This will be last set posted before the end of the competition, some real gems here, so if you are looking for a bit of last minute inspiration …
Tom Brookes
The camera I used to enter my shot was the Ricoh ff-99, it was found in a high street charity shop in my city center buried at the bottom of a wicker basket of old unloved cameras. I got it for £3, Which gave me a bit of leeway to go more extravagant on my film choice. I opted for a roll of ilford xp2 in the £7 price range, so I was bang on the money.
The camera was in perfect working order as far as I could tell without developing a film, So off I went to work with a readied roll of xp2 and a sense of trepidation. The FF-99 was so easy and enjoyable to use. It’s simplicity was liberating in regards to shooting film. I needed to think about nothing but the subject and framing, that aspect really appealed to me. It did seem a bit on the eager side to pop up the auto flash, the lighting inside the factory is a very artificial orange hue that seemed to confuse the ff-99. For all of but two of my shots the flash wanted to come out to party. Luckily that was easily overridden by pushing it back down as I knew there was more than adequate light inside the place.
The film was developed straight on to disc within the hour by Max Spielmann, a film developers in town.
I was over the moon with the shots….. So much so I struggled to choose which shot to enter, a definite first for me and my relatively new journey into film.
The shot I chose was a difficult one for me, whilst I liked the shot the element of over familiarity with the machine in it made it quite a mundane subject matter for me and I wasn’t sure how others would perceive it. The machine itself is an incredible piece of kit. It’s a 65 year old converted capstan lathe converted into a deep hole boring machine. It sits in a factory of modern CNC machines and is still vital in regards to our production processes it keeps on going and going. It’s that hardy and reliable the company has never seen the need to modernize the process. I coin it “the down fall of British engineering”. It was just made too good. When you sell a product so good that it lasts for 65 years plus you go bust pretty quickly for return sales.
in conclusion i thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. I have a new found love and respect for these a point and shoots, suffice to say I have put three more films through the FF-99 now and am awaiting the delivery of my “new” Olympus mju-ii.
(Photo above)
Julian L
I would really like to see the entries, it would be fascinating not only to see the breath of subject matter, but also the variation in cameras used.
My entry…
“Architectural Flare” (har har – It’s the Lloyds Building in the City)
Olympus Trip 35 (£4 at a car boot)
Lucky SHD 100 (eBay film from HK, £17 for 10, so £1.70/ea)
R09 One Shot developer (1:49)

Alessandro Petriello
I used a Minolta AF35 and a cheap 15 years expired Coop Supermarket color film roll. You can see a picture of this gear in attach in this mail. This camera was abandoned for several years in a box, until I found it. So I decided to use it for this contest, to give it a new life!
I take this picture of the new town hall in my hometown in southern Italy, were things seems like to die, since they were born!

Kit Chow
Alright, let’s talk about what 35mm camera and film I used – Belomo Agat 18k and Kodak Color Plus 200, This photo (29970039.jpg) it was taken in 2013 at Namtso Tibetan Plateau, Title – Not Alone, I just resized my photo to 2000px on Photoshop without edit.

Josh Spector
Camera: Olympus XA2
Film: HP5
Shot in the Dominican Republic on a street occupied by food vendors. Bought the XA2 off eBay around 1.5 years ago. At the time, I was not processing film myself and sent this to a lab.

Andrew Janjigian
Here’s my entry (’snowkeh’):
Ilford HP5+, Olympus mju ii. I initially thought this camera would be disqualified, but you said any P&S meant for consumer use (it’s certainly far LESS adjustable than my XA, which you specifically mentioned as acceptable). And I did find it at a thrift store for $5. If you think the camera doesn’t count, let me know, and I’ll send another from my XA (my current favorite P&S).

Gilles Dusong
I’m Gilles Dusong, Just turned 20 and from the french part of Belgium
Here is a little selection of pictures for the point and shoot contest,
Pictures were taken with a canon af35m that didn’t worked correctly ,when the roll was finished i needed to rewind the film manually under my blanket
the roll was a c41 from the Hema

Felix Quiogue
This photo was taken using a Ricoh 500G rangefinder using a roll of Arista Premium 400.
I was looking for a decent camera with a sharp lens for shooting street when I learned about this camera on an article. It has an f/2.8 40mm Rikenon lens and a relatively compact body compared to other rangefinders. It also has a quiet shutter. Those were the main reasons why I decided to get one; With luck, i was able to score one on eBay for 15$.
It arrived just in time for me to test it out at the beach. I put in a roll of ASA 400 Arista Premium to burn through and headed out.
I developed it in D-76 (1+1) and scanned it in my Epson v500.
I’m glad to say that the lens didn’t disappoint.

Andreas Kammerer
This is a photo of a mosque I made in Istanbul this January.
It was shot on a Olympus Mju ii 170zoom, hope that qualifies for the competition. I think I bought it for like 10€ on Ebay. My friend had a Mju ii and as I was new to cameras I did not know the difference and was pretty happy to find my camera for so cheap because I thought I had made a great deal.
The film is a Agfa Photo APX 100 b&w film. It is also the first film I developed myself. Sadly I don’t know any infos about the chemicals we used etc., sorry!

