Some more great entries from the Leica iiic competition…
Janet Clark
My picture was taken on a Canon Sureshot 80u from about 2003. I guess like most of your enties, it was bought on ebay. It cost me £3.49 including postage (daylight robbery lol) but at least it had a roll of fuji (expired 7/10) film with it.
(Image above)
Ricardo Cabrera López
Attached a picture taken with a 35mm camera, it cost me € 3 in a Spanish supermarket: Alcampo. It is a camera with flash aquatic housing and brings pelicila 35mm, 27 exp. and ISO 200. Deputy also pictures from the camera and film.
The photo for the contest was taken in Granada for a year I was there studying professional photography. It’s a photo to a corner of my student apartment, which caught my attention much for its composition and that old chair, was very curious and wanted to immortalize and bring me that little corner of my house. The film is revealed in store, but before I took it out of the chassis and can be recharged, hence those colors as Lomographic for possible veil to remove. The film reveals this scanned with a film scanner.

Vinh Tran
I would like to join in with a photo taken on my broken LCD Konica Big Mini that i got for free on ebay. 🙂
The shot was taken in Cambridge UK and with HP5+ 400.

Matko Vučica
The shot was taken in Riga, Latvia airport with a agfa optima 335 senson on a cheap dm paradies film

Jarod Fong
Olympus infinity stylus zoom 140 deluxe in panaroma mode

Koen Delvaux
My entry is made with a crapy fixed focus €2 camera, the Yashica MF-3. It seems that I managed to hit the sweetspot of the hyperfocal distance, since the plastic lens gave me a tack-sharp image. The film is the cheapest you can find: Fujifilm c200. I developed it in the Rollei Digibase developer.

Gilbert Muller
The Camera I used is a minolta Riva Zoom Pico, which was preowned by my Parents, and the only 35mm Point and Shoot I Own. I started Photography late 2011 thanks to lomography. While in London, I saw their flashy products and i loved the mindset. back in Luxembourg I desperately wanted a Diana and an LC-A, so I settled for this Point and Shot and a Lomo Smena 8 I got from eBay. The very first Roll of film I shot was a Fuji Neopan 1600 through the Smena 8 (which was also the only film I shot on this Camera) The first and last roll I loaded into the minolta was a roll of agfa Precisa which expired in 2007. I got the film from ebay in a 9 film box for 15€. I loaded the film on new years eve and took it to a friends place. two weeks later i finished the roll with a Portrait of said friend. In a true lomography sense the film was cross processed, and like all my film photographs, unretouched.

The photo is of a pub here in Chicago called The Globe where my buddy and I spend many Saturday mornings watching the Premiere League (and on occasion an afternoon watching La Liga).
The photo was shot on an Olympus XA2, pictured with accessories I picked up separately. I developed it in Caffenol which I guess continues the theme of affordable photography. I’ve also included a photo of my development ingredients.

David King
I used an Olympus Sytlus Zoom DLX (35mm-70mm). Purchased at the pay-by-the pound goodwill in Nashville TN. Used Ilford Delta 100, Processed in Rodinal at high temp. At this time I was letting my negatives gather dust and not bothering too much with cleaning. The final print was a xerox. I have several from this series, and all using that camera. Probably cost me less than $3.

