Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

By Andrea Monti

What do these pictures have in common (apart from having been taken in various places in Japan)? No, they don’t have the same look and feel, composition or use of light, nor they convey a particular meaning. What they have in common is that they’re just dull and boring —meaningless, indeed.

This picture of the Yokohama’s Chinatown Dragon is hardly different than the others available on the Internet.

It shares a similar fate with this one, taken last Mid November in Osaka,

and, as Google Lens mercylessly shows, with this one, shot in Omura, near Nagasaki.

One can hardly say that this is a never-seen-before view of Tokyo’s Kyu-Shiba-rikyū Gardens,

or of the Seiko Tower and Mitsukoshi in Ginza

Well, I am sure that you got the point.

Now, let’s look at a few pictures I casually took in Rome. This one was taken during a high-security alert when the army was deployed to protect access to the Holy See.

In this case, unlike the Japanese pictures, Google Lens found similar photos, but none that were almost identical to mine. The picture focuses on the fence, the military vehicle and the two combat-ready soldiers, with the blurred S. Peter’s Basilica in the background. This sends a clear message that the area is off-limits.

This one, which was taken in an antique restorer workshop via Collina, near Piazza Fiume is another example of a more meaningful photo. The master restorer is in stark contrast to the frenzied pace of the neighbourhood, taking his time to do his work. The calm, beautiful dog sleeping at the front door adds a peaceful touch to the otherwise hectic town.

Regardless of the likeliness of the photos, the crucial difference between the two sets is that in the case of those taken in Japan I was a cultural stranger to the Country, while in the case of the Italian one I was in my backyard. In other words, I ‘knew’ what I was looking at.

I’m a big supporter of Bergson’s quote, ‘The eye sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend’. I’m not sure who first said it, but what matters is the message. I believe that being able to ‘see’ a photo requires what I call ‘belonging’ — to a place, to a group, to a culture. This is what makes the difference between a soulless stock photo-like picture and images that (want to) have meaning.

Not ‘belonging’ seriously hinders the possibility of taking meaningful pictures. Of course, by chance or because of a spray-and-pray shooting style is entirely possibile to get decent and also superbe shots. But the difference is in the capability of foreseing the results, rahter than discovering them back home, browsing through the memory card.

This is why one should only shoot in his own backyard: because the backyard is the only place where, by belonging, one can understand the meaning of what the eye sees. Or, to put it another way, if you make the world your backyard, you’ll be able to take pictures that are a true reflection of your vision, culture and aesthetics whenever you are.

I’m not that interested in gear, lenses and cameras anymore —I shoot with what comes at hand— however, for anyone who are, the pictures in Japan where taken with a Fuji X-T5 and a Fujnon XF 10-24/4, the one at the Holy See with a Fuji X-T3 and a Viltrox AF 56/1,4 XF, while the one taken at the restorer’s workshop was taken with a Leica M9 and a Zeiss ZM Biogon 35/2,8.

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About The Author

By Andrea Monti
My name is Andrea Monti. I’m an Italian free-lance journalist, photographer and – in my spare time – an hi-tech lawyer. The works I am more proud of are covering live jazz, pop and rock concerts for an Italian online music magazine and Opera and prose for a 200 years-old theatre. I also do sport photography mainly in athletics and fighting disciplines. You may find out more about me on https://andrea.monti.photography
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John Fontana on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

I agree absolutely. There is so much that can be seen locally if sought out. As a corollary, choosing sites within a radius that is easily accessible from home in terms of time allows repeated visits and an opportunity to build a rapport with the atmosphere of that place. In this way, one’s ‘backyard’ can be extended.

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Geoff Chaplin on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

Guilty. Yes, when I go somewhere new (e.g. on a holiday) I fall into the trap of taking shots I could easily download from the net. Pointless, and meaningless other than as as personal record where a smartphone would be better.

You're absolute right if you have a camera in your hand take meaningful pictures.

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CHRISTOF RAMPITSCH on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

I 100% agree about the Not Belonging. I recently wrote a piece here about photographing a single tree (multiple times) that has more or less the same message, maybe not put as eloquently as you did. I noticed years ago that almost all of my travel photos were disappointing compared to my stuff that is local and I slowly started to realize that it was the Not Belonging, although I verbalized it differently. I find also that there is a certain "difficulty of seeing" that has to be overcome when you're in your own backyard, a certain sense that your town is inherently boring. This difficulty born from familiarity, has not happened yet in a new place, so to an extent that makes it easier to take photographs. I still do it of course, and I still continue to be disappointed, even in a place of spectacular landscapes like Iceland. Thanks for the very clear photo-essay!

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Tony Warren on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

I agree with your theme up to a point Andrea but I would substitute 'personal interest' for 'backyard'. Mind you, with a backyard like yours it could be both! It must be wonderful to be able to wander around such a beautiful city whenever you like.

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Andrea Monti replied:

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

'Backyard' is a metaphor so the word should not be takent upfront. My bad. I did not express my thought clearly enough.


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David Dutchison on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

In familiar environments the danger is in taking the visual element for granted, as in "you've seen it all before" and the valuable exercise is learning how to not do that. Thanks for the short but thought provoking article.

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Daniel Emerson on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

Hi Andrea,

I disagree. I think that there is a commonality of humanity and the larger bio/physical world that expressed across the planet and using your local knowledge can assist the photographer in seeking to find the expression of themes elsewhere.

However, having said that, I think that your thesis has merit in making us evaluate what we do: to learn from our locality and leverage that knowledge elsewhere to enhance our receptivity to otherwise latent photographic opportunities. I think that this is a process that we use in all spheres of life.

