5 frames with a Canon SureShot Zoom XL in Croatia

By Sasha Rose

I have taken film cameras on holiday before. Normally small, plastic ones that fit comfortably in my pocket and will allow me to take a couple of pictures of nothing in particular. This year, as my love for film photography has grown deeper, I decided to be more thoughtful. Armed with my delightfully chunky Canon SureShot Zoom XL (that I purchased thanks to an article by Mike Hannon from 2020) and two rolls of Kodak Gold, I took to the streets of Croatia to capture the essence of two weeks in European Summer.

A small pier jutting out to a large body of water. In the distance, a large metal bridge and green hills either side.

This trip was all about new experiences for me. It was my first time going on holiday sans family, and it was my first time in Croatia at all. So, it made perfect sense to me that I should be stepping out of my comfort zone with my photography. For me, this meant getting over my shyness in order to ask people if I could take their picture. Maybe not a massive barrier to overcome, but I am still fairly new to photography in general, and baby steps are important. Thankfully, those I asked were always very happy at the idea, and it allowed me to get comfortable shooting strangers.

I found Croatia to be a treasure trove of beautiful shots. We spent the majority of our time in Split, a city still enveloped in the ruins of its Roman Fortress. The streets were thin and winding, the gorgeous brick buildings looming overhead, and every square or plaza were overlooked by colourful shutters or iron balconies. Outside the city, we visited a few beaches and national parks, all of which were blessed with natural beauty. Although black and white film is sometimes favoured amongst film photographers, I enjoyed the results that colour afforded me on this trip.

A young woman standing on a beach, one hula hoop spinning around her face and one spinning behind her back.
One of my favourite pictures from the trip. I love how the movement and her stance make her look.
A young woman spinning two hula hoops on a beach.

As for the gear, this was only the second and third roll I had shot with this Canon. Although not the most conventional point and shoot, I have found nothing but pleasure shooting with this camera so far. If you are looking for a light camera to throw in a small bag or carry around easily, this is not the one for you. What it lacks in ease of transport, however, it makes up for in the beauty of the pictures and how utterly enjoyable it is to use. The zoom function allows for the framing of the perfect picture, and the helpful little green and red lights next to the viewfinder allowed me to get a focused shot 95% of the time (the other 5% was my fault).

An old man playing the guitar in front of a light stone wall.
This is the first person I asked if I could photograph. He joked that this moment is what he’d been doing it all for.
The corner of a tall stone building. Two stone figures carved into either side.
This was one of the pictures I was most excited to see developed. It has a very imposing ambience.

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Gary Smith on 5 frames with a Canon SureShot Zoom XL in Croatia

Comment posted: 25/07/2024

Isn't Croatia known for its Roman ruins? Did you have a language barrier at all? Nice set of example shots and interesting article. I don't know how I'd do asking people if I could take their photo.

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Eric Norris on 5 frames with a Canon SureShot Zoom XL in Croatia

Comment posted: 26/07/2024

The Zoom XL is a great camera, rumored to have FD-quality lenses in a point-and-shoot. I've never been disappointed in the results from mine.

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Mark Ellerby on 5 frames with a Canon SureShot Zoom XL in Croatia

Comment posted: 29/07/2024

I really like your pictures of people in this post, especially the woman with the hoops.

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