5 Frames with a Pentax MZ5 at the Beach

By nzcarl

Hi all my name is Carl Cozzone and i am a long time film user and photographer in Christchurch Nz. I seem to have been using fim camera’s all my life. Starting with a Pentax compact and getting distracted along the way with the Horizon Kompact, Zeiss Ikon Nettar and even an RZ67 before flirting with most other brands and formats (I’m looking at you APS ????),

36 chances to get it right, no chimping, no RAW, no Auto iso, no HDR. 36 shots later and all is well with the world, just put the camera away and enjoy the sunshine. The feeling of excitement when the prints come back from the lab is a feeling that never grows old, no matter how good, bad or otherwise the final results are.

A moment captured in time, underexposed? mis-focused? blurry? Just smile and move on. Now don’t get me wrong I do love my R6 but it is very clinical, almost too perfect. Film for me with all its imperfections really mirrors my own life and experiences and i like that.

These five frames were taken on a Pentax MZ5 with a sigma 18-35mm lens, all with the panorama setting on. It’s not true a pano I guess, but just nice to be able to shoot cropped in camera, just for fun. The Sigma is a super wide zoom with starts at 18mm and zooms to a standard 35mm. I think it suits the pano concept, eliminating background and foreground, forcing you to concentrate on the middle bit. All frames were shot early morning at New Brighton beach in Christchurch NZ.

The film stock was long expired Kodak Gold 200

I hope you enjoyed the photographs

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Edward Stitt on 5 Frames with a Pentax MZ5 at the Beach

Comment posted: 26/06/2024

Great Camera! I used an MZ-5/ZX-5 for years until it started having issues with the mirror not returning fully. Apparently its a very common problem caused by plastic gear teeth wearing out to breaking off. I started trying to disassemble it to find the gear. After a few hours over a couple days I decided to replace the camera instead and now carry an MZ-3 (slightly upgraded body to the MZ-5) alongside my K-1ii DSLR. The two bodies work well together with the same lenses. I tend to use my autofocus lenses with these two cameras as both bodies are missing split prisim manual focus aids in their viewfinders. Both these bodies are what I consider near-perfect film cameras.

From pentax reviews I read "So, a handful of more minor flaws and one big one (the plastic gear curse!). If Pentax released a version of this camera with a magnesium alloy frame, no panorama mode, and a brass as opposed to plastic mirror gear, it'd be the perfect film camera in my opinion." And I completely agree. Its definitely of the 90's plastic-camera-era, and its flaws are mostly because of that.

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Edward Stitt replied:

Comment posted: 26/06/2024

By both these bodies I meant the MZ-5/ZX-5 and the MZ-3. They are both excellent film cameras. ... not the K-1ii (a digital body)


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