
A Glossary of Photographic Terms

By Richard Becker

Photography is associated with a seemingly endless and ever-changing list of jargon and technical terms. A glossary is an essential reference for someone new to photography, and also for those like myself who have both forgotten old meanings and are bewildered by new definitions.

AnastigmaticTo have been publicly disgraced for using an automatic camera.

Anti-halation layerA chicken used to reduce flare on an image.

ASAAs Slow As. See box speed.

BokehThe part of a photograph that no-one looks at.

Box speedThe time taken from ordering to delivery, always too slow. See ASA.

BurningAnalogue delete button.

CameraA period in history when photography was the pursuit of eccentrics.

Data back – Vertebral discomfort from intensive captioning and keywording.

DOFThe sound made on seeing a photograph with nothing in focus.

FlashbulbIllegal planting of daffodils in a public space, not a photographic term at all.

Folding cameraTo sit on ones iPhone.

F-stopStop whatever it is you’re doing right now and don’t start again.

MetadataTo give away copyright to a billionaire.

Ortho-ChromatiquePioneering early 20th Century French street photographer. Painted cameras red to make them less conspicuous.

PopThe sound of a film canister opening.

Screw mountXx xxxx x xxxxx (term censored).

Security cameraA camera carried as a protection against anxiety.

Sheet filmA film that turned out really badly.

SlōgasType of photographic paper, ideal for contact printing negatives by gaslight.


Wide-angleWhen it is better to use a shorter strap instead.

X-synchTo load photos automatically onto the internet site formerly known as Twitter.

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About The Author

By Richard Becker
Farmer, photographer and naturalist. Living in Wales. Website;
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