I picked my Yashcia T4 including the original box at a local car boot for a good price a couple of years ago and it’s taken this long to put a film in, use up the 36 exposures and process. Seen as possibly the “poor man’s” Contax T2 , it has some notoriety due to the infamous fashion photographer Terry Richardson using it back in the day.
It comes with a Carl Zeiss Tessar 35mm f3.5 lens, with this being the other reason they now command prices of £200+. As for the Contax T2, you can sometimes add another zero to that…!
It’s auto exposure, has a shutter that goes from 1sec to 1/700th and is DX coded for film speed setting supporting 50-3200 iso and a built in flash. There is a small LCD panel on the top for flash control and a landscape mode, other than that it’s point and shoot compact, and is nice and light.
Whilst I normally shoot HP5+ at 400 iso, I came across a roll of FP4+ and thought I’d try it in the T4.
The roll has been in the camera for over 12 months – I have too many camera’s and films on the go at once – and so as is often the case it was a revelation as to what I shot. I tried a variety of styles, including landscape, street photography and shooting in the woods; but think it’s forte is travel and street photography.
I developed it using Tetenal Paranol S at 1:25 at home and scanned the negs on my Epson V500. I am quite impressed with the camera and hope to try HP5+ at some point.

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