I’ve had a Nikon FM for forty years, as long as I’ve been shooting. The first was my dad’s; after it was stolen, I bought one from eBay. These days the default lens on it is a Nikkor 35mm F2 AF-D; the “D” series work with Nikon’s digital and film bodies. The combo is almost too competent: while BW photography introduces a layer of abstraction, color photos are dead literal. There’s a fine line between “compelling” and “postcard”.
That’s where Film Washi’s “X” comes in. They claim to be the smallest film company in the world, a one-man operation working out of three shipping containers in Brittany. They make various “interesting” films, including some BW emulsions hand coated on Japanese papers, hence their name. “X” is their only color offering. Unlike other color print films, it lacks the orange masking layer (although the film base is not transparent). The results are exceptional sharpness, soft, creamy highlights that go on forever, and a “retro” color palate.
Film Washi usually tells us where they get the unusual film stocks they repackage, but they’re closed-mouthed about the source of X. Googling suggests it’s an aerial mapping film such as Kodak Aerocolor. Kodak’s data sheet says Aerocolor comes in two hundred fifty foot rolls nine inches wide, so it’s worth paying someone to cut and package it; It’s priced competitively with Kodak Ektar or Portra 160.
I live in Manhattan’s Washington Heights and spent a week shooting this roll, which included a ride downtown on the Hudson River bike path and a Thanksgiving trip to the suburbs of DC.
This shot of a long-abandoned ferry terminal shows how wonderfully the film captured details in the hazy, late morning sun as the fog lifted; the background has a “painterly” feeling, probably due to the film’s extended red sensitivity.

This one, taken at the South Street Seaport Museum, shows X’s ability to render “retro” colors:

Speaking of retro, one of my friends bought a house from an elderly man’s estate. He moved in and left everything as it was, a time capsule of suburban life circa 1960:

The colors stay neutral even under overcast skies:

Another great thing about “X” is its long, long tonal range. This shot of Secaucus Junction renders the shadowy underground part of the platform as well as in direct sunlight:

I really like this product. It’s got a distinctive look that isn’t gimmicky. The only films that (sort of) compete in this space are Kodak’s Vision 3 cinema films, which are also fine-grained and have long tonal scales. But they require ECN2 processing, which means either mailing them somewhere or a long subway ride to Brooklyn.
Ideally, I’d like to shoot X with my Exakta VX and its stable of single-coated lenses (which already have a “retro” look), but that will have to wait until the VX gets back from the repair shop.
My other request? This stuff in medium format would be awesome. Could we have that, pretty please?
Steve Fretz has been photographing for forty years. See more of his work at https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevefretz/
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Shaun Edwards on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 31/01/2023
The palette of this colour one is very interesting and I can see what you mean by painterly.
Graham Orbell on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 31/01/2023
I used a couple of Nikon F Photomic cameras professionally in the 1970 decade and they never let me down.
Recently I obtained a Nikon FM with a 28mm f2.8 to go with a built like a brick Nikormat with a 50mm f1.4. Very early days and using Kodak Vision 5207. I want to obtain some Kodak Aerocolour which you mentioned but I’ll use up my present 5207 stock first.
I got the Nikormat cheap some years ago because the meter didn’t work mainly for its lens which I adapted to my Canon DSLRs. I recently decided to get the meter working to use the camera and I removed one of the body’s lens mount screws and dribbled in contact cleaner to the resistor while working the aperture prong to and fro to clean the carbon track concentric with the lens mount. Fitted a silver oxide battery in a simple adapter and now the meter seems perfect, although experts suggest it should have a diode fitted. I also have an excellent Doomo S clip on meter on to check it with.
The FM has a small amount of fungus in the VF eyepiece that’s no problem. Also the wonderful 28mm f2.8 ( I forget it’s initials but it’s meant to be the best 28 made ) has a touch of fungus in a corner of the front element that doesn’t seem to affect the images. I may or may not remove the front element to remove the fungus. The jury is out on that.
But I love the compact slightly weighty FM which seems just as good as my old Nikon F cameras I’ve long wished I hadn’t sold.
Comment posted: 31/01/2023
Comment posted: 31/01/2023
Wayne on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
I have an Exakta VX lla which needs repair wondering where you sent yours?
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
Wayne on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
I have an Exakta VX lla which needs repair wondering where you sent yours?
Alexander Seidler on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
jason on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
Comment posted: 01/02/2023
Graeme Tregay on 5 Frames With a Nikon FM, Nikkor AF-D 35mm F2, and Film Washi X – by Stephen Fretz
Comment posted: 02/02/2023
And could I add an endorsement for Andrea Shonfelder who did an exemplary job on my Varex IIa. There are very few people who will replace shutter curtains on these Exaktas.