Following on from the first 20 entries posted yesterday, here are the second 20:
Marc Stokes
The photograph was taken using an Ilford HP5 Black and white disposable camera, its a perfect pocket camera to stuff in a camera bag along with my dslr. I’m always pleasantly surprised by the results i get from it.

Mauro Ficano
Shooted by Rico af66 with tmax 400 kodak film.
Camera Price: 8€ in a town’s market.
Film Price : 2,50€ in my town reseller.

Mathieu Lalonde
I started shooting film about 7 months ago, when I was 16 years old. I started on a Pentax K1000 that I bought used for 50$. I was hooked on film. This is where my father came in. He opened his closet and got a Canon SureShot 60 out of an old box. He showed me a few pictures he took with it while I was a kid. The camera was released in 1995, two years before I was born. He gave it to me, the camera that he used to capture my childhood was now mine. Since then, this compact is one of my favorite camera to use, even if it doesn’t feature manual exposure. Here’s a picture of the camera, in my father’s hands.
A little bit of technical info about the camera:
-Released March 1995
-Lens: 38-60mm f/4.5-6.7 (Zoom retracts fully into the body)
-Shutter speeds from 2-1/500s
-Fully Automatic (Exposure and focus)
-Closest focus: 60cm
-Weight: 245g (with battery)
The camera can be bought within 5$ to 15$ (canadian $) on eBay from what I’ve seen. In 1995, the camera was around 240$. I have shot about 5 rolls with it and the focusing and exposure is spot on almost 100% of the time, even in tricky conditions. Here’s my entry…
This is the first shotI got on this camera. It was shot about 5 minutes after my dad gave me the Canon. I was so excited that I put a roll and shot. I have used about 5 rolls with the SureShot so far, but this one is one of my favorite image because it has some value for me. It was shot with Ilford’s HP5 at box speed. It was the sixth roll I ever developed, the other ones were from my Pentax. I used Ilford’s Ilfosol-3 for 6:30 and fixed with TF-4 for 4 minutes. So, this is the first shot from the first roll I developed with this particular camera.
In conclusion, this camera is still one of my favorites because of the value it has. I am now 17 years old, and I still use it from time to time 5 months after I got it. I’m sorry if there’s a few mistakes, english isn’t my first language. Hope you enjoyed my sorry and thanks again for the opportunity!

Leon Brown
Won’t win this because my image is so terrible, but thought you might like to take a peek regardless! I’m not a huge compact 35mm fan myself so I didn’t have many to pick from, but I chose the image below, taken recently at the Edinburgh University students union at a Scottish music festival I stumbled upon whilst out walking with a friend (we study together there) – and I happened to have a compact camera on me so I snapped a photo of him recording a video of the musical performance.
I used an old beat-up Olympus XA-3 with some very much expired Konika VX100S film (Given how late it was, I was surprised the camera was able to meter/expose at all!). The XA-3 had been so roughly treated the film advance jammed later that same roll, and I had to do some surgery to get it out – with the Olympus now sitting broken in my bin 🙁
I bought the XA-3 for about £7 on eBay on whim, and the film in a large bundle of expired films sometime earlier. I got the film developed at a local place and scanned it in on a Nikon v5000 at the University Photosoc darkroom (I don’t think anybody other than me actually uses it anymore!).

Aditya Nag
A B&W image I shot on Ilford HP5 on an Argus C3 from the 1950’s. Known for it’s radial bokeh, its a wonderful little brick.

Ties H. Mellema
Hi Hamish, this is a photo I took on a lc-a. Hope you like it 🙂

Jeremy Wood
The camera is an old toy camera that I found in my childhood closet about 10 years ago when I began being interested in film. According to some websites, it was sometimes sold as a Kalimar LX-9, although mine doesn’t have any branding on it. I’m assuming my parents got it at a drugstore or as a throwaway gift at some point when I was really young. The film was a roll of Tri-X 400 that came with the first SLR I purchased around the time I found this camera. The film was developed by a local lab, and scanned by me at home. I think it really encapsulates some of the stupid stuff my friends and I would get up to a few years ago. I really enjoy the photo, mostly for nostalgia’s sake, but I hope others enjoy it as well.

