Over the past 50 years I have had periods where I was immersed in photography. First it was B&W darkroom printing, then a long period of color work, a brief time with digital, and now I am focused on B&W film with mechanical cameras. Long ago I had some success with color, meaning that I was able to compose with colors, rather than have colors be a distraction. I have recently tried some color film again, including the reintroduced Ektachrome, but my initial results have been uninspiring. Perhaps I am composing with an eye accustomed to black and white? It does not help that we live near Seattle, where days of bright sun are limited. I am finding that Ektachrome and color negative film are rather sensitive to light temperature, requiring brilliant or “golden hour” sun to produce the hues and saturation I see with my eyes.
A few years ago, I was asked to exhibit my photographs in a local café and bar. I dug out some color slides, or transparencies, from 1980 and 1981. I liked the compositions, so I had them printed on 12 x 18 inch (30 x 45 cm) paper stock. I have a few of these slides to show today, now using my Epson V550 flatbed scanner, and refraining from any post-scan editing. The fuzzy black borders are from the cardboard slide mounts.
When I snapped these photographs, my wife and I lived in a fine old apartment in San Francisco’s downtown. I was surrounded by visual artists. My wife was a medical illustrator who also painted in her free time. We had friends who painted, and for more visual stimulation, we were a short walk from galleries and the modern art museum.
My wife and I shared a Kowa SET-R: a leaf shutter SLR she had used since her college days. While this was an economical camera, the match-needle meter was accurate, and the shutter made a wonderful sequence of mechanical sounds each time it was fired. I thought the 50mm f/1.9 lens was sharp enough and certainly better than my camera handling skills. Mike Eckman has an excellent review of this camera here. After many years of use, the leaf shutter on the Kowa failed. It took it to a shop where a camera repairman refused to work on it, offering disparaging remarks on the quality of our beloved Kowa.
I worked most mornings and evenings, so that left afternoons free for me to walk in the city. The Kowa gave me a reason to leave our apartment. Without a camera, I would have seen very little of my neighborhood. I felt I was acquiring some visual skills with these walks as well.
I was encouraged to use slide film. Transparencies were considered to be the professional film format at the time. I watched my wife make transparencies of her paintings and drawings, learning that this was the format for any submission of serious work. I enjoyed the color reproduction of slide film. When transparencies were projected onto a screen, it was similar to seeing light through a stained-glass window.
Kodachrome and Agfachrome were sold with the manufacturers’ development included. Ektachrome was sold like it is today: without development. I had mixed results with independent processors of Ektachrome, so I began asking for it to be sent away to Kodak’s labs.
San Francisco had a wealth of interesting subjects to photograph. I captured storefronts, cafés, markets, boats, walls, windows, and other street scenes. As I spent time with the Kowa and transparency film, I began to compose photographs based on color as the subject: images defined by colors rather than light and shadow.

Some Kodak Ektar negative color film sits in our refrigerator, waiting for the sun to poke out from the cloud cover. We might see some sun next week…
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Art Meripol on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Ibraar Hussain on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
How did you find scanning Kodachrome ? Mine has a blue cast
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Jeffery Luhn on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Thanks for the shots of The City, my home town!
Nobody who has used Kodachrome can forget the warm colors and sharpness of that magical film. I'm sorry UNESCO didn't declare it as a World Heritage Thing and keep the manufacture and processing alive. The world would be a better and brighter place today.
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Gary Smith on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Nice shots in the above.
Thanks for your post!
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Comment posted: 27/01/2025
Bill Watts on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 28/01/2025
Many many years ago I switched to using transparency film as the price of the film was similar to print film but the processing cost was far less than that for a print film and 36 enprints. (Scanning was just unheard of in those days!) I was a schoolboy at the time I started and every penny counted! and when I grew up, got married and bought my first home, money was still a consideration and I liked the saturated colours and lack of grain.
I never got on well with Kodachrome and I found Ektachrome too cold but Fuji Sensia, that was the mutt's nuts. Accurate colours, good saturation, reasonably cheap, process paid and fast turn around from the Fuji lab. I shot thousands of photos on Sensia and Sensia II.
I still shoot slide film when I can, I have about 30 rolls of Fuji Velvia / Provia in my freezer and the other day I actually came across a roll of Sensia which has been in the freezer for at least 15 years! Should be ok. I will run it through my Olympus iS 3000 - and see what I get.
Of the print films Ektar 100 is the only one that comes close with Fujifilm C200 as a close runner up.
These days I do not generally project my images, I scan them with a Plustek OpticFilm 120 scanner or an Epson V600 and EpsonScan or VueScan software.
Comment posted: 28/01/2025
Alexander Seidler on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 29/01/2025
Comment posted: 29/01/2025
Paul Quellin on Color is the Subject – Some Success with Color Transparencies
Comment posted: 31/01/2025
Comment posted: 31/01/2025