Sheet of negatives

AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

By Art Meripol

Like many of my generation (boomers) I got my start in photography in High School shooting for the yearbook, though my interest in photography started much earlier.

My first time in a darkroom was my freshman year at university. For the next 16 years as a newspaper staff photographer there were few days I wasn’t in a darkroom multiple times. For a news photographer developing film was more a race to get done than an art. But there was an art to getting it done fast on deadline. That kind of day-to-day usage makes it a rote experience. Like my co-workers I could tell the temperature of the developer within a degree by dipping my finger in and load a roll of 36 exposures on a stainless reel in seconds.

I left newspapers in 1989 and joined the staff of a magazine where everything was E6. No darkroom. When I left almost 25 years later everything was digital.

Now it’s 35 years later and I’m starting to ‘develop’ a strong interest in processing my own film. I shot a couple rolls during the lockdown and a local lab processed. But I didn’t enjoy driving across town and handing it over and waiting days. Patience was never my middle name.

Not too long ago I saw a Kickstarter promotion for a small film developing machine called the AGO from Vintage Visuals. I didn’t really need a machine since my volume would be so low, but I liked the idea so much I decided to support it. Of course, readers here have seen the AGO reviewed. What I did find frustrating was using a Patterson reel for the first time. I know usage will make it easier, but I loved those old stainless steel reels I used in the past and missed them.

AGO processor screen
Temperature just right on the AGO screen
Taking temp of chemicals
The instant read food thermometer

I’ve had the AGO since its release but hadn’t shot a roll till a week ago. A friend of mine helps organize one of many Wreaths Across America events that occur in all 50 states as well as overseas. Families and friends, descendants and others place wreaths on veteran’s graves. It’s a beautiful solemn heart-warming event. My friend asked me three years ago to photograph the first one he organized and now I look forward to the event every year.

walking out with wreaths
A veteran carries wreaths out to place on graves
flag and wreath
wreath and flag
trumped in arms
musician and fellow photographer Chuck King played Taps.
looking down on vet grave
vets gather
Veterans gathering before the ceremony
vets in prayer
Opening prayer
branches of military
Each veteran representing a different branch of the military.
Chuck playing taps
musician and fellow photographer Chuck King played Taps.

The event was in a small down half an hour south of me. The town, Montevallo Alabama, is known for its beautiful liberal arts college. But Its history goes back to its role as a key armaments manufacturer during the civil war. Wandering the graves in the old city cemetery is a lesson in that history.

I shoot digital for my friend’s needs, but this year decided to take a film camera, a Leica M4-P with a Voigtlander 35mm 1.4 lens with a yellow filter. The skies were flat and grey which made metering easy.

It was confusing shooting digital and film at the same time. My little fuji X100v has a 35 mm equivalent lens like I had on the Leica and they look almost the same. I mostly shot digital since that was the need. Working digitally allows me to move fast and hardly miss a shot.

The Leica is a slower more contemplative way to work. Doing both at the same time wasn’t a great idea. The situation was full of great images for each system, digital and film. I shot a single roll of Ilford Delta 100. After the event I still had half the roll left of the 36 frames so just wandered the cemetery looking for other photos. But it will always be the people photos that I love and enjoy most.

new iron fence replicating old fencing
A newly renovated area of once grung covered grave markers.
sculpted baby on grave marker older grave group old grave old grave old grave marker - Mother

The AGO from Vintage Visual was a delightfully easy tool to use. My first time to develop a roll of film in 35 years, the first time I’ve had that particular aroma on my hands in too long. It gets hot here in the summer but our basement always hovers in the upper 60’s this time of year. So the water and chemicals all were exactly 68 degrees as measured by my instant read cooking thermometer which was great.

Scans produced on my old Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED with Vuescan software and edited in Lightroom Classic.

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About The Author

By Art Meripol
Journalism degree. 13 years as a news photographer with a sideline as a concert photographer before 24 years as a magazine travel photographer and the last 10 years freelance for editorial and corporate clients. Official photographer for the US Civil Rights Trail.
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Bill Brown on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Art, This was great to see. My wife is a hospice chaplain and she recently performed a graveside memorial for a Vietnam veteran. She asked me to accompany her and hand out song sheets. We live in the DFW area of Texas and the service was at the DFW National Cemetery. It is located in a beautiful area in the southern part of Dallas County with rolling hills and limestone outcroppings. This area is sometimes called Dallas's Hill Country. As we pulled in to the cemetery seeing the many headstones lining the hills was very moving but what we both immediately commented about were all the beautiful wreaths resting with each grave. It was an emotional moment for both of us and we wondered about the process of placing all the wreaths. Thanks for this informative story and wonderful accompanying photographs.

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Art Meripol replied:

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Thanks so much Bill. I first photographed the ceremony as a favor but it’s become a treasured event. I grew up in DFW but don’t remember a national cemetery. I had to look it up on a map. The event I ahoit is small and personal but nearby is a large national cemetery where wreaths are placed in higher numbers but with few personal connections. I’ll be there again next December. Maybe with a TLR and film as well as digital.


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Jeffery Luhn on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 29/01/2025


That's a heart warming tribute to brave American veterans. Thank you.

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Art Meripol replied:

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Thank you Jeffrey. It's nice that it's not a lot of flag waving but truly honors the men.


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RichardH on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Art: This is an inspiring article. Your photographs have beautiful tones, and your portraits are heart-warming. You have fine results with the AGO film processor and Delta 100. I am happy to learn about the Wreaths Across America events.
Two years ago I found the resting place of my grandfather's brother in a small military cemetery in northwest France. The young man had served in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in World War I, perishing a few months before that great slaughter came to an end. The small burial ground was in a field off the road, accessible by a mud-filled path our rental car struggled to navigate. I was overwhelmed to see the remains of flowers at the base of his headstone.

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Gary Smith on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Art, those shots are gorgeous! At a half hour south, I'm guessing you live in/around Birmingham? I lived "up the road a piece" in Huntsville for a while. Did a bit of caving and was always interested when we'd come across a saltpeter works.

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Art Meripol replied:

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Thank you Gary! Yes Birmingham, or at least just south of town in Hoover. Huntsville, if you haven't been in a while has exploded. So much great things going on there. I moved to the area in the late 80's to shoot for Southern Living where I spent 24 years shooting travel features. Now just enjoying freelancing and new things.


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Eric on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 29/01/2025

Wonderful images, story, and tribute. Thank you for sharing.

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Paul Quellin on AGO Film Processor – Renewing old skills and Developing Film for the first time in 35 years

Comment posted: 31/01/2025

Lovely clean crisp looking results for the first time Art. Some of those shots of the stones have a real depth and clarity to them. Enjoyable article, thank you,

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