Laura Ward
Camera:Pentax Espio 928. Purchased for £5. You can purchase now for £8
Film: It was (honestly) an unbranded, ‘very expired’ 24 exposure film. I bought it for £2 because it was ‘unlikely’ to produce any shots. It was a yellow cannister. I don’t know if you have come across these, but it’s the only one I have shot with. Only half of the pictures came out.
Photo: I took this in scorching southern Spanish sun on my honeymoon. It was a long and dusty hike through the desert, so I didn’t want to take my fancier cameras for fear of getting them dirty. The man in the distance is my husband, James.

Simon Dean
It was taken with a Smena 8m, which I bought because of the history behind it. It’s a camera from the USSR that was sold as a cheap entry level camera. I heard that people have gotten some interesting shots with it, and so looked for one on eBay. I credit this camera as teaching me the basics of how to shoot! Before this, I used a couple of Holgas, which I didn’t have to think too much about. With this camera, my first roll was abysmal! Full of shaky images, out of focus pictures etc. It forced me to look up the basics of camera operation. The shot I sent you was on the second roll. The subject is my girlfriend on a walk with her dog. I was so pleased with how it came out. She looks at one with the trees behind her. The lighting is good, the pose isn’t too forced. I like what she’s wearing. It captured the mood of the walk. My favorite from the roll.
In line with the competition – here is how much I spent.
I bought the Smena 8m with another cheap camera for £8.50. £8.50 dived by 2 = £4.25.
The roll of film was bought in bulk. Ilford XP2 400 – 5 for £24.98, again on ebay – divided by 5 = £5
5 + 4.25 = £9.25
The processing was done at boots . . . I have yet to properly get into developing in the house. This is the next thing I’d like to do.

Erik Estrada
Just a short information about me, i’ coming from Indonesia and i’m living now in Vienna, Austria.
This photo i took in 2012 with Halina Panorama which i get from a thrift store for €1 (i already sell the camera), the film was Neopan 400 which i bought in Indonesia (before i went to Austria in late 2008) was about Rp. 25.000,- (around 2 € that time).
About the film developing, i just put it on a lab for 5€ that time and i scanned it by my self with my epson v750 pro.

Timothy Arrowtop
Here’s my submission for the contest, it was taken this past summer on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana at my cousin’s wedding.
It was taken on my Canon Sureshot, I believe it was made in 1983, with Kodak Tri-X 400, I home processed with Photographer’s Formulary PMK developer and their TF-4 fixer.
Here’s the camera, I bought it for 8 dollars at my local camera shop, it’s loud, clunky, awesome.

Oscar Fehlberg
My photo entry is from the recent $20 Challenge /r/analog held. I managed to get the camera, film and developing done for $18.50 AUS, which is around £9.50. The camera is a broken, but functional Yashica EZ5 Zoom 70 I got for $5.99 (£3). It no longer zooms, but it’s stuck at the wide end luckily. It still focused and metered well. The film I used is a rebrand my local developing guys make called Hillvale Daily 400. It’s pretty similar to Fuji Superia 400 and it’s only $4.50 a roll (£2.30). The developing and lo-res scans at Hillvale cost me $8 (£4) The guys at Hillvale are really cool though – It was started by two normal blokes who just liked film. They got a developing machine from a local chemist and set it up in a garage out the back of a Thai restaurant. They have drop boxes in various places around the city where you can drop off your film and they collect them once a week, develop it and then send you the scans back via email.
The photo is a suburban street shot of an older woman who was chatting with her friend while gardening. I like it because it really encapsulates my neighbourhood.

Miguel Morale
Mi name is Miguel Morales, from Santiago de Chile, and i’m writing to participate in the contest “win my Leica”.
The camera that i used for this photograph is a Pentax ProSport or PC-555 (all plastic camera, AF), i was bought on eBay for 9.99 dollars. The film i used is an Agfa Vista 200 (4 usd) , and was developed in a photo lab near my neighborhood.
I like the colors of that film, and this photo is from the first roll that i test in the camera, and really impressed me.

Robert Mallon
The photo was taken with an old Konica CF 35 EF that I picked up on Yahoo Auctions Japan a few years back. I think I paid 1,800 yen for it at the time.
The film used was bargain bin Centuria 400. (scanned with a crappy office scanner)
The subjects in the photos are good friends of mine here in Okinawa. This was the first time their toddler waded in the ocean on her own.
I was already wet so I grabbed my camera and got back in the water for a shot.