Carlos Garcia Rodriguez
My name is Carlos 30 years old, I’m from Spain but currently relocated in Taiwan.
The photo i submit you is “Taiwan Early morning”.
Taken in: Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Camera: Olympus mju ii 80
Film: Kodak Ultramax 400
Camera 3 Euro, Battery 1 Euro, Film 80TWD (around 2 euro), bus ticket from Taipei to kaohsiung150TWD ( around 4 euro), Develop 100TWD (around 2,50 Euro), So, all the trip, develop, camera and film, is under 10 pounds! haha.
About the camera: I bought the olympus in a second hand store in adition to my nikon F3, the Olympus is weatherproof, so i take it to the beach or under the rain (Taiwan is even worst than UK!! rains everyday!) I am in love with film, but in Spain, or UK, the places i lived before is quite expensive, and for a traveler like me, that I’m always in a budget is a luxury, so, since I moved to Taiwan, I shoot more often in film, usually the nikon, but is not always with me. however the olympus is always with me.
Taiwan early morning: Taiwan is a crowded as hell but lovely place, Taking the bus to kaohsiung, a city in the south of the island is a pain in the ass, about 6 hours, because of the traffic, so i decided to take it at night to sleep…. however what a surprise, at night because there is no traffic jams, the bus only needs 4 hours… so there i am, 4am, in a strange city… so I decided to walk… and walk, and visit all the tourist attractiones before the sun goes up.
Luckily I always have the olympus with me, and I could visit the Lotus Pond, and conficius temple with literally NO tourist or people at all. the light was amazing, and the Kodak ultramax has quite a good sensitivity to be a high speed film. The only edit is a bit of straighten on lightroom, however i can send you the original or even a photo of the film.

I wanted to ask if I can take part in the competition if I used a Nikon AF3, I got it from a friend’s friend who found the camera in her house, so I didnt pay for it but I dont know how much is it really worth.
I use the fujifilm 400 film (for which I payed 4 pounds) with this camera and I have some images I was thinking to send to the competition.

Gabor Samjeske
Now £10 is a little hard to beat but in my case he story is as follows. In 2012, I bought an Olympus XA in Japan for JPY1000 from the junk table in a photo shop and exposed a roll of HP5plus (about JPY440 at that time), makes a total of 1440 or £7.87 at today`s conversion rate. Unfortunately, the focus lever connection to the lens was broken and the lens permanently fixed to infinity, I dumped the camera later …. (I have a photo of the XA taken together with that of my former XPAN).
Anyway, the HP5plus was developed in R09 (Rodinal) and scanned using my Nikon Coolscan4000ED.
The following shot was taken while riding the Shinkansen and this river is near to Hamamatsu if memory serves me right.

Ben N
I took the photo I am submitting with a Olympus Stylus Zoom 115 on Ilford HP4+. I got the camera from a local thrift shop for 1.00 USD and although I know this isn’t a common price I also got the roll of film for 1.00 USD (the camera shop over ordered for the college kids and they had tons of it) for a total of 2.00 whole dollars. I processed the film myself although I don’t think that was a requirement.
Fun fact – I found out this camera regularly decides to not work and got a lot of blank spaces on several rolls I shot. Hahaha!

Reed A. George
Here’s my entry, entitled “Hairpin.” I shot it with the pictured Ricoh 500G, which I got thrown in “for free” with a much more valuable Konica S1.6 I bought from a private owner.
The 500G came in a tired old original box, and needed seals, but that was easy enough.
I shot “Hairpin” on a business trip to NYC. I think it shows the ability of this basic little camera to capture a cool detail amongst city life.
The little 500G went completely unnoticed by most people.

Thomas Whittle
This was taken on a Konica A4 which I bought as a job lot on eBay. I sold on the cameras I didn’t want and made more than I paid for it, so the A4 was a free camera.
This particular one was pretty damaged with bits needing tape and the viewfinder having a huge crack across it. Eventually the wind on mechanism failed and I ended up throwing it into the bottom of my camera draw. The film is Kodak Gold from the poundshop and I get my film processed at ASDA, so all in all the whole thing cost way less than £10. Konica A4s aren’t really available anymore as they probably all stopped working in the 90s, but my guess is that they are worth about £10-15 and so my one which is smashed is probably worth about a £5.
The portrait is in Newcastle Upon Tyne and is of my friend Robin probably around 2012.

