NEWS: Ondu Pinhole III and Lenscapt on Kickstarter, Negative Lab Pro and Lumu Power 2 Announced

By Hamish Gill

Lots of exciting things happening this week. Ondu have surpassed their Kickstarter goal for a their mark III cameras, Negative Lab Pro is launched, promising negative conversion as a Lightroom plugin, Lumulabs have announced their latest “Pro” version of the Lumu light meter, and my pals at Lenscapt have launched on Kickstarter.

ONDU -III- Pinhole Cameras – Perfect shutter, Snap-on filters

Ondu have launched a Kickstarter to fund their Ondu III – the 3rd version of their cameras.

The third version cameras come in two types: the standard version and the rise version that has 3 pinholes for adjusting the position of the horizon in a levelled shot. The cameras also come in a variety of formats – which is great, though I must admit it has given me a bit of choice paralysis…

120 Rise
135 Panoramic

There is actually 12 cameras to chose from, from 35mm versions all the way up to 5×4.

This third version also brings with it 3 key feature upgrades. The first is the magnetic “perfect” shutter. The claim it runs smoothly, makes for shake free exposures – even short ones, makes filter use a possibility and “makes a clicking sound for fidgeting sake”.

I’m not sure about the last specification, but one way or another, it does look quite impressive. The second feature is a shutter on the red window on 120 cameras – this allows the use of 35mm film with adapters. Finally, they have included magnetic mounts for mounting filter holders to the front of the cameras.

The Kickstarter has already reached it’s goal, but there is still plenty of time to put your money down – you can find the Kickstarter campaign here

Negative Lab Pro

Negative Lab Pro is the most exciting thing to happen for Lightroom for film photographers for a long time – specifically those who like to digitise their negatives with a digital camera! This is especially interesting to me, because of pixl-latr (obviously).

It’s a dialogue that opens up within the Lightroom software that with the click of a button and the tweak of a few sliders, it allows for individual and batch conversion of black and white and colour negatives.

There is a demonstration video on the website, as well as a guide for best practices that’s useful for people who don’t use the software. Negative Lab Pro was announced yesterday, and is available for $99 from the website here

Lumu labs Lumu Power 2

Marko from Lumu labs got in touch with me this week to tell me three bits on news. Primarily, the Lumu labs Power 2 in now available.

The “Pro” version of this allows for colour temperature measuring of flash equipment. loads more info can be found on their website here.

Marco also went on to say that the Lumu Power 2 is now available on Apple’s online shop in the States, and that they are opening their SDK to the public. Finally – and though Marko didn’t mention this in his email I think it’s always worth mentioning – they provide an upgrade program for people with older version of their hardware – more info here.

Lenscapt – The Lens Cap You’ll NEVER Lose

Lenscapt are now live on Kickstarter. I’m not a big user of lens caps myself, I do have a habit of losing them, so I can’t help but like this idea. It’s basically a sprung loaded lens cap with a little magnet that holds it shut. When your ready to shoot, you just flick it open. I have one here, and I can confirm that it is way less faff than normal lens caps

On Kickstarter here


This isn’t really much to do with photography, but might be of interest to dog owners out there… and if not, it still might give you all a chuckle at my expense. In my first (and hopefully last) appearance as an actor (it’s a long story…), you can see me in the video for another product on Kickstarter here. Tail Tale is a product designed to give a unique insight into the life of your dog… including a camera mount…

That’s me and my dog piggy…

That’s all for this week – I will be reviewing all of these products (apart from TailTale, obvs) for 35mmc, so keep an eye peeled for more soon…

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About The Author

By Hamish Gill
I started taking photos at the age of 9. Since then I've taken photos for a hobby, sold cameras for a living, and for a little more than decade I've been a professional photographer and, of course, weekly contributor to 35mmc.
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Steve Boykin on NEWS: Ondu Pinhole III and Lenscapt on Kickstarter, Negative Lab Pro and Lumu Power 2 Announced

Comment posted: 26/10/2018

I bet I could lose that lens cap........ The pinhole camera looks very interesting. I have a Zero Image that I haven't used for a long time. I may have to bring it out of retirement soon.

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Steve Boykin on NEWS: Ondu Pinhole III and Lenscapt on Kickstarter, Negative Lab Pro and Lumu Power 2 Announced

Comment posted: 26/10/2018

In my previous comment I forgot to tell you that your dog is really beautiful!!!!

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Martin Hugh Henley on NEWS: Ondu Pinhole III and Lenscapt on Kickstarter, Negative Lab Pro and Lumu Power 2 Announced

Comment posted: 26/10/2018

I'm not one to rush out and start clicking up for trial downloads...BUT....WOW! I just grabbed the Negative Lab Pro plugin and I am EXTREMELY impressed, despite the fact that it appears this plugin is NOT targeted at my workflow - I use a dedicated 35mm scanner (Minolta DiMage Dual IV), not a DSLR or flatbed to convert my negatives. The plugin is designed to initially convert the digital negative into a positive, so I simply applied a linear tone-curve so my scan had the appearance of a negative, then applied the Neg Lab Pro plugin. I've experimented with the various setting, INCLUDING SHARPENING....and, FINALLY, my Provia 100F shots look like slide should. I've tried the plugin on a number of other tricky scans (tricky as I had ballsed-up the exposure) - again, very impressive. I will be buying the full version! Martin, Warsaw

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tito on NEWS: Ondu Pinhole III and Lenscapt on Kickstarter, Negative Lab Pro and Lumu Power 2 Announced

Comment posted: 28/10/2018

you must check

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