My neighbour called around a few weeks ago with a box, a big box, full of cameras. They belong to her father who, as with many things, is moving inexorably onward in time. No longer what he once was he’s moved into care with other people and his possessions are moving on to other homes. From what I know of him he was an avid photographer, and the box I was handed “to see if there was anything worth keeping” was a veritable treasure trove. A Contax 2, a Nikon F2 with 7 pro lenses, an old Brownie Mk1, and among other things a Nikon Nikkormat.
It needed some persuasion to get going. As it turned out, a roll of film was still embedded in the housing and took some… coaxing to come free. Luckily, a few shots were saved from this ancient roll of Kodak Gold. But that is for another post. It took a while before I could source a compatible battery for the light meter, and that it worked was a joy, having read many reports saying it would constantly underexpose due to modern batteries being more powerful. Last time I checked, voltages and currents haven’t changed much from the SI units of old.
Grabbing a roll of tried and tested Kentmere 400 I went for a lunchtime wander around the streets of Manchester, and later my home town. The Nikkormat is a joy to use. Simple, intuitive as only a basic film SLR can be, and relatively lightweight. The lens, a 50mm f2, is great.
The Nikkormat is decent enough that any image errors were down to my home processing rather than the camera itself. It’s one I’d happily pick up for myself if I saw it going cheap while out and about. Now, to run a few rolls through the F2, and fix that Contax2, oh and the Brownie…..
All photos, Kentmere 400, home developed in Ilford chemicals, scanned on a Plustek 8200i.

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Kodachromeguy on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 28/02/2018
Comment posted: 28/02/2018
Peter Boorman on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 28/02/2018
Mostly happy memories - thanks to IS some of the objects and places I photographed with them now exist only as those photographs, and I have no idea what has now become of the happy, smiling, tough Yezidi Kurd workmen we employed out there.
Comment posted: 28/02/2018
Comment posted: 28/02/2018
NigelH on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
Tom Aspin on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
The Nikkormats just feel so good in the hand, and the position of the shutter speed dial around the lens is just inspired.
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
Karl Valentin on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 02/03/2018
All thoughts were fixed to a mechanic camera as a "real" inspiring thing
but on the other side I sometimes missed the right moment rejusting
the settings - the Nikkormat EL changed that.
Timeautomatic is a pleasure to use and this piece Nikon created still
workes after decades like a swiss clock.
Togther with a hand of these old primes this is and will always be my first pick.
Nikkor Q 3,5 135 as a sample of outstanding bokeh and razorsharp at its full open
Nikkor P 3,5 55 Micro as a universal tool for almost everything
Nikkor N 1,4 35 is a beast hard to handle but if you can the results are just a dream
Comment posted: 02/03/2018
Comment posted: 02/03/2018
Karl Valentin on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Every time I tried one it dosnt seem so sharp or special like people
talk about it even the Bokeh isnt great at all compared to the Nikkor
S 1,4/50 or the outstanding Nikkor S 1,2/55......
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
Comment posted: 14/03/2018
cusop on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 14/08/2018
cusop on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 14/08/2018
I find that the 50 f/2 on an FTn (or an FT) is a near-perfect combination. But I also use the Nikkor O 35 f/2 not infrequently....Fomapan 100 / green filter / the Nikkor O on an FT or FTn in the park is a particular favorite combination, especially if there is just a little fog about. Develop in D76 1:1 for 8.5 minutes and I scan the negatives, no maniipulation.
On the Nikkormat EL, the 50 f/1.4 feels more at home. Just a difference in the cameras. I think how we see starts with the camera, no different than the way one rides a bicycle or drives a car - the machine does make a difference in how one views oneself in the context of surroundings, and as photographers we are engaged in capturing that context. Yes, it's all about the optics, but I find that the choice of lens often follows which body feels right for the day's mood.
Jano on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 10/12/2018
BenHeijermans on 5 Frames with a Nikkormat – By Greg May
Comment posted: 11/05/2019