One Low Rider Car Show and Three Films

By Eric

The title covers it pretty well. But for more context a few months ago I was invited to a Low Rider Car Show. I had been wanting to attend one for a few years, but my timing was always off. I would find out about it too late, or even after, or would have a conflict. But this time a friend in photography, one Cesar Molina

…let me know about a show and I made it. A bit of a drive and had some tire flat drama but I made it there and back safely, managed to get my tire fixed, and managed to get some pics somewhere in between. It was better than I expected. I am both a camera nerd and a car nerd so it was a wonderful day. I also brought along some accomplished digital image capturing devices, and they did great as well…

Leica M Type 240 + Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.2

…but film stole the show as far as I am concerned. The film camera tool of choice was the Fujifilm GA645 and it performed flawlessly as expected. Brought along three favorite film stocks. Three distinct looks and I like them all. Here are the images in no particular order. I will add my thoughts on each film after the sample photos at Hamish’s very logical suggestion.

Cinestill 50D

Thoughts on the film.

I like Cinestill 50D. It is not the color film I reach for first, but I enjoy the results when I do. It does have a unique look to it that I like. It creates pleasing and muted, not overly saturated images that are very sharp.

But as the D and ISO 50 indicates this is not a film for all occasions. Perfect for a day like the car show. Other films offer a bit more variety so I need not plan ahead.

CatLABS X FILM 100 Color

Thoughts on the film.

This film is a relatively recent find and it has given my all time favorite color films a run for their money. Knew it was a winner from the first roll.

For starters, it is surprisingly affordable which is appreciated. Above that it is very sharp, creates a low grain image, and offers unique colors that I really like. Punchy while not going off a bit of an artistic cliff like Phoenix 200. I always enjoy the images it creates.

Kodak Gold 200

Thoughts on the film.

This is one of my all time favorite color films. The others are the Lomographycolor triplets (100/400/800) and Fujifilm 400. But if I had to pick one for the top of the heap it would likely be Kodal Gold 200. It is affordable and image quality wise it is a star. No matter what situation I put before it or what lens or camera I put behind it this film delivers.

In short Kodak Gold 200 never lets me down. Even when I push it like using a 200 speed film for a low light pic like the last one above. A great film.

Well. That is a wrap for this one.

A great event and I had a great time.

Eric L. Woods

I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me. If you are so inclined my blog address is and I can be found on Threads and Instagram. All the best to you.


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About The Author

By Eric
I shoot a variety of new and old digital and film cameras. Industrial Engineer by education, IT is my vocation, and I really enjoy using, testing, and writing about cameras. All three of the latter are very therapeutic exercises for me.
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Gary Smith on One Low Rider Car Show and Three Films

Comment posted: 27/02/2025

Looks like a good time. I'm 70 and went to my first car show last summer. Of the three films you featured, it would be hard to select a "best" although it seemed as if the Kodak was super-saturated. I developed my first roll of color last month: Fuji 200 (400 box speed). I felt that my results were less than spectacular due in part to my developing and lack of experience in the inversion s/w I used. I currently have two more rolls partially shot.

Thanks for your article Eric!

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 27/02/2025

Thank you Gary. It was a good time. All the best to you.


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Jeffery Luhn on One Low Rider Car Show and Three Films

Comment posted: 27/02/2025

There were many standout machines there!! You did a great job capturing the wild colors and chrome. The different film emulsions have individual characters, some of which look like they were shot in 1965. I suppose someone could get close to that look with digital images, but your film examples really nail it.
Having grown up in the San Francisco area, low rider cars are abundant, but I never tire of seeing them. When a few of them are parked together anywhere, they draw a crowd. Summer Saturday nights in San Jose is a real show. Thanks for sharing cool photos of a bona fide art form! Jeffery

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Eric replied:

Comment posted: 27/02/2025

Thank you Jeffery. The kind words are appreciated. It was a great time. I feel the same way about film. The digital images I took that day were fine, but I always go back to the film ones. All the best to you.


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