Neal Westergaard
Here is my entry in your “Win My Leica” contest. It was taken with a Ninoka nk-700, a plastic SLR “look-alike” that I purchased at a local Salvation Army store for $1.99 (US). There are actually quite a few of these out there and at one time a similar model was given away with a magazine subscription. One of the hinge pins broke when I opened the back so I taped the back on with yellow duct tape which I think only adds to the charm. Film was Rollei Crossbird 200 color slide film, might not have been the best choice but it was handy so that’s what I used. Film processed in E-6 by, minor levels adjustments and some noise reduction.Subject is a 30′ tall sculpture made of scrambled steel letters.

Peter Wagner
My pic for the Leica III contest with Belomo, Vilia camera. €5 at fleemarket in Kiew, film Kodak TRI-X 400

Kutay’s Son
I just want to submit my son’s entry to your 35mm point and shoot compact camera competition.
He is now 6 years old, and with my push obviously he started to shoot black and white film few months ago. He is now shooting his third roll, and it would be terrific for him to win a Leica with a photo that he took with his first ever roll. He took the shot submitted when he was 5.
Here is the info you have asked as condition of the entry:
Camera: Olympus mju 38-140 zoom
Info about the camera: A compact 35mm point and shoot with a plastic body. Its market value is around $20 in down under, but in the UK ebay I saw few sold around 10 pounds.
Film: Arista 400 Professional shot at 400ASA
Photographer: Kuzey Aren (6 years old)
Image features the participants at a rally organised by Refugee Action Coalition that we came across while shooting.

Patrik Rosén
I shot film for about 10 years ago when I started with Photography, after that I’ve been in the depression with DSLR’s. Finally got myself out of it and bought a Leica M8 for about 1 year ago. Recently upgraded to a Leica M-P, and then I found your competition. It got me into film again, VERY cheap! So now I’m developing rolls 2-3 evenings a week and actually my M-P has been sitting on my shelf the last two weeks! Looking for a M6 now! Had to buy a scanner as well, so thanks for that 🙂
Got a bunch of decent shots, but this is the one I like the most. Also attaching an image on the camera used and myself.
Camera: Agfa Optima 535, bought for 4.1 EUR, (Man, it was hard to find a point and shoot, had to visit 3 different second hand stores across the city to finally find one)
Film: Kodak Tri-X
Developer: Adox Adonal
Fix: Illford Rapid Fix
Scanner: Plustek OpticFilm 7600i

Ola Lindberg
A year ago I found my first camera in a drawer. It is a beautiful Agfa Optima 1035. I got it as a present from my grandpa when I was a kid. I looked through the viewfinder and I got an urge to take pictures with it. So I did.
I’ve been shooting digital for many years but I wasn’t happy with the results a year ago. I couldn’t understand why my pictures got worse the more I learned. The last year I’ve been trying different, cheap, flee market cameras from 1950 – 1970. I think that by using these more limited cameras I’m learning that simpler pictures and compositions makes my images better, not worse. Both on digital and film I feel that I focus more on finding interesting subjects than finding the perfect light.
For christmas I got my dads old point and shoot that he used when I was a kid. An Olympus Mju1. My plan was to try it as soon as I had finished the roll in the current camera I used. I started shooting with it just as I saw your competition.
I both liked and disliked the Mju1. It’s nice to only care about the subject and framing. The size fits perfect in my pocket. But the flash. OMG! I’ve been frustrated with it. Especially together with me closing the lid a little bit when holding it. It reboots and the flash is running again. Otherwise I would probably use it for another roll right away. I’ve used it for one roll and that’s the one you see a picture from. It’s shot with a really cheap German drug store film. See the picture camera-film for reference.
The picture is from one of the south west suburbs in Gothenburg. I ride my bike there once a week to work as a computer teacher for people with psychical problems. I always stop my bike there to enjoy the more mixed cultures and take some pictures. This day was the first spring day and I enjoyed the first sun in a while. I saw the bus and it made me smile. A man looking like jesus walked by but I got too caught up in the moment so I forgot to take the picture with him and the bus. You have to imagine that 🙂

So thats another 20 down!
I can post them fast enough. There are over 70 more to come!
Last day today, so get them in fast if you want to be included!
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