picture Olympus C50

Wind from northwest – One shot Story

By Klaus Döring

Vacation on the Baltic Sea in September.
The last few weeks have been very nice.
A wonderful sunset glow upon arrival. In the morning wind from northwest.
On the beach with my cameras when the air is clear.
An Olympus C50 with 3x to 5 megapixels and a then new Leica D Lux 3.
On the northernmost sand dune of the town of Zingst, in Rosenweg, our quarters with a fireplace.
In the evening the screams
of the cranes, they gathered in the lagoon for their long journey to their winter quarters

Wind from northwest

bury feet,
sand trickles through your hand,
Playing the waves at the edge of the sea,
Calm and confidence prevail,
The sound of the surf erases every thought,
The day is finally coming to an end.

Thundering surf,
spray on the face,
Salt on your lips, hair and face.
Every wave comes differently,
than what you think
sometimes higher, sometimes further and then wider again.

Beach walk
I walk in a serpentine line in front of this seam, after an hour,
as beautiful as a dream,
through dunes and heath, to the garden and house.
My senses drunk with sea, waves and wind,
I close my eyes and dream like a child.

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About The Author

By Klaus Döring
Geboren 19.04.1948 Nach Schulabschuß und Bundeswehr, Studium Elektrotechnik, Schwerpunkt Energietechnik. Danach Planungsabteilung Flughafen Düsseldorf , für 35 Jahre. Seit meinem 13 Lebensjahr der Fotografie verbunden.
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Gary Smith on Wind from northwest – One shot Story

Comment posted: 30/06/2024

Great story! Outstanding photo!

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