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30 October, 2024
Don’t be afraid to experiment and test before tossing stuff outShare this post:
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Andrew on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
In my experience, the only real value left if you want a good photo from a fully functioning piece of equipment is a used digital SLR. So far, they seem to have escaped the trend. And the other bonus of a DSLR is that you can always request the shutter count which gives you a good indication of how much life is potentially left.
Ellis on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
James E. Langmesser on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
fleetwoodler on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Ivan Baptista Jr on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Keith Drysdale on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Dan M on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Two things I would mention when visiting pawn shops:
1. Bring cash. Cash talks, BS walks
2. The tagged price is never the sale price. ALWAYS negotiate!
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Eric N on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
1) Estate sales in my area (Northern California) have become a much better place to find cameras. At an estate sale, typically everything in the house from hammers to household cleaners are for sale, as opposed to garage sales, where people are putting out just a portion of what they own.
2) If you go to an estate sale, look for the "man cave"--the place where the man of the house kept his gadgety stuff. Bypass the kitchen and living room and the room chockfull of Christmas decorations. If you can't find a man cave, it's likely that the last resident was a woman, who would have been much less likely to own camera gear.
3) Garage sales typically take place on Saturdays or Saturday/Sunday. Go on Saturday--in my area, they're pretty picked-over by Sunday. Estate sales, on the other hand, generally start on Friday and I some cases start on Thursday. Go on opening day to snag the good camera gear.
4) Many garage sales are run by commercial enterprises who operate the sale and take a cut of the proceeds. As a result, prices are generally higher than at sales run by the family. If you can, head for family-run sales.
5) Finally, check online for local listings. has nationwide listings with photographs of everything at every sale and a searchable listing of items as listed. Look for "camera" and tell it where to look, and the site will bring up a listing of all of the local sales with cameras. You can then look at the photos and decide if it's worthwhile going to the sale. It's a huge time-saver for me.
Finally, your tip about asking for cameras is spot on. Some of my best finds have resulted from asking. A few weeks ago, I did just that, and the homeowner brought out a box that included a near-perfect Yashica T4 Super D. I bought it and sold it a few days later for a very nice profit.
Happ[y hunting!
Gary Smith on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Christopher Welch on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
CP93 on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 23/08/2024
Marcus Gunaratnam on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 24/08/2024
Paul Trantow on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 25/08/2024
Daniel Castelli on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 25/08/2024
Marco Giai-Coletti on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 25/08/2024
Jeffery Luhn on Maximizing Garage Sale And Thrift Store Finds
Comment posted: 25/08/2024