The Vivitar keychain camera purchased from Walmart for $5.

5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

By Scott Bassett

I’m cheap. Not as cheap as my youngest brother. He once tried to negotiate the price when on the phone ordering a take-out pizza. So when the popular Slickdeals website listed a “Vivitar” keychain-sized digital camera for $5 (regularly $17), I had to order one.

They say “the best camera is the one you have with you.” This would be a chance to see if that old adage has any truth to it. The camera came sans micro-SD card, but that was OK. I have several unused low-capacity cards sitting in my top desk drawer. It also charges and transfers images using a properly modern USB C port. It even came with a short keychain attachment so I could connect it to my regular keychain and take it with me everywhere.

The published specifications for the camera are minimal and not very helpful. The maximum resolution is listed as 14 megapixels, but given the size and price, that seems doubtful. Video resolution is claimed to be Full HD. Despite the Vivitar branding, the camera is made by Sakar International – or more likely by a company contracted by Sakar.

I was not prepared for the “quality” of the resulting images. Many were hit or miss. The camera does poorly in low light and does not handle movement well. But in the right light, close enough to capture detail, with a (mostly) static image, it does fine. Obviously, my concern that these are nowhere near 14 megapixels is born out when viewing them enlarged for this post.

My two- and four-year-old granddaughters are often the subjects of my photos here in the early weeks of retirement. These five images of them show was a $5 camera can do under the favorable circumstances of enough light and a still enough image.

Two year old granddaughter sitting at kitchen counter having just finished breakfast
Two year old granddaughter sitting at kitchen counter having just finished breakfast. The cheap camera did a decent job of capturing her blue eyes.
Four year old granddaughter climbing out of my car after preschool pickup and return home.
Four year old granddaughter climbing out of my car after preschool pickup and return home. Her mostly white dress lacks detail, but her dark eyes are captured well
Two year old granddaughter on sofa in living room.
Two year old granddaughter on sofa in living room. The $5 camera doesn’t work as well in low light.
Four year old granddaughter playing in the backyard.
Four year old granddaughter playing in the backyard. In bright light the colors are not too far off. I have a sense the white balance isn’t quite right.
Two year old granddaugther playing in the backyard.
Two year old granddaugther playing in the backyard. The yellow and orange flowers on her dress are rendered reasonably well in the bright sunlight.

Overall, I am glad I spent $5 on this camera. It is loads of fun. And although they have larger “kids” digicams themselves, they regularly ask (insist!) I decouple the tiny Vivitar from my keychain so they can shoot with it (and drop it repeatedly – apparently without damage).

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About The Author

By Scott Bassett
Recently retired and rekindling a passion for photography from my teen years when I used a manual Ricoh SLR and then a Spotmatic F. Both are long gone. In the last few months, I acquired a Canon EOS Rebel 2000 SLR with the kit (28-80) zoom lens and a Canon Demi ee17 half frame.
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Bob Janes on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 27/03/2025

My old dad used to say "I'm not mean, I'm careful". Personally, I'll own to being a bit mean - and sometimes really modest kit can give some lovely results - as you have ably demonstrated.
I'm currently needing to finish up the film in my Agfa Clack...

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Art Meripol on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 27/03/2025

good enough to capture childhood joy

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Jeffery Luhn on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 27/03/2025

Cute kids!!
It's worth noting that 70 years ago we could not get a camera for $1.75, which is $5.00 in today's money. So your $5 investment looks quite good!

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Gary Smith on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 27/03/2025

Scott, those shots are amazing for a $5 toy. Thanks for sharing!

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Brian Nicholls on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 28/03/2025

Proof positive! It's the photographer that takes the picture,NOT the camera!!

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Eric on 5 Frames of Grandkids with a $5 Digital Camera from Walmart

Comment posted: 28/03/2025

Nice. Thank you for sharing.

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