and soulful thing - if lacking in out and out artistry skill or such


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Julian Tanase on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

A good story with a happy ending. And because is about cats, towards which I am partial (I do own two of them rascals now), I am glad that all is well when ends well. Purr-haps you should rename him MISCHIEF(u), for I see he is such a wanderer :)

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thanks Julian! Hahahaha!!! I never thought of that - sounds like his name and what he does. He’s an odd cat. He used to play a lot at home and hunt a lot bringing in mice and shrews and rats and birds. But since he’s approached his full maturity (still a year to go) he has given all that up. He doesn’t hunt, has no interest in even laser pens, toys , bumble bees or spiders - he just sleeps around all day and meows when he wants food. To go out, or when he wants his plenty of love and caressing - it’s all he wants and purrs sitting in laps or rubbing his cheeks and grooming everyone in the house. Then he wants to go out with us. Last week he went with us through the woods across to the park - waited while we played on the field - then accompanied us back home - he gets very aggressive with dogs whose owners are taking them for a walk. He just follows us for hours! Anywhere ! Tail up trotting along. Is this normal?


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

And then vanishes for usually around 1-4 days. Hunting for females. I should call him Balls as his set swing around when he walks hahaha!


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Julian Tanase replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

I know exactly what you mean, first cat, which I nursed from a new born to maturity (she passed away a few years ago due to age) was like that: she accompanied me to the corner shop, waited outside patiently, ignored everyone passing by, and accompanied me back home. She was quite the neighbourhood cat, everybody loved her. The 5 yrs old adult cat I have now, a British shorthair, (plus a kitten of 4 wks old, not hers) behaves differently: she eats, sleeps, goes out for hours, can be caressed only if and when she wants to, and generally does not give a toss on, well, anything. Mice, birds...she ignores them with an aristocratic sneer. So, yeah, she's a true lady :)


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Brilliant!!! All totally individual and with such character. Cats are as individual as people ! Even more so id say! Lovely stories there! And you must miss your cat a lot Michifu is wary of people - doesn’t go near anyone except us - loves being caressed and it’s on his back wanting more. And when he vanishes for a few days and I drive down to find him - he smells me / hears me and meows his head off - I then pick him up put him in the car and drive him home.


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Ibraar Hussain on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

My review and user experience with this fantastic old Olympus E1 will be published on June the 24th.
So watch this space.
It really is one of a kind special camera has given my photography a new lease of life.

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Kary Schumpert replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Ooooh, I can't wait to read your review and see your photos. I quite like those Olympus 4/3 dslrs, at least the ones I've played with, so it will be fun to see what you think. I'm glad you have found a camera that has given your photography such a kick. Sounds like a great match! I always enjoy when there's a new article and photos from you on 35mmc.


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Ah thanks Kary! You always give me encouragement ! It’s a fantastic camera - everything about it for me is perfect. I’ve an album on my Flickr The more I use it the better are the results


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Daniel Castelli on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thank you. I lost my older brother two days ago. We’ve all been in a fog. Your story lifted my soul and gave me a smile today. The portrait is beautiful.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Daniel - I don’t know what to say brother. My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I lost my dad a couple years ago and it felt like someone had taken a part of me out permanently. Thank you and it means a lot to read your comment about this picture and sharing your grief.


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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Sorry to hear about your brother mate, all the best to you and your family


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Gary Smith replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Sorry for your loss Daniel. I'm the oldest of six boys. I can only hope that I go first.


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Daniel Castelli replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thank you. A photo can be a powerful tool. We never know the impact it may have when it’s posted. Your photo & story was an uplift. Losing any loved one is gut wrenching, but the loss of a parent breaks the bond to a famille’s past. That rocks our foundation. My condolences to you and your family.


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Daniel Castelli replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thank you. I’m sorry to hear your family lost a beloved pet. They occupy a special place in a family. The grief is no less intense because one has four legs rather than two. My best to you and your lovely family.


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thank you bro. Its one of the tragedy’s of life - that we all go and those that leave us, leave us empty


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Gary Smith on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Great story Ibraar! I don't tend to shoot a lot of people and I suspect it's easier to get a 1-shot Story with a person in it. Your son looks pleased to have his friend back!

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Thanks Gary. It was a knee jerk post and thought it would be a good one shot story. Can cats be classed as people ?? ;-)


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Rich replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Having been adopted by 4 kittens last June, I can assure you that cats classify themselves as people! But they are not too sure if [i]we[/i] qualify!


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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 22/05/2024

Hahahaha!! I think you’re onto something there! There’s one cat from next door who sits in the garden facing the house staring at the house for ages. Just sits and stares like the dog from the movie omen - we are convinced he’s a psychopath and planning something :-D


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Tony Warren on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 24/05/2024

My, you have touched so many kindred spirits. My family live with two toms who have us well trained, one of them very like yours in his wandering habits and worry causing absences. He is also adept at detaching collars.
Your final comment on the E1 just prove the saying - the best camera is the one you have at the time.
Thanks for such a moving article Ibraar.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 24/05/2024

Thanks Tony! Hahah! Yes they are good trainers of humans. This one has me up at stupid-o-clock for food, company or to be allowed out - just me! Cones quietly up to my ear when I’m asleep and makes strange quiet noises so he wakes me up and not anyone else. Wondering Toms have something enviable about them - that freedom and liberty we all feel down in our souls yearn for Thanks again for sharing my friend


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Jay Dann Walker on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 12/06/2024

A touching and in every way, a truly wonderful story...

All the more so as the cat and not the camera was the be-all of the saga. And a refreshing break from the camera-first content we get so much of here, as good as it can be (and usually is).

Before the personal attacks start, let me say I am not being critical of anything here - and I am as guilty as the rest of posting my usual "best ever camera" comments. So I know of what I speak.

I will now read this story to the seven resident fur faces in my (Indonesian) household.


DNN in Indonesia

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 12/06/2024

Thanks so much Jay! My eye is always drawn to the cat - he’s sharp and in focus and everything else is a blur - fitting that he’s the centre of the story as you said. Man! 7 furry faces? Brilliant!! I’ve been guilty too much of going on about cameras and film. It’s a fun hobby but does distract from the picture in many ways. Thank you!


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Marcus Gunaratnam on The Cat and His Boy – A One Shot Story

Comment posted: 19/06/2024

We had a tabby who went missing for short time after the New Year fireworks and returned after about 1 week with a dislocated R.hip so off he went to the Vet.(inspite of my allergy to Cat dander) and got his hip fixed(with my wallet becoming much lighter),then pulled off stitches until a cone was placed over his head.He then was protective about my Beagle pup.Then one day when 11years old walked out of the house never to return.He was called 'Bam Bam' after the cartoon charecter.

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Ibraar Hussain replied:

Comment posted: 19/06/2024

Thank you sharing this Marcus It moved me a lot and the ending - “he walked out of the house never to return”. Ah you must miss him and the memories will stay for ever. Thank you again


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