Justin Wolfe
This camera was my first step into the world of film. This photograph was taken from one of the first times ever using it oddly enough, and has always been a personal favorite of mine ever since.
Camera: Argus C3 “The Brick”
Film: Fujifilm Superia xtra 400
Location: Hampton Virginia

Im sending a picture I took a few months back on an Olympus Stylus DLX. I was at a camera swap meet when I spotted it on someone bargain bin table for $5.00. It had a working battery in it, and half a roll of Fuji Superia 400 loaded (bonus!) . I quickly bought the camera, which still has the price tag on the front, and headed to the mall to use up the film there.
The picture I have attached I took standing above an escalator that was stripped down and being fixed. It took some patience to wait for the man to move where I wanted him in the frame. If you look close you can see the hands of people riding an escalator directly below too.

Do Anh Tu
About the photo, it’s just the sky view of my city (Hanoi) in a sunny winter day. I took this with a 9-pound Olympus XA2 my abroader friend bought me, and a roll of Fujifilm Proplus II 200 which cost you 30,000 VND ( < 1 GBP ) so I think my entry doesn't break the rule. I dont know how to add camera and film info to the photo, but as you can see it comes with an EXIF about Fuji SP-2000 scannen from the local lab.
Jordi vollom
Camera: Olympus XA2 bought on Yahoo Auction for ¥500 yen. It was labeled “Junk” (as most old cameras are labeled that are sold by recycle stores here) and
but it worked fine with new batteries (ok maybe most people don’t think this camera is a piece of crap but it is old and cheap
over here in Japan..I’ll understand if the XA2 doesn’t qualify for the competition).
Film: HP5+ developed by me in Caffenol
This was taken on on the Old Saya Kaido in Nagoya just after the first snow of winter.

Calvin Purnomo
Camera: Olympus Mju (Stylus)
Film: Fujifilm Superia 200, Expired
Dev: Homemade PaRodinal!
Got this camera from my friend, got it for around $10 (we’re using Rupiah here in Indonesia). I do think he found it from his favourite flea market.
It’s a pretty beat up camera, I suspect the AF system is broken (no difference on the lens motor between close focus and infinity focus) but surprisingly the lens is still good! It’s the Olympus lens dude..
I decided to take it for a walk to Bogor, a satelite city near Jakarta, I dropped in an expired Superia I got for $1, and then decided to soup it into my homemade PaRodinal concoction as opposed to taking it lab for proper C41 process, since I’m pretty curious on how will color films come out after being BW processed (plus I was pretty short on money at that time, film’s not cheap in Indonesia, so yeah).
I was surprised that images came out of the negative! It’s not a great negative though. It is super dense and I think it made my fixer unusable (lots of dirt-like residue in my fixer afterwards). Then I took it to the lab to get it scanned, and voila! It turns out pretty good in my opinion. The biggest downside to this process is that the picture is super grainy as you can see in my image. But yeah, it did satisfy my curiousity and I get to test my Mju, it is super sharp as expected, and I will try this process again in near future!

Harman Hartawan Widyanto
This are my entry for a $10 point and shoot camera, in this case all are taken with an Olympus Mju 1, a very nice and quick little camera with incredibly sharp lens. I stopped using mine after I notice that it has power leak even though I switch the camera off, it still sucks battery. So yeah after 6+ batteries ($5 each!) I decided to stopped using it. A simple remedy would be to take out battery everytime I dont use it, but man I am too lazy for that!
Kodak Colorplus 200, this is a photo of my dad mid flight after a long business trip to Malang. Exhaustion is present on his face but for our family, he does everything to support us financially. We, siblings of 4, are very proud of him.

Keep an eye out for the next 20 tomorrow
Plenty of time to enter still too … closing date is the 28th!
Cheers for reading
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Nestor M. Reyes on Leica iiic competition entries (21-40)
Comment posted: 24/02/2015
Can we still submit for your photo contest...? When is the deadline by the way? Feb 28?
Nestor Reyes
Comment posted: 24/02/2015
lu on Leica iiic competition entries (21-40)
Comment posted: 05/03/2015