Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

By Mattias Johansson

The summer of 2020 has been very special in the South of Sweden were I live. The corona virus has affected us in profound way.

The Swedish corona tactics differs from a lot of other countries in the world, the government relies heavily on the own responsibility of the citizens. In the late July and early august we have had nice and warm summer weather witch has resulted in crowded beaches in Sweden. Recently we have seen an increase in the spreading of the virus again.

It is with this in mind I came up with the idea to the photographs to the serie Social distance. According to the Swedish public health authority we should have a distance of two meters to other people to stop the spread of corona. This is known as social distancing.

I have made the invisible space that is recommended visible by making squares that is two square meters. The limited areas in the photos could be seen as a safe space according to this recommendation. Here there is a minimal risk to get infected with covid or to spread the disease to someone else. Perhaps the limited space and the restricted free movement at the beaches is something that we need to live with for a long time.

I have used Hasselblad 203FE, the 50 4.0 cf lens for this project and Fuji Neopan Across and Ilford Delta 100. I have developed  Neopan in Tmax developer and Delta 100 in Ilfotec lc29. I have scanned with Epson v800 and edited the scans in Epson scan and Photoshop.

Mattias Johansson

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Graham Spinks on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 23/09/2020

Great concept. Witty and poignant.

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Michael J on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 23/09/2020

Great project! Did your re-mapping of everything in 2m chunks make manual focusing dead easy?

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James Kuo on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 23/09/2020

Thank you.

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Castelli Daniel on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 24/09/2020

Thanks for sharing a funny/sad commentary on our adjusted living conditions. I appreciated it.

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Bernd Runde on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 24/09/2020

I like the idea! great project!

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davesurrey on Social Distance – A Covid Inspired Photography Project – By Mattias Johansson

Comment posted: 24/09/2020

Now I understand what the Zone System really means. ;-)

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