Brian Godfrey
Here’s my contest entry for the Win My Leica competition. It’s of my cat, Simon, sitting by our back door, sunning himself. It was taken with my Olympus Stylus Zoom DLX that I got for $5 from a thrift store. The film is Kodak 400 UltraMax that I got for $3 on clearance at the local supermarket. I had it developed by my local camera shop and scanned it myself on my Epson V500.

The image attached was taken on an argus c3 bought for $10 USD and the film is Arista Premium BW 400 (about $2.50 a roll when it was still available from freestyle).
Developed in D76 1+1

William Lalonde
This photo was taken on an olympus xa2 with fuji superia 400 film.

Efraín Bojórquez García
Here’s a shot I took with a Beirette VSN and a Roll of Lomo 800 film… I think I’m well in the price range… hehe

Michael Ivnitsky
This is the picture, taken with a Rollei Prego AF p&s which seen
better days (and I got for a couple of $ on a camera forum), the film
is expired 200 color film (either by kodak or fuji).

Julián Péter
An engine cadet cleans dirty fuel piping on the aft of HAL Pride. Somewhere in the Pacific, 2012.
HAL Pride was my second of three ships I would have the honor to serve on. All in all, I spent 5 months on her red-brown decks, and am proud to say, that it was with her I circumnavigated the globe.
My journey began when I embarked onboard in Singapore. From there, we sailed on to Western Australia where we were pummeled by the heavy storms of the southeast Indian Ocean. Sailing in around the Cape Good Hope at the break of dawn, we entered Cape Town for a few hours in order to refuel. Afterwards followed a short stop at Canary Island, the only intermission in the one and a half month long voyage to Trois-Rivieres, Canada. Our vessel called at Houston, Texas in the middle of a rainstorm and transited the Panama canal at night.
Soon, we were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the world of endless blue. With the closest landmass being directly below (some 3 km underwater), we were utterly alone.
A quick passage through Tsuguru Kaikyo off Japan and we were in Ulsan, South Korea. Our next ports were in China: Qingdao, Dalian, Shanghai. And here, after almost half a year onboard, I flew back home.
Throughout it all, I have been accompanied by a trusty Minolta Hi-Matic GF and many rolls of Kodak Gold 200, my favorite color film. It had been a gift to my father from my mother as he graduated military academy and became a fighter jet pilot back in the 1980s. Skipping forward to present times, it lay forgotten and unused in a drawer until I discovered it – and made it my first film camera. Despite its simplicity (fixed 1/100 shutter, 4 focus zones and 3 apertures), it is still the best camera I have ever had.

Lars Heidemann
I really enjoy your articles and reviews. So here’s my shot from a Minolta Hi-Matic AF2 and APX100 film. I got the camera for 4.99€ and the film cost around 3,40€ here in Germany. The picture is part of my new project called “VOYAGER”.

Max Prodaniuk
When I just saw this contest, I knew exactly what photo I will submit. I took it during our honeymoon four years ago. We just went outside on one of those super-warm summer nights to talk a little walk before going to bed. It was dark already but I still took the camera with me, and it payed off when we found this old soviet playground with this awesome hexagonal pattern. I snapped several times, with flash of course, and was flattered with a result.
The camera is my beat-up Espio 115M with zoom lens. I just wanted a camera to take on a trip, a camera that I will not hesitate to throw in the sand when we go to the beach, or loose in a train, etc. I found an ad online, the guys was selling something in the pouch that had “Pentax” on it, and I figured that if it’s Pentax it must be good. Ended up paying UAH50 (around 2 bucks these days) for it and $1 more for expired drugstore film.
So, since it’s been years since I took it, and I only had a version that I uploaded somewhere else and it was shrinked down I had to go through a nightmare of finding a lost shot. I spend half a day looking for old scans and did not find them. Then I spent half a day looking for that old roll of film and didn’t find it. Had to go to my parents place where I used to live back then and voila – found it.

Raffaello Palandri
The photo was taken with a Smena Symbol (paid £8 on ebay), on a kodak gold 200 film.

Sharlea Taft
This is a shot of some skiis at Heavenly Ski Resort at Lake Tahoe, CA. It was shot on a Canon Sureshot 90u that I think was a freebie giveaway at my bank or something. I checked ebay and the average is about $5 so I think I’m in the clear. I used Fuji Xtra 400 film.
The film was processed at Walgreens and scanned there which I now see as a mistake but I just wanted to see if the camera worked. It does. I cropped the image because the scan was slightly off kilter. Otherwise, no post-processing.

Guillaume Abgrall
It’s a picture taken in Amiens, France, in front of the cathedral.
I used a Nikon L35AF a bit crappy: the flash doesn’t pop anymore, and the batteries least less than half a day…I bought it 5€, 2 years ago.
The film was kodak farbwelt 200.
I hope i did everything right, please telle me if you need something else…
I’ve seen the first entries, the competition will be rude!

Not much time to go now, but there is still a few hours if you are still thinking about it!
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Comment posted: 05/03/2015