In retrospect, motivated by your comments, I recall how I bristle with excitement while driving across the bridge leading to my early home, and find an enhanced motivation to stop and photograph some everyday object that has new meaning relating to a past and lost era dear to my heart. Thus, I agree with your statement of the power of the local area.
How do we export that to other areas?

You issued a challenge that made me think. Nice work Andrea!!

Regards Daniel

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Andrea Monti replied:

Comment posted: 16/12/2024

Thanks Daniel, As I said to Tony Warren, 'backyard' is a metaphor for 'understanding'. So on the one hand it refers to the fact of physically knowing a place, and on the other hand it has a broader meaning related to the need to be part of something - a culture, a place, etc. I have some empirical evidence of the latter idea, comparing the images I have taken over the decades in the US and the UK, when - thanks to the improvement of my English (which I still need to work on, by the way) - I was able to access the vast culture of these countries. I can neither say that I 'belong' nor that I 'know' them. However, for me at least, each trip has given me the feeling of 'seeing' things that I had missed before.


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Vu on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 17/12/2024

as someone who is not at all in your backyard, or know you personally, nor was not present by your side, the photos by themselves have no impression on me. every one of them seems banal. when you describe the dog and the restorer it brings to life a new dimension, but visually there is no way of telling the calm scene is set amidst a hub-bub of activity.

if you wanted the picture to speak for itself, composition would have helped. composition matters. in the absence of a self-narrative composition, a caption with words brings some meaning to the picture. it is the photographer who provides context and story that makes a picture interesting to a stranger. do that with light, do that with composition or do that with words or...

none of this has anything to do with where - in your back yard, front yard or remote frontier - a photo is made.

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Andrea Monti replied:

Comment posted: 17/12/2024

Thanks for the comment. I have a different opinion, but will surely think about your points.


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Jeffery Luhn on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 18/12/2024

If you changed the wording in the title of your article so it read "Should you only shoot in your backyard?" It would have have made more sense to me. But, as you've written it, it was still thought provoking. I got two good points from it:
1- Go beyond the common shots that have been done hundreds of times.
2- Take a fresh look at your own backyard because if you try hard, there are photo opportunities you can still find.
I live in a rural part of California that's mostly cattle and vineyards. I've never been a great landscape photographer, and even though I can be in Yosemite in 90 minutes, I've never taken a spectacular photo there. Every time I set up, the camera shows me a view that I've seen in dozens of photos. So, I take photos of people, because nobody has ever, or will ever, take the same shot as me. If I'm going to take a shot of Half Dome, or El Capitan, or Yosemite Falls, I put a principle person in that shot. IMHO, it makes it different.
With that said, I think that leaving your backyard is inspirational. I do my best work in places I'm seeing for the first time. I may be taking a similar shot as hundreds have done before me, but the scene is new to me...and I make sure I have lots of close-ups of locals. That's what makes an overdone scene different.
Your points are well taken and have churned up some interesting responses.

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Andrea Monti replied:

Comment posted: 18/12/2024

Jeffery, Thanks for the comment. I understand, also from other posts, that I did not clarify the metaphorical meaning of the word 'backyard'. What I mean in this post is that being part of a place, a culture or an event improves the ability to take meaningful photos. So, I was not referring to the backyard as a physical place. This is what happens when one is not proficient enough in his non mother tongue. My bad:)


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Jeffery Luhn on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 18/12/2024

Your English writing is quite good. Better than many of my college students! A little mistake has caused a lot of responses, and I'd say it makes your article very successful. Keep submitting. I always enjoy reading your material!

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Charles C on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 18/12/2024

Thanks for the interesting and thoughtful article Andrea. I have actually recently re-discovered my home city here in the UK and am enjoying my photography. One point I have to add us that whatever the images you capture, they should be pleasing to the photographer.

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Stefan Wilde on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 20/12/2024

Hi Andrea, late to the party, I know... I, too, was inspired by your post. And while I absolutely do see your point - I hope - and it is certainly well made, I thought I 'd like to add something.
I' d like to make a case for the unassuming, ordinary, average picture. While I totally get that as an ambitious photographer you must at some point produce something original. Photos that display a unique view, made possible not only by the craft and skill, but the intimate knowledge of the subject matter and the emotional relationship the photographer has to it.
But isn't there also something to be said for picture no. 25 billion of the Eiffel tower that one has made for oneself when seeing it in the iron for the first time? Hardly ever will it capture the essence of the building, convey an untold message, win an award or earn you money.
But it is a little ritual, an acknowledgement of a moment that is special to the traveler. It is arguably also what made the Photographic industry great. And for the hobbyist such as myself it is another opportunity to hone the craft - if you do it, do it right. Still, no great picture, but another one of the little sketches that train eye and hand and make you more competent for the very moment you finally have something to express in a photograph.
So, in defense of the unambitious picture I call for it to be taken and honored. Where would we be without it?

Just a thought...

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Andrea Monti replied:

Comment posted: 20/12/2024

Hi Stefan and thank you for your comment, Before answering, please consider that I simply share my thoughts without claiming any 'authority' on the topics I write about. In other words, I am not trying to 'advice' or 'lecture'. I don't see a problem with people taking selfies with the Eiffel Tower in the background, and I agree that a picture that preserves memory deserves to be taken no matter what. I just wanted to remind myself to make photographic sense, like jazz legend Jim Hall, who reminded himself to 'make musical sense' by putting this slogan in his guitar case.


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James on Why You Should Only Shoot in Your Backyard (or ‘The Art of Belonging’)

Comment posted: 21/12/2024

I have no choice but to shoot in my own backyard, as I don’t have the money to travel somewhere else to shoot. So Calgary and the surrounding area I can get to by car are my “backyard”. I make the most of it - but I’d love to shoot in Galway, Gibraltar, the South Bronx, or Port Moresby!

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