I picked up a Nikonos V with a 35mm lens for family holidays in the hot summer of 2018 at Garda lake, Italy. Being with kids on holidays, it is always a good idea to have a tough camera. Even if most children at the beach thought the camera was broken because it had no screen on the back, I really enjoyed using it for the simple operation and sturdy construction.
It was the first time for me shooting under water. Due to refraction there is an increase in focal length by up to 1/3. At the same time, water absorbs light much stronger than air. To get a wide range in focus, I used aperture settings from f11 to up to f22 and zone focus. I shot Ilford HP5+ ISO 400 film and pushed it to 1600 which allowed me to get exposure times up to 1/1000 a second.
The joy of using the camera was having it at hand on the wrist strap all the time. It is not a lightweight, but alongside shooting underwater, it was also a lot of fun to use it above the waterline. As we await a third kid this year, there will probably be many more beach and nature holidays in the future. I will certainly use it again, and from my experiences so far, can recommend it for any outdoor activity.

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Aivaras on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 30/08/2018
Bent_Brent on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 31/08/2018
John Whitmore on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 31/08/2018
Andrew Swingler on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 31/08/2018
mark on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 04/09/2018
It was a real delight to use. I sold it to a friend who used it with great success in his diving school in Aruba.
First roll exposed with Nikonos-v and Nikkor 35mm Underwater Lens - Photographer's log on 5 Frames with a Nikonos V – by Dirk Marwede
Comment posted: 22/09/2018