Below you will find information about forthcoming photography book and zine projects. If you would like to be kept up to date with all the latest news about 35mmc books, please sign up to our email list.
Photography Through the Pandemic
Photography Through the Pandemic is to be 35mmc’s first publication; a book featuring the work of 49 photographers from across the world who were inspired – all in very different ways – by the Covid pandemic.
What was your experience of the pandemic and lockdown? Positive, negative or business as usual? When you get talking to people, you quickly realise that it’s a broad spectrum or, as some have recently described it, a kaleidoscope of different, but intersecting experiences with no two exactly the same.
Holly Gilman, who has curated and compiled the book, found herself curious to know how photographers from the analogue community – both amateur and professional – had dealt with all that came with the restrictions and social isolation. Did their art help, did they find inspiration in the experience, or did they feel creatively challenged and stifled? The idea of collating people’s experiences was born and with a little bit of help from Hamish and 35mmc she’s been able to make the book happen.

The book explores the idea that photography isn’t just a hobby for many people. It is in fact a necessary tool, a coping strategy when times get tough. It’s the way we express ourselves, connect with others and also distract ourselves from the anxiety-riddled news stories. This is something very much brought to the surface by the Covid Pandemic.
Within this book are the voices of people from all over the world, with an enormous variety of experiences of this strange time we live in; connected by their passion for film photography and alternative photographic processes.

Pulling this together has been time-consuming, challenging and daunting for Holly who hasn’t previously taken on such a task. Despite this, she has found the process incredibly worthwhile and feels absolutely honoured to have been able to talk to and see the work of each of the individuals featured.
The honesty and raw emotion that people have shared permeate the pages and – although we might be biased – we think this is an absolutely astounding collection of work.

Photography Through the Pandemic is over 200 pages and is going to be produced on high-quality paper in hardback. Production of the book is going to be funded via Kickstarter – the launch date will be announced soon!
If you would like to be notified about the launch – please sign up here: